Saturday, December 23, 2017

General Hospital - December 22, 2017 Reflections

There's only one reaction to what happened today on General Hospital - 😍😭😍😭

Like I said on twitter, spectacular job by @GeneralHospital on the Christmas episode. From a great wedding to an emotional trio together, I am in total love.

The scenes were beyond perfection, but emotional enough that you wanted to cry. While General Hospital has been missing the mark totally on Jason's emotions since returning to Port Charles, they hit every core that you could've dreamed of on one day with his visit to see Sonny, Carly and Michael for Christmas. 

"She ran to me and said that she just did something that I would not like - but she was wrong. It was the best thing that happened to me." That right there just brought tears to my eyes. It really showcases the relationship between Michael and Jason over the years as it's been amazing watching Jason be there for Michael - whether helping raise him when he was young, to lecturing him (anybody remember when Jason yelled at him?) about the mob, to even going to prison for him to protect him. By the way, that prison storyline will forever go down in history as one of the best ever that General Hospital has done - right up there with Franco and Sam's miscarriage.

It was intriguing on soap twitter watching some fans be offended by Jason saying "best thing that happened," treating it as a slap in the face to Sam and his kids. I don't think it was meant to be taken that way, though. It's not like he's saying it's the best ever thing in his life - but rather just the fact that he's thankful it did happen. The experience taught Jason a lot about himself in the lessons he learned from helping raise Michael, and seeing a different side of caring that he may not have realized before. By taking care of Michael, it really helped Jason grow to understand love and caring of someone, and probably shaped the parenthood that you see now in his love for Danny and Jake. #GH

From the beginning of the scenes, I was all on-board for #Carson and Jason reflecting back on that time for Michael (custody battle) It really shows the bond between the three of them, and why despite rough waters at time, those three will always remain together. #GH But I will say it was nice to hear Carly admit her faults and her plan to drive AJ back to drinking. Unlike some think, she can admit her faults... That whole scene was just perfect. Tears... #GH

"Did you know about this?" Michael / "Yes." Jason  /  "Did you try to stop this?" Michael / 

"Your mother is always going to make her own decisions." Jason ....... Damn straight. Carly doesn't listen at all. #Jarly #GH And sometimes I feel bad for Jason in those regards because he has to clean up her messes - but you need that friend that keeps life interesting, right? 

"We grieved for that baby. If it wasn't for you, me and your mother could've drifted separate ways. You saved us..." #Carson .......Who cut the onions? #GH

Michael to his mom, "Do you think having me made you a better person? / Carly, "No.  I think loving you made me a better person.  #GH    Seriously, who cut the damn onions?

Who wants to bet Nelle set this whole faint in motion purposely for sympathy from Michael after he said he wouldn't provide for her? #Melle #GH

Now can we lace that drink Sonny handed to Nelle with truth serum? #GH

"So you're Jason...." Nelle / "And you're Nelle...." Jason ...... Nelle knows she's in deep shit now if she pulls anything. #GH

"You're not gonna tell me to have compassion for that pregnant snake, are you?" Well, Carly is beginning to realize her own things without going insane.... #Jarly #GH

Jason "Are you ok"??  Carly is like "How is Nelle showing up different than me all those years ago"?? Jason: You weren't manipulating me-- we were friends #GH ..... He may be giving her a little extra benefit then she deserves, but he's always done that with her because he gets her. #Jarly #GH

Carly: You gave me a place to stay, and you gave me money, and the key to your apartment on a keychain engraved with my real name. / Jason: Caroline. ....... The key gesture in return by Carly - just perfect and so symbolic, especially at this time in the storyline with where it stands. 

Of course, Carly got Jason a Christmas present. #Jarly #GH ..... "It's the key to the house here. I just want you to know that you always have a home here..."  Thank you, Carly. That's exactly what Jason needed to hear after the yesterday's chaos. Carly is just amazing lately. #Jarly #GH. In all the years that we've seen #Carson run to Jason and look for resolve, it's nice to see Carly returning the gesture right now. #GH #Jarly. 

Someone mentioned on twitter that it'd be interesting to revisit the sexual/love side of #Jarly because let's face it, Jason has been the only real stable man always there for Carly in her life. While I do love Carly and Sonny together, and absolutely support them to no end, I wouldn't mind revisiting this chapter if he truly is done with Sam. Their friendship is beyond anything, and well we know they chemistry in other places, too. #sorrynotsorry Sonny #GH #Jarly. I mean, it'd give General Hospital beyond crazy drama as could you imagine Sonny's reaction? 

From Carly's confessions, to the gift - my eyes have been watering all episode. This is just perfection. @lldubs is slaying this storyline from her advice to Sam to now this. #GH #jarly

"She can cause a lot of heartbreak - and I bet she will. But she won't win. In the end, Michael has us and we have each other. We've been through a lot and we're still standing." - Carly ...... I cannot wait to see the fall for Nelle as she goes against #Carson, Jason and Michael. #GH

"To those we love, to those we've lost, and those who have come back. I wouldn't be standing here if  it wasn't for you two. You've always had my back - and I've always had yours. I love you guys like family." Sonny .... That says everything right there about the trio. #GH

Outside of that....of course, Julian opened the door once he heard Alexis' voice. #julexis #GH Frankly, I never want to say Alexis and Julian back together. If someone held a knife to my throat and threatened to kill me - nope, not forgiving your ass. And some say that he did that to protect her - but what about all the abuse that she took from him in that time, too? 

But I do laugh. Alexis is the first one to step up and say Sam shouldn't be with Jason due to danger, and Kristina shouldn't be with her professor. However, she goes ahead and remains connected to Julian? And then she gets mad when her girls bring it up in her face? She deserves whatever comes her way. 

Jordan didn't need to insert herself in that conversation with Ava and Stella. #GH Frankly, I thought her telling Stella how to grieve was also rude, to be honest. 

Least Kevin and Laura will have a unique story to go with their wedding, and Laura looks beautiful. #KevLaur #GH 

KEVIN 2 L "WHAT STARTED AS A QUEST TO SOLVE A RIDDLE HAS TURNED INTO A VOW OF LOVE BTWN US! THE BEST DECISION I EVER MADE WAS TO ANSWER AN AD ... I DIDNT KNOW IT WLD LEAD TO THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!"  It's nice to see a fairy tale type of deal laced inside of a soap. That sometimes has been getting lost in the pitty drama lately.

PREVIEWS FOR 12-26-2017:

"You want more and you know that." Oh the chemistry between #Fanna continues to grow.

I'd like to see Sam explain to Peter how Jason just handed everything over to her after Drew used his money to purchase it.

And not too sold on Sonny & Drew but we'll see.... #GH

SPOILER FOR 12-26-2017

Can it be Tuesday already? Like, seriously? Just for the record - that dig by Drew in saying "Sounds like Jason does whatever you say" hurt. Glad to see we're still taking shots here as I thought we were moving forward. The end comments - not surprising, either....   "My life seems to be moving a different direction. Your life and my life don't fit together." - Drew to Sonny. Hey, that's fine. But doesn't mean you can't have compassion and possibly be somewhat friends at a certain level. That came across a little more stern than preferred IMO

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...