I will say the final scene in Sonny finding the money hidden in the cigar case at Mike's was interesting enough. It makes you wonder what Mike is up to, and why he hadn't given the money to curriso, or his contact as specified in the job description. I mean, it's not like we're going to bring back a character for a simple two days like we have witnessed so far, right?
Also, I wonder if Sonny's dad Mike doesn't realize Courtney is dead. From the "I don't know what it feels like to bury a child" yesterday to "not wanting to be a burden to you and Courtney" today, it just seemed odd. Maybe he's beginning to lose his memory and that's the arc they're heading into next here.
Its also intriguing that Kim doesn't know the history of #julexis. She can't read the news? BTW the final #julexis scene - I have to take that as a clue that those two are far from over, no matter how frustrating they are. Sorry, but not a fan here - esp after what Julian did to Alexis. On that note, I think once Kim finds out that Julian tried to kill Alexis, she may run....
Oh and Robin speaks the truth in saying, "Why don't you own up and admit your feelings for Finn?" It'd be better for everyone as Anna and Finn have some of the best fun chemistry that General Hospital has offered lately.
Now since I really want to offer something positive, I will say that Dante's reflections on Nathan were absolutely beautiful. It's nice to see the brotherhood being portrayed so nicely. If you missed it, here's my sound-off note.