Thursday, April 26, 2018

General Hospital - April 25, 2018 Episode Reflections

So today's @GeneralHospital episode was awesome. @1SteveBurton and @kellymonaco1 still have it together. Get ready for some #StellyMagic tonight.

It was great to hear Sam say that she had a great time. But she didn't need to as that smile said it all before she spoke, though. That said, Jason is certainly enjoying this, too, in speaking of admiration for his beauty in saying, "he didn't have a chance against you...."

But then also with Sam adding, "I needed that" following the whole bank situation and a bike ride together - yeah, she's not playing a single bit here. So much for that changed for the kids, right?
So like I did in the preview the day before, I smiled in Sam saying, "Come on Jason, Spinelli stranded us here on purpose."  But I gotta hand it to him - he set that up nicely. That said, I would've done that well as they need to see the chemistry that we all see.

It's almost a chuckle in hearing Sam say, "We need to talk with him as too many coincidences keep coming up." Meanwhile, Spinelli hasn't taken any action - just observed - so it can only be one other thing causing this - fate. Isn't fate so wonderful? I mean, she even recognizes that because of the phone call to the airport about the flight.

Oh Jason in saying "it won't happen again because he respects you." Spinelli also has enough confidence based on time spent with you for what is going to happen soon.

That said, for being upset with Spienlli for setting them up with time together, Sam looks real angry. But I get it - it's just a good excuse right now to go along with "finding herself," "wanting space," putting aside the fact that she wants Jason back so badly already.

Jason saying, "I think he nudged fate in the direction that he wanted it to go" is spot on. Two people can be drawn to a room and space in many ways - but it is up to them in how they handle that. She could've avoided all contact, gone home, kicked Jason out of her room. She didn't have to invite Jason in the room to say what was going on, she didn't have to help save Spinelli, and she didn't have to go to the bank. But yet, she had fun instead. Like she said herself, "It felt really good to get back to what I know..."

"Are you sure you want to stay with this investigation? Sam, I love working with you, you're one of the best at what you do. But you said you wanted distance." "I did say that and this isn't it." She wanted distance from Drew's overbearing this to be herself again only. But there we go again with Jason putting her feelings first, asking how she feels, making sure that she's okay with all fronts of what is to come - even though it'd mean "more than anything" for them to reunite together.

I smiled in hearing Jason say, "When I got out of that clinic, I had no idea how much time had passed so of course I was worrying about you and Danny. But of course, I wasn't afraid of something had happened to you." He knows the strength that she has when she can be herself. She's truly badass.
My heart swarmed when he said, "When I saw that date, that's when I realized five years had passed and that's when I was afraid. Five years...." Finally, we have Jason expressing the emotions that we've been missing since his return. But of course, he isn't one for much talk except to Sam. And yes, my heart swarmed more when he said, "The whole way back to Port Charles, I was praying that you and Danny were alive. I told myself that I could take whatever had happened, as long as you were okay. You are."
Fate, ladies and gentleman. Huxbey is another common thread in this game as Sam recalls hearing the watch story. And you're trying to tell me that it's not meant to be? ;) It'd actually be awesome if Jason could see Mike wearing the watch now as recall Rita gave it to Mike, but he told Sonny a story of how it came from his mom.
"We were apart for 5 years. But yet we end up in the same bar, holding the same watch, hours within each other." "Maybe Huxby was right. Maybe the watch was lucky." "Or maybe Spienlli was right - it was fate." Can't make this up. #GH has been playing the #jasam beat all along.

They found a flight to get back to the US quicker than intended. But yet, Sam doesn't looking willing to move off the couch. It's like she wants to continue the conversation, test fate, see where it takes her. I would've actually liked to see them spend a couple more hours.

I practically smiled in Alexis' lines today. From her telling Drew to take care of himself, to her saying to Finn, "I feel sorry for him. No one wants to be the loser in a triangle." That's all that I needed to hear. Even those not a fan of Jason know what is coming. Thanks Alexis.

Oh Finn in trying to brush off everything he had with Anna by saying they "didn't even have a real relationship." But yet he turns around and says, "I do have feelings for Anna. If I could shut them down..." In return, I wish he'd just act on them because Anna needs someone like Finn in her life.

But instead, we know what happened with Finn and Alexis instead. Really, it's good karma in having Julian catch Alexis making out with Finn. I mean, it's like look at what you lost by holding that dagger to her throat.

Julian did earn some points with me today. The nicely dropped Nurse's ball hint to Kim with Drew standing right there was a great move. I mean, he may be an ass, but he can redeem himself a little by playing #krew cupid here. Those hints are perfect.

"Maybe they'll meet up somewhere and sparks will fly...." "Now you're reaching." "You never know until you make the first move..."  And yet look at what has been happening with each #krew meeting. Oscar's going to get his wish soon.

So this whole conversation between Jordan and Curtis came out of nowhere. Like, how did we go from "I don't know if we can trust each other but yes we have chemistry" to "let's get married" in the span of a couple months. Can we skip over this, please?

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