Thursday, December 21, 2017

General Hospital - December 21, 2017 Reflections

When you have a group of actors that damn well know what they're doing, combined with writers that can slay a story, then you get a show filled with passion. But with passion, happiness, sadness, twists, and confusion at times - you also get this thing called rambling. 

I have noticed that my twitter ramblings for General Hospital has become LONG and drawn out and frankly, that's because the show is evoking every emotion possible right now - but that's what you want. It's what you draws into the world, and makes you thirsty to come back for more. 

So why are we here for with a blog, now? Well, it's time to sort out everything that was written and leave a proper, thought out response - or attempted I should say - at what happened on screen. 

Let me say this disclaimer before I begin - my heart belongs with Jason. Ultimately, it was his character that drew me into General Hospital originally and I have always been a pure fan, come high or low, no matter the female attachment. 

That fandom comes for Steve Burton alone. Don't get me wrong, Billy Miller isn't a bad guy - great actor, and I can see him slaying the role of Drew. I mean, he did enough to get me all rambled a couple weeks ago so he's doing something right. But he never had the same effect that Steve has always had.

That said, being able to see Jason happy - no matter the way the story plays out, is end game for me. Just like it seeped out in my tweets today. For me, I like all the characters - Jason, Sam, and yes, even Drew despite him being a pain when this was originally all revealed. End of day, #jasam or #dream don't matter to me - I'm pure #TeamJason. I just want to see Jason happy & Sam not lying about her feelings for him. #GH 

So with that in the open, I mean, you can clearly see why this is happening lately, right? But okay, this tweet says it better.

Whether he reunites with Sam (which I damn well would love since that's my favorite love pairing of his), goes to Elizabeth (that could be interesting dynamics with Franco at play), or someone else, his happiness would probably be favored over everything. So just keep that in mind as you play around with my rambles.

Alright, enough with that. Let's just get straight to the goodness that I created this for. 

"Jake loves to draw - Jocelyn / "I didn't know that - Jason ....... Ugh, there's so much that he's missed out on. Can we start catching up on details sooner than later? You also have to wonder if Jason is connecting those drawing dots to Franco. Something about the look on his face just caused the immediate thought - but at the same time, we know Elizabeth used to draw herself due to the studio she used to have before her drama.

Regardless, besides that point, it's clear that we have a broken heart. He just started to connect with Jake a little - then Jake died. But seeing him again, realizing he's alive, it should really evoke every emotion at that core. But hey, we know Jason - he's not Mr. Emotional (except those damn dashing blue eyes that suck me in every time). Though regardless, regret and pain just make you hurt in not seeing them connect more already. 

For the record, I have never been a fan of #friz and that's due to my thoughts for Franco - which clearly are this - never ever forgiven no matter what. Tumor excuse can kiss my ass. I mean, we have the evidence that he continues to do shit things, too. Look at the countless lies that he has told Elizabeth - and still has one of those, too. So his words to Elizabeth while playing the game, "Just trust in your emotions; keep your guard up" really caught my attention today. "It fits for how Franco has been lying to her, though. Speaking about what he feels with gain the most emotions, but not telling everything due to fears. #nofriz #freeLiz #GH"  

"Too bad Franco didn't open the door for Jason. That would've made for a great Christmas treat... #GH" 

"I don't want you here." Jake / "I'll go check on him..." Franco..... Jason, both of those lines had to just cut to the core - don't know which one hurt more. #GH. Remember when Sam cheated on him with Ric Lancing? Remember how angry he was because Ric was the enemy? Now you have someone 10 times worse (strange huh?) taking care of your child. Try and process that. "I can't tell you how to live your life." Jason to Elizabeth. Nothing has changed there. Jason learned a long time ago that it backfires when you try to do that. That's actually what kickstarted the whole Lancing situation, if you think about it. "It doesn't change how he hurt Sam, Michael...." Glad that Jason isn't forgiving Franco anytime soon. #GH Yes, Jason hates Franco still. Yes, he isn't forgiving him. Can you blame the guy, though? Franco tormented him for at least a two year period. BUT like Elizabeth said, he won't hurt Franco for Jake's sake. The kids always come first. #GH I know there are some that would like to see Jason forget, forgive like everybody else has in town pretty much. But look back through the years. Jason was never one for forgiveness - and now you've got the biggest pain thrown at him and wanting forgiveness? Yeaa.... But at the same time, why hasn't he stopped Liz from being with him? Look at what he said about living your own life, but also maybe he's avoiding asking about Franco because he doesn't want to talk about him, knowing that in Jason's nature if he finds something that harsh to take in - he's lashes out, and perhaps avoiding that bc of the piece of him that cares for Liz.

And by the way, General Hospital, us fans are not blind. We see what you're trying to do in making excuses and sympathy for Franco with other storylines. Of course, you're going to make Sam go out of her wits and shoot Sonny - and then say, "Well if you can forgive her, why not Franco?" Let's just say that it's two totally different situations. 

Getting back to Jake,  Perhaps if Elizabeth sits Jason down and explains everything that Jake has gone through and such - including Cassadine Island, then maybe Jason could see where he was coming from and have a place to start... #GH I mean, like someone else said, this meeting took two months to happen, so are we going to have to wait another two months for a connection to begin? I mean, I honestly hope they're able to at least be in the same room by then. Jason deserves the chance to make up lost time. #GH 

You also have to love the fans that want to throw Jason totally under the bus because he hasn't "asked" about how Jake is, instead focusing on other crap. It's not that easy to ignore, though. Right now, I don't blame him for running around PC because he's trying to figure out who kept his ass locked away for five years. If you were locked against your will, wouldn't you want answers? Wouldn't you want to make sure that it can't happen again? #GH Eventually he does need to put some effort in, & yes, asking how Jake is, and why could Jake being doing this, or how can I make it easier would certainly be a good step. But also - how is he supposed to know to ask about what all happ before if he doesn't know? Also, perhaps he's purposely hasn't asked because he's trying to prioritize things in his own way. He knows that Jake is well cared for. He knows that Jake has a loving mother. And what if that threat comes in and hurts Jake, Liz, or someone else? Hence why he's keeping his focus where it is. #GH Certainly once he deals with the traitor and he knows that's gone, he will probably ask about Jake. I'm not saying he's totally perfect as he should've - but I'll give him 50/50 benefit of doubt

"So Monica asked Kim to Christmas dinner after Kim basically yelled at her? Interesting.... but I can see why. Monica has watched family member after family member either leave the city, or die. And with the Quartermaines being the cornerstone of the show, it really sucks if you consider that this is 55 years we're talking about. So I can see her desperation in wanting to have everybody she could get there in the house. That said, it turned out more beautiful than I could've originally expected, even seeing Ned and Oscar kindle over music a little. While Oscar may annoy me sometimes, we need him to keep this mark involved.

I will say that Ned's original reaction sparked some interesting comments today, though. Power doesn't seem to go with him, and it's nice that Michael is starting to see he possibly made a mistake. But Michael making a mistake? Well, that's nothing new lately. I mean, he let Nelle into his life. Ned, power and ELQ is just a disaster. #GH. Monica's response, "I don't need a DNA test. I am welcoming everybody that is family" was perfect, and goes along with what I explained up there. But I will add, we may want that DNA test if Kim is the traitor. I trotted with this idea earlier in the week. She has a black counter, and Britt said that the traitor went behind Faison's back and kept Jason alive for a reason. Could Kim be mixed up in this for whatever reason being the new girl on the canvas? Did she keep Jason alive so she could one day switch the brothers and rekindle back with Drew, again? Let's face it - maybe Faison is more behind this than Britt knows, and Kim got screwed in. Who knows..... 

You can tell Maxie is pregnant. She's a little crazier than even her normal self. Although, let's face it. Nothing will compare to the time when she lost JaSam's rings. Sorry, but I am never forgetting that. Jason's reaction at that time was just beyond priceless. 

Now is Sam rushing the ring delivery before her other emotions seep through? To me, the countless request to "stick it on me" just seemed potent. It proved to be right later on, as she pulled out the trusty lug nut (Sam went and pulled the lugnut out. Yep, she's totally not over him yet at all. #jasam #stelly #GH) and had a Christmas tree flashback. 

Now I had to laugh at the comment that @SmashingTasha made in saying, "I swear everytime Jason knocks at his own door, I think what the hell?" because you'd think he would've taken back the penthouse by now. But of course not, he doesn't want to inconvenience Sam. Like always, he is putting her feelings first. For the record, once the story does get moving along more, "I wonder if they ever changed the locks over the years. He's got to have a key lying around in one of those jackets to let himself in some time. #GH" 

Admittedly, I was absolutely pained that Jason wouldn't get to see Danny open the gift, but rather just leave it lying under the tree as I was looking forward to more scenes with them (Danny and him win most adorable scene of the past two weeks - just saying). So in my case, my advice to Jason -> No Jason, do not leave the present under the tree. Give yourself a chance to come back again, and see her and spend more time with Danny. Let yourself see Danny's reaction to opening the gift. #jasamiel #GH

 "Drew and I are getting married." The heartbreak written in those blue eyes immediately. Now are you going to start talking about how you've missed her, how heartbroken and lost you are, and how you will do anything for her? #jasam #stelly #GH For the record, I thought that Jason and Sam were still legally married. Yes, Sam filed for divorce - but it was Drew that signed it in Jason's name. So doesn't that make it invalid? So with that in mind, "If I was Jason, I'd be like, "Okay, so when are you signing our divorce papers?" #jasam #stelly #GH But instead, he goes another whole direction. Wait? You're going to give up the girl, and now the penthouse too? And you're not going to ask for your money back? "Consider it a gift - for Christmas."  Really? Can I smack Jason for how he is handling all of this? #jasam #stelly #GH 

By the way, @ShellsBells143 is my hero today. This tweet had me laughing my butt for a bit on the timing. "I laughed when Sam came down the stairs & had her flashback while they were singing ‘round yon virgin, mother & child’...😂 I know she’s getting a fresh start with Drew but come on...#GH" 

Some say that we should all be happy for Sam and Drew, and let them live their life. But I can't do that, yet. It's fact that there's other subliminal messages she's sending - like getting engaged to Drew & then pulling out the lug nut from Jason right after he leaves and having the emotions with it. Are you ready to move on or not? If she drops it all and moves forward, then I'll let go. And yes, it's frustrating to watch it sometimes so  I can see the frustration in the fans of the ship - but just like real life, you're not going to drop everything. You're going to need to figure things out first and then move forward... #GH And yes, I am aware that Billy Miller signed a one-year extension, but that doesn't mean he's about to be with Sam during that whole time. They could've also asked Billy to stay because they want to have his side of the breakdown of their relationship if Sam says goodbye, and seeing where he goes next - say Kim, or reignites with Liz. #GH

The other big point on soap twitter is that Sam wants to be with Drew due to no mob - recall their whole stint to Carly and Sonny. But let's recall now. Did Sam ever ask Jason to give up the mob life? Nope, she damn well lived it right beside him, enjoying the chaos at times in their life in solving the mysteries. #jasam #stelly #GH To be fair, can you really honestly see Jason walking away from Sonny? Jason was lost, unsure of direction, and Sonny gave him that assurance, path to take. Sonny also taught him a lot through the years, helped him grow. There's a strong brotherhood there between them. #Sason #GH Now for his family, down the road, he could leave the business, but stay friends with Sonny. But does Jason want that? That depends. Being involved with that has always driven him - but maybe a family and desire for a life with Sam could lead him to a new path a couple months from now. #GH

Besides all of that, I just want to wrap my arms around Jason, hold him, and assure him that everything is going to be okay. They say the holidays are the hardest on those who are heartbroken. Jason may be able to handle anything, but something has to give.... #GH And yes, some people have said that he should just tell them how he feels. But again, review your character history. We know how this goes with Jason. He doesn't say much, let's the eyes tell the feelings but not the voice, and then once it gets to be too much - hold on for mercy because the tidal wave is rolling through. And I can't wait for it because it damn near needs to happen now. #GH But for now as we go through the process of waiting for that, I can admit that this no emotions at all is just unbearable. And today - Jason basically throwing all that is his away to her because he always puts her first and she just accepting, yet seeing that sadness on his face - I was at point today to strangle Sam. #jasam Some of her behavior has me ready to scream - and I haven't ever done that with Sam. Even during that Ric Lansing storyline. #GH And by the way, I'm well aware that Jason never said the word "sorry" at that time. But while he persay didn't say "sorry" there was an apology gesture in his actions - which Sam took and accepted, because she knows he's a man of few words. That's how their relationship works. She rambles on both sides of the coin, and he interrupts to settle middle #jasam #GH

 "I'll be there in a bit." - Jason / "Are you sure? My mother would not want you spending Christmas alone." - Jocelyn / I am so glad that Jason has #Carson and Jocelyn - because given his sadness, he's going to need them whether he will admit it or not. #GH

"Do a lot of people tell you that you're like your mom?" - Jason / "Yes, yes they do." - Jocelyn / "Well, they're right..." - Jason. Just wait until Jocelyn is bringing her crazy antics to his door next haha But yes, I do see the similarities at times. Anybody recall how she handled the Oscar deal? Same way Carly handled Jason's deal. 

 #Joscar are really making me feel old right now in saying that a walkman is vintage. Where did the time go? #GH

By the way, speaking of Carly, it's awesome how some people want to call her the devil on twitter because of her advice to Sam earlier this week. Baffles me because what else did Sam expect when she talked to her? But oh you know anyone that sides with Saint Jason is the devil though ;) I give Carly all the power because least she was clear in stating "you know I am rooting for you and Jason..." and didn't try to blind it among rest of advice. #CarSam #GH And I love how you want to throw Carly under the bus because she never listened to reasoning from people so why should Sam listen to her? But hey, that's Carly. Carly is passion and fire, set on her own ways. She thinks a plan and is always set on it and 90% of the time she does it - unless someone steps in. That's why she always had a crisis for Jason because we all know she gets herself tangled in webs. So just because she didn't listen to others that u want to hold over her head, u can't fault her. Both convos with Sam she has been straight up honest like a good friend telling her the truth. And even if implying her Jason loyalty. she didn't mask it in reasoning.

PREVIEWS: #Carson with Jason! Jason gets some joy to his Christmas at least. #thankgosh / This #KevLaur wedding is going to be interesting - and why am I not surprised that Nelle fainted in Micheal's arms? Hello drama queen! #Melle #GH  

I am about to scream, though, as I will miss watching live on Friday due to going Christmas shopping. So hopefully I can either watch Friday night or Saturday morning ASAP because I want it. 

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...