Friday, May 18, 2018

General Hospital - May 17, 2018 Episode Reflections

I almost wanted to get giddy about the thought of Sam being caught in Peter's office without having seen the lighter yet. I mean, that could've been perfect. Jason could find it once he goes looking for Sam. Instead, it was just the on-staff cleaner. Thankfully he was a good employee, kept his mouth shut and went to clean someone else's office.

And no, I am not surprised that Sam found the lighter. The better part is the fact that she noticed the initials, remembered the conversation - and called Jason. That's my girl. We aren't playing anymore. We know Peter has Faison's lighter and we got Jasam together for some Stelly Magic. This is not a drill.

On that note, Peter, how about you take Maxie up to your office? I'd love to see the look on your face in seeing Sam, the person you thought you wouldn't have to worry about, sneaking around your office with the lighter in hand.

Instead, he is playing text dummy with Anna - who obviously has someone on her trail thanks to the will, and that'd be Finn.

I will say that he is right that she "can't keep doing this" and the fact that they've wasted a lot of time. But his line about the fact that he knows she's dying - We know she has that blood disease but dying? Little extreme there Finn. That's not why she's so withdrawing from you.

My heart swarm he said, "I still care about you. I never stopped. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you..." But if he wants to stop playing games, how about reveal the additional son you saw listed in the will?

So they could've done better with Chase's choreography, but that was a decent performance. He can sing. The better performance, though, has to be Curtis as his act was pretty good, and that's certainly one way to propose. Now just imagine if Jordan said no in front of everyone.

Oh, and it didn't surprise me in hearing Mac is out of town. That's too bad as it would've been great to see him perform.

General Hospital - May 16, 2018 Episode Reflections

So far, the Nurse's Ball is going solidly. I just want to know why Lucy walked the red carpet with a llama.

So I still like how Jason snuck in without the cameras noticing him - just like him, always.

And of course, as expected, Anna hasn't notified Jason of a single e-mail from Heinreck. I mean, I even said on May 11 that of course Anna would get her hands on the e-mail, and contact Heinreck directly himself. And of course, she won't say a word about this probably to Jason - once again breaking that trust barrier a second time, despite expecting him to tell her everything constantly. It didn't even surprise me when she said, "Still waiting for an answer." I hope it backfires on her.

By the way, Finn was the perfect person for Anna to bump into - but can we just skip over that and admire how stunning Ms. Samantha McCall is? She's looking as beautiful as ever.

So that short and sweet Jasam scene was everything. From "I hoped you were coming" to sharing the fact their using the Nurse's Ball as coverage for other things, to the small glances that make Stelly Magic what it is. And yes Sam, we see you checking out your man.

I rolled my eyes when Valentine said to Nina, "It makes me want to do unspeakable things." I mean, isn't he doing enough? That said, he's digging himself a deeper hole by trying to "wisk you away on a fabulous vacation" in the midst of all the drama.

Cute moment of the night goes to Oscar telling Jocelyn that she's "prettier than Cinderella." I also loved Carla Hall with Olivia.

General Hospital - May 15, 2018 Episode Reflections

I'm glad we're seeing signs of the real Carly shining through in saying, "The whole thing is a setup." I also love how Carly's eyes darted to Jason. He'll save her as always now.

That said, in the same respect, his eyes never left hers as she discussed the blanket with Sonny and Diane. It's like he's searching for truth, knowing that she isn't lying, trying to figure what puzzle piece next and what to do. Nelle better be ready for what's to come. I mean, he's already on the case in saying, "Somebody else took the blanket. We just need to figure out who it was."

I really rolled my eyes when Sonny said, "they have that type of relationship. If she says she'll jump off a cliff, he'll be there to help her." It's more like he'll be there to catch her, Sonny.

I also wanted to say WTF when Jason said, "He doesn't trust my judgement when it comes to you." You think Sonny would after all these years. He should've learned that Jason is always right when it comes to Carly.

That said, while we work at getting Carly out and proving Nelle for the witch that she is, how long until Michael sees through Nelle's fake nightmares? Saw that little smile when Michael cuddled her. I will say, I think the signs are there as he told her, "We'll talk about it later."

And yes, I was sad when they said the baby was fine. As I said after she went tumbling, I wouldn't mind Nelle losing the baby. That'd break her and Michael apart for good. 

I will say that the Ava-Nelle dynamic could be interesting moving forward as we're seeing the Ava that we're used to seeing now that she has the blanket, rather than easily being manipulated into bringing a gift to the shower.

Moving along....

Drew is actually doing something today? Are you sure this isn't alternate universe that I'm watching?  That said, I laughed when he said to Andre, "Why can't it be that easy?" Cause life isn't easy. You can't just whine and instantly get what you want.

By the way, what does an llama have to do with the nurse's ball this year?

I smiled when Griffin said, "Leave Port Charles, or come clean, or you'll find yourself at someone else's mercy." Can we just make that happen?

Really, we may not need outside help as it seems Valentine and Peter are slowly unraveling. Valentine's freak out was beautiful, especially, "Do you know what you've done? You've screwed us both!" Isn't it lovely?

General Hospital - May 14, 2018 Episode Reflections

"You know I always got your back." "Yeah, I know..." The #Sason brotherhood is awesome.

I rolled my eyes when Michael said, "Nelle and I have come to a common ground." But that said, it's nice to see the disbelief in his eyes with her going on, or else that boy would need a smack of reality.

So I initially freaked when they said that the blanket disappeared? I mean, Nelle fell when she pulled the blanket out of Carly's hands. It would've been with her as she went down or fallen out of Nelle's hands at the top of stairs. Nobody else has been around to move it.

....but wait - someone was around.....

Ava went upstairs to check on the kids - she didn't want to be traumatized, remember? - and probably snatched it. So Ava doesn't want to get caught in the middle last week, but is an accomplice this week? Recall she didn't want to be an accomplice due to wanting Griffin to "see a change of fate in me" on May 7. That doesn't make sense - except for Ava's custody motives.
I didn't one bit go against Valentine's suggestion to Peter in saying, "Worse case, she brings Jason to your door and you know how he deals with enemies." He was also right in saying, "When Jason disappeared, Sam's world blew up, so she wants answers too." But of course, Peter remains cocky and says, "I'll find a way to deal with Sam." Are you sure about that? The minute you do, you'll attract someone else whom you don't wanna meet. Oh, and you don't know who you're dealing with.

That said, I don't mind laughing a little in how Valentine thinks he stopped Anna from searching for Heinreck.

Meanwhile, I had other thoughts on Anna as it was easy to see that she was staring at him without a single world. That's why I laughed when she said to Jordan that "there's nothing going on." It's only a matter of time, right?

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...