Monday, February 19, 2018

General Hospital - February 19, 2018 Episode Reflections

The scenes with Jason and Drew were everything today. Love the small glares between the pair every so often as they went along. But also, the glances between Jason and Sam are even more meaningful - especially considering Drew misses them totally.

Anna was right in saying that Faison "was never one for the truth, but he did relish in everyone's ability to search for answers." I'd laugh if something does go down, and Sam is right and there's nothing in the safe. On that note, though, Sam being dismissive so quickly bothers me a bit, too. Anybody remember all the times that she stood behind Jason, followed whatever approach he wanted? Sure, they discussed, but in the end, she stood by him no matter what? Too bad she couldn't find her detective-self and work it out, too.

So of course the original holder of the keys to the safe is gone. I mean, that'd be just too easy if the brothers could  barge his place and steal the safe. Who wants to bet that Peter is the person of contact should one of the brothers die? I mean, it'd make sense in the "son getting the remainder of the estate."

I was about to smack Drew in wanting to leave at that point when he wasn't getting his way. It sounded so babyish. Glad Sam made the decision to stay. It's clear that she doesn't want to be away from Jason but she won't tell Drew that.
Diane's words in stating, "That's the last word from Caesar Faison" are far from the truth as really, we're just setting the stage for probably a story that will go on for weeks now. Drew even previewed in saying, "I wish it was, but this will is just the next move in his game." But really, he is wrong in his words (like always) as the game only continues if fall for his trap, and continue to play. By the way, if Drew tries something, I see his future already.

So Sam's first words to Drew when they're alone were, "You're not going to kill your brother. That's not even happening." It really shows where her heart is lying, and how he is constantly on her mind.

Drew asking, "You're not afraid that I am going to go after Jason, or Jason is going to come after me?" has me concerned, even if Sam replied, "No, I'm too smart to know that you both won't play Faison's game."  Because in reality, Sam may be questioning Drew based on behavior to date - hence initial reaction.

We know that Jason won't go after Drew. That's not in Jason's nature. He doesn't go after someone directly - unless they're threatening him beyond control. Drew hasn't done that (yet). Plus, he won't kill him due to Sam and the kids. Drew should know this based on memories. However, Drew going after Jason? His behavior has been skeptical at points, threatening, trying to back Jason in a corner. Given that he is already growing frustrated with the simple knowledge of the will, one has to wonder what his mind will do next.

Now Sam has to go through babying Drew again, convincing him about the memories being on a flashdrive, while Jason is actually continuing to do work towards finding answers. But watch Drew be mad when Jason comes to him with more information down the road.
Not surprised to see Jason say, "I'm not playing Faison's game" because he's already played one round of mind games (Franco) and we know what happened. Instead, Jason is being smart, recognizing the fact that Heinreck is still in Port Charles, and saying, "When he surfaces to claim the inheritance, I will be waiting."  I can't wait for that moment. I'm glad that we found yet another reason to love him!

It was interesting in seeing Sonny at the hospital with his father, too, as those added some more depth to the storyline to really see the direction they're going to take it. I think Sonny is equally afraid of the diagnosis as anybody, hence trying to avoid it now in possibly heading out of there.

That said, I was surprised when Sonny left Mike's room to leave him alone. I wouldn't leave Mike's room right now, given how on edge everything is. I was almost thinking he would've been gone when Sonny and Griffin came back. But of course, we know he didn't leave. Instead, you can see how it's starting to possibly soak in him saying, "Adella deserved better than me...." That line cuts the core. That said, Sonny cut equally when he told Jason, "Because of our history, I don't know if I can be the son that he needs me to be."
So of course they're going to have Maxie and Peter interact now. Like SOAPFansTweets said, "Henrik feeling guilty and perhaps obligated to take care of Maxie?" That'd make sense, based on how he is being guarded in what he says and does, too.

Maxie's reaction is one thing right now, but once she figures out Peter's whole connection, oh boy..... It's only a matter of time before she does, too, as she mentioned, "I don't even know why you were there that day," as well as, "Faison took off because of you...."

But really, the irony in the lines today at times were just almost eye-roll worthy. Maxie saying, "If Nathan were here, he would thank you, too...." made me laugh because if not for Peter, there would've been no digging for Faison and no revealing the truth and no gunshot. But because of Peter's own desires, here we are. At least Peter partially admits it with saying, "There's no need. Maxie, I am so sorry." Then when Maxie described a hero in saying, "When nothing makes sense or you're scared, you find a way to do the right thing." Well, clearly, Peter hasn't handled this brother situation fairly at all.

Really, you'd think he'd at least give her some dignity to move forward with revealing the truth to her.

While Peter may be irritable, Maxie did break my heart at times today, as she has done the past couple of weeks. Her words in saying, "the only thing that'd make me feel better is Nathan coming back himself" can cue the tears.

Peter saying afterwards to Drew and Sam that, "There are people here - a life that I don't want to leave." If he starts a love with Maxie, and she finds out the connection, oh lordy help Peter....

I wasn't surprised by Maxie saying, "I don't want any of his blood money. I don't want anything to do with the man who killed my husband" because you can't blame her after everything that happened. Really, Anna went to Maxie for selfish reasons. She wants Maxie to contest the will so Heinreck/Peter comes out of hiding for her own benefit. Using someone whose grieving is evil.

The election storyline started off with so much potential in watching Laura and Ned go against each other, and the two sides of the Charles Street movement. But slowly, but surely, it makes me just want to yawn and run away.
That said, we all know what Julian is doing by dropping the compliments for Alexis. It's clear that he's not going to give up on her no matter what. Also, as soon as Julian mentioned that "someone is playing for higher stakes," you have to know that it's Jim - even before he made that phone call. He's probably the one that created the slander campaign against Alexis, too.

With the latest news, I have to sadly say given Ned's behavior to date, I don't see resignation in his future. However, it could be done as a surprise. He's been on the power trip that he has been taking lately, first with his he tried to run ELQ and now with the election and his deal with Jim Harvey. Hopefully Jim's actions come out later on down the line. While I don't agree with Alexis and what she did in going to Nora, it's still not fair for Ned to win this way with dirty politics - esp when he hasn't had the people's interests in mind.

Now we see the direction of the election storyline, let's watch #GH have Julian save a possible throw of the election by finding out it was Jim's handy work as part of trying to redeem himself, which gets us all set for the #julexis reunion that should never happen anyway.

Once again, Jordan has to have Curtis do all the work for her.

General Hospital - Memorable Past Jasam Clips (Part 2)

Nothing like getting caught up in a marathon of old clips and end up staying up the whole night.......

That said, it's that time again to look back some of our favourite #Jasam moments

1. Danny's Birth

"I don't think you should give up on Sam."  "I won't." If Jason can see signs that she's breaking through, he's going to keep making sure to stay by so she can reach out when she's ready. Always put her first, but be there for the fall ready to hold her. 

"You don't just get this life. You have to fight for it." Sonny needs to remind Jason of those words, because based on his thoughts just before he went away and based on the passion he has now for her, we can all come back together and have the #jasamiel family we wanted.

2. "Before I met you, my life was pretty empty, and I was fine with it - until you moved in. You changed me, and I'll never forget that." Jason, Halloween 2006 

3. "You can't tell me he's worth another bullet." Spinelli  "Oh, he is." Sam   Can we get back to these three having moments like these? 

4. "A good father always puts their child's needs and happiness before their own." "I would never turn my back on a child that needed me." "It would be great to bring a baby in this world with you. I couldn't wait to watch it grow up, and wait and see parts of both us in that baby." 

5. To Risk & Love or Not

"The risks you take are up to you. So it's your decision if you want to share my life." Jason 
"I mean, yes, I want that. I'll always want that." Sam
December 2006

6. "A play? Don’t you think you’d be bored?” “No, because while you’re watching the play... I’ll be watching you” 

7. "You know I almost gave up and you were the only reason I wanted to fight." 

8. Helping Hand

9. Sam to Jason: “Suppose she grows up and she doesn’t know how to smile... do you really want to be responsible for a humor impaired child?”  

10. Hooker Adventure

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...