Wednesday, May 9, 2018

General Hospital - May 9, 2018 Episode Reflections

And the episodes get worse as we go...... Another, great big bore if you're wanting to know

So now Sonny is pushing the boundaries of Carly's issues by saying there's been four or five instances? Try just three with the scarf, house and grave as the phone calls were proven to be real.

I will say that Michael is right in saying, "Whatever she's going through is only escalating her feud with Nelle." Now how about everyone opens their eyes? Instead, we have to listen to the likes of "if she was in her right mind, she'd deal with Nelle in her sleep" and "but Nelle isn't even the problem right now." This lack of seeing the obvious or even hinting it has to be the most annoying part of this storyline.
So Carly says it's the "worse thing" and Nelle is the "closest thing" to the devil. But yet with everything going on, she can't even begin to suspect her. And fact - Jocelyn, you need to take off your all sunny and perfect glasses.

"You don't have to worry about me, Sonny." "Too late..." The problem is he's taking his worries in the wrong direction, not seeing what's right before his eyes.

Sun, surf, sand, and rum. I wouldn't mind a vacation with some Carson loving. Its much better than watching this Nelle storyline. Why tease us, GH?

What could be in a box that would make Carly's head explode? Something from Morgan's childhood?
I sort of said WTF when Nelle goes, "I'm going to get Michael, as soon as I take down his mother." Wouldn't it work to opposite to where mother will hate you next? Furthermore, how is mother locked away for crazy going to make Michael instantly turn a corner and love you?

I also rolled my eyes when she said, "By the time the shower is over, Carly will be exposed for the lunatic she is."  But I will say that Nelle is right in asking, "How come she has no idea that I'm haunting her?" It sounds ridiculous even when she says.

Now Ava outing Nelle for Carly just seems strange - especially when nobody Carly loves or herself can suspect her. Soaps certainly gone strange.

Thank you for Brad for seeing through Nelle's bullshit about Carly because I was growing very annoyed.

So Drew knows there's thunderstorms in the forecast, but hey, let's go wandering into the woods on a hike anyway. Thankfully for Oscar's own sake he has a reason to not go.

"Wouldn't you like to know who you are?" "Yeah I do, but there's obstacles in the way." Why have you just sat on your hands, Drew? Why aren't you doing stuff? Obstacles can be worked around and through.

I was honestly surprised that Drew actually called Maddox to get his memories back. Useless does something finally.

General Hospital - May 8, 2018 Episode Reflections

This episode was just "meh." I'm ready for everything to be exposed. 

So Drew immediately hit the attitude string in saying, "I don't want your sympathy. I don't want anything from you." But let's face it - he even knows what's to come for Jason and Sam based on his attitude streak and comments. Finally listening to your memories boy?

So Drew is obviously doing things for his own agenda in saying, "I remember everything you did wrong." You also know all the positive memories, too.

I laughed when Drew said, "She was happy with me until you fell from the sky." Um wasn't there doubts shared before then? And how is happiness true if you've lost your true self? If there was true love there and it was meant to be, Jason's appearance would not have resulted in your incoming divorce buddy.
"I just care that Sam's happy" "Always the noble one, willing to step aside." Oh Drew and your mockery. You said you know Jason well due to the memories, but you could be further from the truth Drew.

I was glad when Jason simply told him straight up, "I'm not going to apologize for coming back, for living my life...." But instead, Drew has to continue harping on the same crap and say, "I have the memory of every shootout, every arrest..." How about you stop harping on the negative memories to look your pompous ass look good? Those memories tell you that those kills were for good reason due to those people's evil activities. There's also so many positive memories that hey, let's just let Drew gloss over for his own agenda of making Jason look bad.
So while Drew continues to be his ass-self, Jason is just living his life, they're both victims, Jason has been trying to fix this mess for you, and you're the ass for changing Sam. I think once he gives jackass his memories back (so there's no excuses) and Drew is divorced to Sam, then the leech will be off Jason, or at least I hope.

For now, cue more eye rolls when Drew saying, "You do what you gotta do. I'm not letting my fate rest in someone else's hands. I'm going to do it my way." What have you even done so far? All you've done is sit on your hands and whine about your life.

I was smiling when Maxie said, "I'm not afraid of Eric Kane." It was a great reference to All My Children, which I could get used to seeing again. Rylee was always about great chemistry, and Erica Kane rocked it. That said, can Erica stop by to voice her displeasure in person?

"Turns out the timing is wrong." "What made you stick around?" I wish Sam would say something before Maxie gets too wrapped up with Peter and gets hurt worse when the truth comes out.


Once again, Valentine speaks the truth in saying, "Sam Cain is pushing to investigate you with Curtis Ashford. Considering she was married to Jason Morgan, your house of cards is fixing to call down." Everybody knows to never mess with Jasam, right? But first - can we get this divorce finalized so she can be Samantha McCall again?

I laughed when Peter said, "Sam isn't going to give me any trouble. She needs me to run Aurora." Sam don't need no man to run things for her. She could run that place without your pompous selfish ass. But we get you having the wrong view of her, thanks to Drew's negative effect on her. Just like Valentine said to Peter, "I think you're underestimating Sam, just like you're underestimating my wife."

There's Valentine's stutter once again. Just as Anna won't go to him due to fear of everything brought in her face, he doesn't want the same rein brought down on her. But despite of that, he did speak truth to Peter in relation to Anna in saying, "She's brilliant as Jason is relentless. Working together, they're going to find you."

"I've looked out for you since birth." "Desperate for attention...." None of this is building sympathy for Peter/Heinreck being left out by his father. He could've dealt with everything by revealing his secret. And the sympathy dies down when you have Peter saying "you've taught me to find weaknesses, exploit them" in relation to Valentine. So let's see - he was supposed to be protecting you from your father but it sounds he made you a different type of monster.

Peter is full of excuses, even saying, "Jason is alive because I turned him in the direction of my father and he's dead." You didn't need to turn him that way, Peter. He would've gone that way after being shot in the back.

So the meeting with Peter and Sam didn't last long and of course, he  would've loved for Sam to leave. It would make his game easier. Instead, like she said, "You seem disappointed..." Setting up for a great reveal week, eh?

"I hope your trip was relaxing." "I don't know if it was relaxing, but it was fulfilling." Ah yes, because she was able to find true self. That's why I hope that just because Nina has now said she's "calling off the investigation," please tell me you aren't stopping, Sam. We know you love this work.

Because let's face it - Lulu's end is highly compromised in getting Anna to review the e-mails. All I could think was oh lawdy when she said "I want someone objective to review the emails" and "It's so nice to be working with someone I trust."

As annoying as everything else is, I'd prefer it over the lawsuit any day. That's got to be worst storyline. I mean, Franco redemption #7472 is having him save the citizens of Port Charles from doom with whatever he got in relation to Jim. Cue my 7472nd eye roll.

I will say I chuckled when Liz said, "Wow, the power that monster had over his victims." And yet she's dating one of those monsters who continued to do the same to victims for years.

General Hospital - May 7, 2018 Episode Reflections

This episode was worth it some ways, yet annoying in other ways. Can we just call it alright? 
"I won't stay long. I just wanted to drop this off. Its a birthday gift...." "....for your son." No Liz, he's not there to see you.

So starting off, Jake looked much happier to see Jason this time. See the little wave the last time they were together made progress. But I will say that initially when Elizabeth pushed Jason to stay and Jake to spend time with him, I thought it'd have a reverse effect. Let the kid get to know his dad at his own pace. You don't want him to jump over him and cause him to be extra scared. That said, we know it's cause Liz just wants Jason time.

I also wasn't initially pleased when Spencer called and stopped the chemistry that was happening as we were making slow, awkward process. But any progress is better than none. However, it proved worthwhile as the change in light for Jake was nice. Thanks Spencer.

Oh, and the fact that Drew is teaching him math and Jason look dumb-folded in response - that was a little ODD based on character history.
The last scene - "Can you come?" "I wouldn't miss it." - My heart just swarmed ❣️

My only gripe with this - Elizabeth to make Jason forgive Franco. Can Liz just let it go? As long as he's peaceful for Jake's sake, what does it matter if personal feelings (and rightfully so) differ?

Speaking of Franco, I'm sick of this redeeming crap, even making that dude emphasize Franco's behavior with saying, "Until you stopped him - you and your friends." Actually, Drew mostly stopped him only. But hey, this is all about Franco right?


"I'm actually thinking the timing works out." "The timing?" "For me to move out." Finally Griffin sees the light.

My eyes rolled when Ava said, "You used to tell me you accept me for who I am. You used to tell me that you wouldn't judge me." That's when you said you were changing for the better good, but you lied through your teeth. Now Griffin is realizing you can't walk the walk. So yes, that's why he's leaving "because he's outta miracles" since you can't make that happen when someone lies about their intentions.

I was also set for the cheque reveal in being the best moment of this episode. Too bad Lucy didn't just enter a number of her choosing. That was as good as imagined though. Instead, it just flopped right on her face with Ava re-writing the cheque and Lucy leaving.

I mean, even the fall out for Nelle was pretty dead, too. And Ava, while you may resist helping her because you can't have Griffin seeing "a change in fate in me," you already do enough work on your own.

Nelle had me hopeful, too, that she'd confess what she's doing to Carly truthfully. Instead, she talked so much outta her ass. Almost like to blow suspicion off of her. But for what? Nobody is suspecting her of anything.

So when Carly said, "Oh I'll be here. Wild horses couldn't keep me away" about the baby shower, there's only one thing I could think of - cue another phase of Nelle's plan.

Really, can we skip these scenes? Also, let's skip the earthquake ones, too. Its an annoying bore now seeing the rebuild. But I will say of interesting note - So Julian called Alexis for a second cup of coffee and she accepted.....

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...