Wednesday, December 27, 2017

General Hospital - December 27, 2017 Reflections

"Laura Collins. It has a ring to it." It sounds great actually. #KevLaur #GH

"I know who would have my vote. Someone with character, heart, someone who would protect the legacy of Port Charles. I can tell my candidate would be my wife, Laura Collins." Kevin has such a great way with words. I'd like to see her as mayor. #KevLaur #GH

"I don't feel comfortable with such an expensive object." Anybody would've known not to get a prist that because they know their connection to faith and objects. #GrAva #GH

I can see why Ava would think there's something going on between Griffin and Kiki. We've seen the daughter-mother sharing act before courtesy of Morgan. Frankly, #GrAva disgusts me so I'm all for some #Kiffin love if #Killon is over. #GH

Crazy to see Maxie and Amy working together after all the Ask Man Landers chaos. But I wouldn't trust Amy with a DNA test. She's likely to mess it up by easily being distracted, or blab to the wrong person. #GH

"Focus on what lies ahead of you. Don't look back." If someone is telling me that in the tone that she used and I am Nathan, that just makes me want to look deeper even more. #GH

"A coo-coo clock? Okay? One to wake us up every hour on the hour for the baby? Do you think your mom had one as a child and that's why she's like this?" Gotta love Maxi Jones! #Naxie #GH

"We don't get to choose who we fall in love with - we just get to choose how we deal with it." Felica's words can be used in so many ways right now on the show. Hopefully both #jasam and #Fanna do well in their steps. #GH

I wouldn't want to go on a side trip with Cassandra either. Smart move Finn. #GH

"Its a little James Bond meets the 3 Stooges, but it worked." Finn never does anything conventional. #Fanna #GH

"Then this whole charade would be over and we can go back to our lives." I don't think that's going to be as easy as it sounds there, Anna. Stop denying the chemistry! #Fanna #GH

So Lomax steps down just like that? Where the fire that we used to see out of our Port Charles mayor and her craziness? #GH

Previews for December 28, 2017

"Are you sure this isn't about wanting to get away from Sam?" Glad Sonny calls him out, and you can just see by Carly's reaction she thinking immediately. Let those gears turn because a planning crazy Crazy makes the world spin round and round. As annoying as those plans can be, I actually miss those lately.

I could kill Cassandra right now as I have wanted to since entering #GH stratosphere. But attempting to go after Sonny? Hah! You obviously haven't learned from everybody else who has tried - esp with Jason back by his side.

Drew and Michael together could be interesting.

Non-Episode Thoughts...

Let's just say soap twitter has been a very busy place today because holy cow, there's been discussion about everything underneath the sun in relation to Jason, Sam and Drew. So here's some bonus thoughts from me because hey, why not?

No matter what people may say about Billy Miller's position about Drew, let's make something clear - Billy Miller always signs one year contracts, no matter what soap he is with - not that it matters to me because I want to see Jason and Sam together anyway. But trying to use the length of his contract as a reason to state that JaSam is automatically end game is a little unfair stated here. Besides, we have better reasons as discussed previously in this very blog (see my JaSam musings if you missed those).

Now they mentioned how he may be upset with change of character, but he keeps denying that. I wonder if it's true based on how he just seems to dose through compared to at least some emotion before. But he had to know that once Steve came back, he was going to get the role. I mean, let's face it. Billy not cutting it was very true as I wasn't feeling it like I've ever felt with Steve even in his weak moments which are rare. 

Least general hospital is giving him a second chance with a new character knowing his abilities to see if he can make it happen like he has shown before, but I've noticed an even weaker Billy lately. Now if he doesn't show some sort of good change in the next year, who wants to bet there will be no renewal? Maybe as they establish the new Drew, we will get something going. One can only hope for the story-sake. 

Now if Billy is happy, then that's great. I hope he grows more in the role and becomes someone that I can really like. For now, he's just meh for me with what I'm seeing. That's my honesty coming out.

But personally, as of right now, he wouldn't be a big loss if he did go away after the year was up. #sorrynotsorry

Frankly, this could be based on his behavior so far. I can admit that I was annoyed with his constant whining. I can admit that I was annoyed with him playing himself up as the lonely victim despite both Sam and Jason being victims just like him. I can admit that I was annoyed because it didn't seem at first he was taking a single step to find his damn self. But now certainly he is taking the right steps in looking for answers, from talking to Andre to talking to Jason to agreeing to listen to the CD.

Does this change how I feel about him? Not quite yet. He could still do more to really win over my seal of approval, if that matters. I mean, he hasn't taken the step of offering Jason anything back. I mean, yes, Jason stepped up and said keep the penthouse, keep the company. But what about offering the money back? What about offering belongings in the penthouse, sentimental things? Small steps go long ways. 

Oh, but don't you know that Jason has to ask for it first according to Drew's fans? Yeah, that's what I damn well heard today, too. And for sure, he could do that. That's why there's 50/50 blame on both sides here of the coin no doubt. I just don't see Jason doing it because he always puts Sam first, and doesn't want to put her in the middle. Hence why he gave up the house and allowed her to keep the company. But he shouldn't have to ask first. Shouldn't the person who stole and committed said crime, whether intentional or not, give up to clear their own conscience? Shouldn't that be part of Drew starting over and finding himself? Shouldn't he want to give back something that's not his so he can't be tied to it - especially if he's so concerned over mob danger?

Oh, and I honestly laughed out loud when a Drew fan messaged me back that the above offerings are probably happening off-screen. Are you kidding me? That doesn't damn well go with what we're seeing in that man's attitude on-screen so I have to think you're lost in your virtual damn world. Regardless, it'd be nice to see at least a piece of it on screen.

The best is when some said that Jason never put Sam first. Cue the laughter for days here people because in many ways he did if you look back through the years - and other times, you're right, he may not have simply chosen her. But did she ever to his face object his life then? Did she ever to his face call him out? Nope, that was just how they were in their balance together. But again, I can't blame him for putting Sonny first sometimes and their brotherhood together. I mean, it was Sonny that taught him a lot about life and helped him down the road he took. They also bonded real closely with all they've been through, too. So can't fault him there. 

I mean, besides, why should Jason have to give up everything in his life to prove his love for Sam to you, when really, Sam is giving up nothing in return? It should be same both sides with no hypocrites so guess Sam has to give up Alexis, Kristina, Molly, etc, too - especially Alexis since she has close ties to ex-mob boy Julian.

I get some people are uncomfortable with Jason's ways - but hey, as we've seen on the show before with previous love interests with other characters, it's not a life for everyone to live and enjoy.

Another defense? Get ready to laugh.......Sam had no voice in the relationship. IMO Sam did have a voice in that relationship because there were lots of times that she told Jason how she felt - lots of times where she actually did the only talking with that.

Right now, though, Sam is perfectly fine with Drew - and hey, that's fine if she's truly happy, I guess. I mean, what else can I say? But IMO once he drops those emotional bombshells, she's doomed. I know I would just fall right into his lap. That's why Sam not fitting with Jason anymore, I'm not going to straight out say that yet - not until they have a real heart-to-heart and she hears out his emotions and even with those laid on the table can walk away. I'm not about to give up hope even with that summer behind us until that conversation. Maybe it's false, but I'm not the type to ever give up on #jasam

On that note, regardless what reasons Steve had for coming back, I'm very thankful. Let's face it - Steve has brought back the true soapy feels that I was missing, and has made me cry at times. From his reunion with Sonny, to missing Sam, to his reunion with Carly, then Spinelli, but especially the one with Danny. There was instant chemistry there for Jason and Danny. You could see it from their first encounter in Sam's hospital room. And their hug? That hug meant everything especially after the longing for Danny when Heather had him. I can't wait for more scenes of them together. 

And while some may say him signing a three-year contract means squat - actually, there are a ton of Steve Burton fans that do give a damn about that contract - myself included, because I know I am guaranteed 3 years of pure General Hospital bliss in my favorite being back. That said, even after the three year contract is done, I do not see Steve walking away from General Hospital again because you can see in his interviews, social media, and how he's right back to character that he's glad that he came home. I mean, did you see the facebook live that he did with Laura Wright? Lots of laughs and so much immediate chemistry that doesn't even need to be acted with them.

I will admit that I was about to totally give up on General Hospital, actually skipped watching days and weeks in a row. But have I missed a day since Steve has come back? Nope.

General Hospital - The Carly Effect on Jasam

It's been spoiled that Carly has a plan coming together for the end of this week for Jason and Sam - and I cannot wait. Scheming Carly is always fun to watch and laugh at.

But that aside, she has been my hero lately. Beyond the emotional scenes on Friday with Sonny and Jason, to her constant advice for Sam on both occasions has been spot on beyond anything. But it makes sense that she can give good advice cause Carly's been there, loving two people at once, with Jax and Sonny.

And sure, she inserted her opinion and vote for #jasam throughout, but at least she admitted it to Sam that she was doing that purposely - but still got some real good advice that Sam needs to take to heart. #CarSam #GH

"Be with the one who gets you . Who really gets you all the way to your toes . Otherwise what's the point?" is the best advice Carly has ever given, right up there with her point a couple weeks back that "Andrew is a good man, and he loves you. But Jason owns your heart and your soul and you own his. And admitting this is gonna be the hardest thing you ever done but it’s the best thing for everyone.....especially Andrew”" #CarSam #Jasam #Stelly #GH But that advice hits home because it seems right now Sam has to safe guard feelings with Drew, whereas she can be flat out honest when she chooses with Jason. Do you want life of hiding emotions? #jasam #stelly #GH

Carly’s words that, “Jason is just as much a victim as Drew. It really seems like Drew has all of your sympathy, and that Drew is the only one who is allowed to grieve” were just perfect as that’s what we’re seeing in the lack of emotion shown on Jason’s end. Way to drop that truth bomb and speak for a good portion of the viewing audience! #gh

"I'm rooting for Jason. I'd be lying about that. The team I am on is yours." They've grown so much over the years. #carsam #GH There was a time you never would’ve heard Carly utter words even close to that, ever.

"Jason is going to be just fine." "Listen to yourself. That's exactly why you're with Drew." Sam is avoiding her own #jasam feelings because she doesn't want to face the pain of crushing Drew since yes, like always, Jason can shoulder everyone's pain. #GH

Carly is also right about Sam needing to take a breather and step back from both men to figure out where she stands. I mean, anybody would respect that given the situation.

"You love Jason. & no matter how much u guard your heart, it will come out. And no matter how much u not say something, Drew will realize. He’s out there doing the noble thing, you're doing the same, & no matter what nobody wins." Carly's advice is on point again #carsam #jasam #GH

“Even if you don’t say it, Drew will know (just like Patrick did), hell he probably already knows” - Carly / That could explain the doubts that he has expressed in each piece of his life coming out, and the fact that he continues to need reassurance.

General Hospital - Jason and Danny (Delayed) Reflections

Although there’s so many rants and wrongs to be expressed for Jason and Sam together, can we just say that the Danny situation was done beyond perfectly? My heart swelled immediately with tears in my eyes. It was absolutely adorable, beyond cute, beyond spectacular - just perfection. Tears and emotions. I remember sending a friend that those tears were the most soapy tears I've had in a couple damn weeks since the last couple of reunions.

TBH I'm glad that @GeneralHospital is allowing Jason to reunite with Danny quickly. He regretted the time he lost as a father to Jake when he lied about being the father for his protection. He didn't get the time with Danny due to the kidnapping. This is beyond necessary. Admittedly, I was nervous about it happening after Sam said to Jason, "I know Danny's your son. But he loves Drew. And it's a family, and I know that's what you always wanted for him."

So thank you so much @GeneralHospital for finally letting these two truly connect. @1SteveBurton deserves this moment as Jason after all the crap he went through with Franco.

Also, big step by Drew to come out and admit that it's time to tell Danny that Jason in his father. You can tell that Drew's own situation with Oscar is already changing him - in a good way. I may not kill him after all.

As soon as Jason asked if he could get to know Danny, and Danny asked for that hug..... emotional overload. Takes me right back to Jason saving his life and then Sam envisioning for that moment to happen #jasamiel #GH Remember, he never got the true time with him after Heather kidnapped him, and after the paternity was discovered.

Like I’ve said over and over - cutest, most emotional, best scene that we've seen in weeks goes to Jason & Danny. Literally tears. From the emotions of Jason being away spread a little, to knowing that Jason has waited five years for that hug, to Danny's cuteness. Perfection #jasamiel #GH I absolutely loved how Danny's face keeps lighting up when he sees Jason, wanting to talk to him, looking towards him. It's like instant chemistry. #jasamiel #GH

Notably, it’s always been clear that he has loved Danny, too, as that was shown right from the beginning with Heather.

"Can I go play cars?" I love how Danny just walks off as if nothing happened. #GH

And although not really Jasam or Danny, I just want to say that I really hope we get to see more special moments with Jake and Jason together. I know it's going to take time as Jake adjusts to the news, and gets to know Jason and see he's not a bad guy, but with time we get can get there. #GH When Jake does open up, though, we know the emotions there will be overdrive due to their history with Jason giving him up, Jake's supposed death, and Cassadine Island. Don't lose out on time again, Jason. #GH

Right now, I think it’s an ill-handled situation all across the board as it shocked me that Liz wouldn't let Jason be there for when she and Drew revealed the truth. Having Jason there, allowing him to answer some of the questions, gives comfort to a confused child.

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...