Friday, March 2, 2018

General Hospital - March 3, 2018 Episode Reflections

In short, General Hospital was everything today. As a Jason fan, it had a bit of everything you could want in a day. I can't wait until Monday now. 

#Jarly #Melle

It is adorable and nice amidst all the drama to see the family side touched, with Jason spending time with Carly's kids as Carly gives Oscar the "talk." For the record, Carly is aced it with Oscar about the dance - just as much as Jason is in being an Uncle to Jocelyn. But he is right, she is certainly Carly's daughter.

Jason is right in saying, "When Jocelyn wants something, she's relentless...." but you have to chuckle at Carly being the worried parent in saying, "I know, and that's what scares me."  The fun that we could have as Jocelyn grows up could be interesting.

That said, the Jarly relationship was everything. My heart swelled when Carly said, "I don't want her making my mistakes, going after the wrong things, and hurting herself. I was 10 years older than she was. What would I had done if you weren't there?" Carly is right in saying that Jason may be too easy on her at times, but come on - that's the dynamic of their friendship as he's her ride or die no matter what. His response to that comment was perfect in saying, "I don't care what everyone thinks. You're a great mom. Jocelyn is going to make mistakes, but everybody makes mistakes. That's how you are diff from Nelle. You learn from your mistakes - Nelle doesn't." The man doesn't speak much at times, but his advice is always spot on.

So of course, Carly going to see Nelle right after was everything. I'm glad that she called her out on the Jocelyn fact again in saying, "You're using Jocelyn to get to Michael, and that ends now..." Just wish she knew about the phone calls.

Nelle's dress stealing excuse that, "What does it matter? Crimson has tons of dresses. I was trying to do something nice....." was a little ridiculous. Kind of like a kid saying that it's okay to steal candy from the grocery store because there's lots on the stuff. But Carly hit it right back out of the park in saying, "You were playing her to get to Michael, and that's trashy and pathetic - just like you." Personally, I could listen to Carly ride Nelle's ass all day.

I laughed at Nelle saying, "All of these years holding Michael underneath your thumb have come back to bite you. It's going to chase him away right into my arms." In your dreams, Nelle. You're forgetting that anything that frustrates Carly gets someone's attention and he will make you pay.

#JosCar #Dream #Krew

Speaking Oscar, way to go for standing up for your girl - even if maybe not in the best way possible. As soon as I saw the dress ruined, my first thought was please to be confirmed stolen by Nelle with it being ruined so she will get in kaka big time from Nina.
I also hate to joke about what happened, but hey, Jocelyn has a built in Halloween costume now..... 

Speaking of the dance, I may not be a #dream fan, but Drew got some dance moves with Sam. But let's just also add that we learned from the dance that #Krew has great chemistry, and it should be great to see that grow some more with the earthquake.

No surprise that they got #JosCar to be trapped in the freezer for the earthquake. I mean, who goes there for time alone especially at a dance you're hosting together?  .....That said, can you imagine Carly's imagination and reaction when she finds out? 

#Melle #Mason

Least Nelle is right in saying, "I don't have any family...." because she keeps chasing them away with her craziness. Of course, for whom will take care of baby if something was to happen, that leaves Michael's - how nice. When Nelle said, "You cannot be seriously thinking of your mother" I almost wanted Michael to respond that he was to see her reaction. It'd be fun to see her spaz out of control again.

That said, when he actually replied, "I actually have someone else in mind," I immediately thought of Jason. He knows that Jason would be caring from his own experience. It really honors the father-son relationship that they built over the years and showcases it. the simple chemistry and relationship between Jason and Michael through that was amazing. It's great to hear them talk about the past together.
#Jasam #Jasamiel 

Anybody remember the spoiler that said fate would bring Jason and Sam back together? Welp, "fate" did a good job in putting both Jason and Sam at the Quartermaine Mansion as they came for different reasons. "Fate" has a good way of having a big event happen, resulting in close kindling. "Fate" has a great way of allowing them to see our #JaSamReunion2018 happen.

When Sam said, "Drew is still there, so if you want to say good night to Danny before I go home...." was putting me off a little. I know Drew was disjointed in the last meeting due to being forgotten in the car, but come on now. Basically we're at the point where Jason can only see Danny because Drew isn't there with Sam? That seems fishy. I mean, I get that Drew is an ass to Jason but that shouldn't result barrier for Jason/Danny.
I laughed at Sam saying, "What? No! That'd never be fair. Having the dog and you? I'll never get him home" as it was just the perfect response. That said, excuse me while I eat up that smile, happiness, banter......

Love how Jason wrapped his arms around Sam to lead her to safety at the beginning of the earthquake. the spoilers now say that Jasam is supposed to save Franco as part of this earthquake storyline, and I addressed that hugely yesterday. I'm not going to repeat that all over again, except I will add this....

You can thank Drew for this mess. The gifts from Drew's decisions just keep on giving for Jason. It sucks that now Jason has to play "nice" to the man who tormented him for years for the sake of his kid Jake, because Drew as Jason allowed Franco to raise him with Liz, despite having all the memories.
That said, this earthquake should be everything we need for a reunion. Probably seeing that she almost lost him again, almost lost that chance to rekindle, and seeing how great of a team they are, she realizes that she truly can't give up anymore time and needs to rekindle.


Valentine may not be my favorite person but he's right in saying, "I think a pigeon could tell you he - Faison -  was deranged."

Franco/Jim #NoFriz

Jim saying, "I was there when Andy took his little fall down the stairs." didn't even surprise me. And of course Jim says that it was Franco that did it. You also have to love how he emphasizes his point in saying, "You wanted the truth? Don't say I didn't warn you. You pushed Andy down those stairs. You tried to kill him." Meanwhile, we all know that it's always the opposite of what someone says that happened - therefore confirming Harvey did it.

I mean, when Jim said, "I'll never forget the sound when he hit that basement floor," I was thinking well duh - you probably pushed him, and meant to do it yourself.

It also didn't surprise me that Jim wants it to be remain hidden, saying, "What you did to Drew was my secret. Now its ours. Nobody needs to know about this - not Drew, not your wife." If he was to say something, it's clear they'll all see through the loopholes.

But really, I can't feel too bad for Franco when he comes back with a line like, "Since the tumor has been removed, I have been able to control my violent impulses." Excuse me while I laugh for the rest of this episode now. That said, I didn't appreciate Jim's response with, "Maybe the tumor just enhanced what is inside. Maybe you were just born bad."  While Jim may be true on one level, hearing it from him makes me want to smack him esp if he was responsible for the stair incident. Can't believe I'd want to smack someone for Franco's sake though.

Jim repeating, "She doesn't have to know what you did" is ridiculous. We all know every story comes out in Port Charles. And then him adding, "I'm just trying to save you from yourself" was laughable. Making someone avoid their past certainly isn't accomplishing that.

That said, at least Franco has a brain here in replying, "I don't think anything you said is true. I don't think it happened that way. I think you're lying to me, again." There we go.....

Now with that out of the way, can we blame the earthquake on Jim Harvey? His digging went wrong....
I almost laughed at Liz saying, "I can handle it myself...." It's not like Elizabeth has been left at the alter before.


I wanted to smack Jordan when she said, "The more you say, the more you incriminate yourself" especially considering their dating relationship. But huge kudos to Curtis replying, "It's not about me. It's about our community." This man, we need to award him a medal. This is the Curtis that I fell in love with originally.

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...