Thursday, January 4, 2018

General Hospital - January 2 & 3, 2018 Episode Reflections

New Years Left Over Reflections

Seeing Kim and Drew together, it got me thinking. It gave a glimpse of the character Drew could become as he finds his own personality, history, and background - rather than some of the whining that grew to be annoying when he initially found out, or this whole careful with feelings thing that I feel is happening. It actually maybe even opened the door for me to like the guy - that was until Tuesday's episode, though, but more on that later on.

Now here's a thought, too. #BillyMiller didn't start acting Jason-precise till that was shoved down his throat with the reveal. What if his Jake-ness was really Drew coming out? If that's the case, hello #Lake getting together while we reunite #jasam because #friz just doesn't cut it for me. I mean, if we can get Drew to be more like he was when he was unidentified/Jake before Jason, then I would like him. I remember tuning in then and loving the chemistry between him and Liz before the lies came out. Just imagine if we got back that.

By the way, it's fun how people look at that kiss and see disgust and try to make a big deal out of it. Same way people missed Sam's actions of longing for Jason in her emotions and conversations with other people before the kiss, too. Same way people try to say certain things happen in "off-screen land"

Also, is it interesting how Kelly Monaco just posts promotional stuff with Billy Miller, but not with Steve Burton? Sometimes it makes you wonder if maybe as a person, she'd prefer to stay with Drew on the show - but the writers want to take her character another way (and right way based on her character's history, to be honest IMO), and she's trying to persuade them otherwise. But let's face it. It's not up to actor's choice because sometimes they don't know what their character needs and sometimes they see chemistry that really isn't real. So rather, you have to do what is best for the story - and hopefully come to terms with it, knowing that this is your pride and joy. It's one of those "Grow up, deal with it, understand why they're doing it" - even if that seems a little rude to say. 

Now someone said what if Kelly is trying to avoid creating stress outside of work with this idea due to having an off-screen relationship with Billy? My take - if you're allowing a show, something you know is acting and not real, to create that stress - than that should say something.It's all about creating that balance in knowing the boundaries of at work and at home, and respecting those. But forcing a story to be sacrificed for those reasons? Not sure if I'm on bored because signing up for show and role includes leaving certain things out of discussion.

Be interesting to see how it affects Sam on-screen, and Kelly off-screen moving forward if I are on to something. 

I've said this before, but it is worth repeating as we start the new year - #jasam is the top relationship (well except #Jarly, but that's special the way it is and let's not ruin that by going further). But if it's not gonna work, then end of the day, I just want to see Jason's character be happy with whatever direction he goes. If a day came that Sam could say her feelings straight out, without a single pause, that she loved Drew more than anything, wanted that life, wanted to be away from the mob - then okay, willing to accept. But you can't accept that when you've got her longing at other times. 

If we could just get Jason to totally break down all of his emotions with Sam again like he has in the past - rarely but at important times, he may break through her walls of defense. Instead, we have Sam comforting Drew's insecurities, while avoiding of her own emotions as she doesn't want o push his buttons at all. Even if she'd admit a touch of her Jason feelings straight to Drew, it'd be a start to show they're really honest with each other. But right now, she's avoiding her feelings, because she knows what they'll do to her, and A) she doesn't want to back out on her promises to Drew, and B) She's afraid of falling hard and having her heart broke again should something happen. 
By the way, I'm ready for them using more flashbacks as you cannot deny their history - trust me, I've already done a post dedicated to that and I already have enough material for another round, too. Truthfully, .@GeneralHospital could work it perfectly in using the flashbacks, too. As she thinks about those moments, it makes her cherish what she had with Jason more and more, and makes that yearning for him just continue to increase. Recall be4 new years on Christmas, she thought back to the tree. She also had another flashback at another point. Then there was the new year's kiss flashback. Let the flashbacks continue to get more powerful, meaningful, and reteach her so she can't avoid it.

January 3rd PRE-SHOW: Should be interesting #fanna drama today - not that I care about Valentine's connection to be honest. #Grava makes me puke, and I love how Sonny keeps asking what Carly did. #carson. But no #jasam in the preview? :O 

January 3rd Reflections

I think that kiss made him realize just how much he misses being with her and how much he longs for her - more than he may have realized before. Could also have been realization that she has that same passion back in response, still. 

Notice how she pulled back a little but dove in for more? Yep, I saw that, too. She knows how badly she wants him and I love it. And the look in Jason's eyes means he knows there's hope for them - maybe he'll start fighting for them. But once again, we cannot face our feelings with words. If only we could do that then maybe we could get somewhere. Rather than avoid - say something Jason! But of course, he won't. That's not his style. Instead, you have to push him right into a corner before he will #jasam #GH

Drew threatening Carly? Excuse me while I kill myself laughing. Sorry buddy, but you're not going to get anywhere with her. Can't believe his attitude. I mean, okay they were caught off-guard. Be thankful wifey is okay and comfort her. 

“Can u believe how passively aggressive this man is? He knew what Carly was up to & just sat back and let it happen…He’s not honest or brave enough to do it himself, but let’s Carly do it for him." Can't believe Drew say this when Jason stopped him from getting marshalled. And truthfully, it got worse from there as I was pissed at Drew by the end of the episode. I mean, who does he think he is? I began to forgive a little when he began to back down a bit and search for himself, and made the point that Danny should know his dad. That was like a 20% retraction. That's gone now.

“I’m not trying to pretend that I don’t, either. I’m like any grieving widow who loved someone and lost them, and fell in love with someone else." Really Sam? Because this is the first time that you've spoken about your feelings for Jason to Drew openly. I did like her adding, "You have a past, you just don’t remember…” as if to give Drew back a bit of attitude. It's about time that she stops just bowing down to everything he says.

"I’m like any grieving widow who loved someone and lost them, and fell in love with someone else." “You’re not a widow. Jason is not lost. He’s right here.” It doesn't mean the feelings aren't like that based on the situation. How inconsiderate of a response. 

"I understand it makes things a little more difficult. But it doesn’t change my feelings for you. I am in love with you. I want to be with you." What about the kiss? What about the longing? What about avoiding discussion of and with Jason?

“I love u, too & I love u enough to step aside if thats the man that you truly want to be with. I just want u to be honest with yourself.” Drew, that may earn you a point of redemption. Glad to see that you're willing to do that when the time comes. Doesn't make up for rudeness.
"When I met Jason, I was a mess, and he helped me become the person that I became today, and I will always be grateful for that" He helped her just as much as she helped him. That's why they're so good together.

"Jason can't offer me the life for my children. I can't be hanging off the back of a motorcycle in my spare time." How about you explain how you've changed? Maybe he's willing to change and adjust - he has said he'd do anything for her in the past.

"He spent his life sacrificing for everybody. He deserves it.....He lost five years of his life. People are acting like it's strange that he wants to come back and get what he wants. He deserves this." Please keep preaching, Carly. You're right now my hero. 

This should be an interesting #jarly discussion. "How mad at me are you?" In honesty, like he told her straight out, he's not mad because let's face it, he probably enjoyed the dominoes, tequila, and the kiss.

“I love Sam, and am always going to love Sam, and I just want her to be happy, and she’s happy with Drew. They’re a family…" She's acting, Jason bc truthfully whether with Drew or someone else, she's longing for you. That's why she avoids seeing you to not face  that. 

“Every time we’re together, it hurts her, okay? And I cannot be the one causing her pain.” I feel she's in more pain right now, secluding her feelings for Jason to please Drew and his needs. She don't want to be the last straw to drop for Drew.

"Thank u for believing in me since I got back. When I first came to town, I honestly felt pretty lost, but as soon as I saw you guys, and the recognition from you guys…I love you both, I’m sorry I was gone, but I’m very, very happy to be home.” Just perfect. :) SQUAD GOALS!!!! That toast was beyond perfection. It goes perfectly with the toasts that we witnessed on Christmas. And by the way, Jason, we're very happy that you're home, too. You've brought the passion back to #GH for me.

So looking back - I have one thing to say: Drew, you're on the most hated people list now, second to only Franco. From accusing Jason of being on the plan (despite having all of his memories and knowing his behaviors), to the rude comments (again, how based on above), to his comments for Sam - it disgusted me. You'd think having the guy's memories and knowing things that he did would show you damn well otherwise.

The only true words he said were “I love u, too & I love u enough to step aside if thats the man that you truly want to be with. I just want u to be honest with yourself.” but how much does he really mean that is questionable. Maybe his thoughts about how strong and powerful he is, and how everything seems to fall his way (and Jason continues to get the shaft) are beginning to go to his head ;) 

It'll be interesting to see when he finds out about the kiss. Someone pondered Carly finding out from either Jason or Sam, and then leaking it to Drew eventually. After all, we know how secrecy and Carly work, too. I actually can't wait until Drew finds out - just so I can see how much more whining he does about the situation... But it's interesting how Drew asked for honesty from Sam, and Sam didn't say that she kissed Jason.
The cycle continues as she keeps longing and hiding feelings, which means one thing alone - we're getting another #jasam chapter, if we're patient enough.

Right now, she is doing it because she knows how fragile Drew is, based on his whiny outbursts. She doesn't want to totally crush him because our girl has a heart, and a child with him. But is living a lie really better than facing that reality?
By the way, here's your horror thought of the day -- Drew's whining is almost like a male version of Liz's jealousy for Sam with Jason. Oh gosh, hello nightmares. Maybe that's why I am so set on having Jason and Sam back together, and then Drew with Liz again. 

We could've warned Griffin that Ava would be shallow, see the worst in someone, think that he was in love with Kiki. Walk away now, Griffin. #Grava #GH

"Did you think you could just say a couple harsh words and I would walk away?" Griffin Well, it was worth a shot. #GH

Cassadra is becoming more of a villain than I thought she was....

So how long are we gonna continue the #killon relationship with Dillon off the screen? We need Dillon Quartermaine back ASAP 

January 4, 2018 Reflections

I thought Cassandra was dead.....  #GH

"Stop. I don't regret it." No, because it allowed you to find true love in Anna. I can't wait for a future of them together. #fanna

"You seem really worried about him..." "Of course, he's my responsibility..." Sure Anna, keep telling yourself that. We know your feelings....

Did Laura even say that she wanted to be mayor? I mean, Kevin suggested it, but she never really did accept. In reality, does he want it and just trying to get it through her? I mean, she'd be good at it - esp if the thought of someone like Ned running the town surfaces. But I mean, really, if Kevin wants to talk about it, why not let him run for mayor? Kevin vs Ned for mayor would be interesting. Don't get me wrong - I understand the discussion surrounding Laura as there was potential shown based on her Charles Street speech, and yes, a lot of heart as she did a great job speaking about the history of the town. But going from that to being mayor is a big step and difference.

"You and me, we deal in the truth." If only you knew Liz....

"I want Leo to be proud to call me a father, not your Quartermaine trophy husband." Now that was beautiful.....

I am glad that Ned quit because this power trip is getting ridiculous. If he assumes that Michael is going to run ELQ in the ground, then why hasn't that happened already? Michael has done a good job to this point. 

"Maybe ELQ's loss is the city's gain. You should run for mayor." NOOOOOOOO We just got rid of one power tripping fool. We don't need another.

After about falling asleep today during the episode, I am excited for tomorrow. Yay for Spinelli! Glad that he found a new lead. 

Soap Twitter.....

Think it's best if I avoid the #jasam #stelly hashtag for the next while. The hate from fans, whether JaSam or #dream #killy is just ridiculous. It's a soap. We are supposed to disagree at times because we all have different couples we ship. We don't need to get personal. But seeing all the comments, whether #jasam or #dream supporter, and seeing the passion, it does make you smile in a good way. It shows that @GeneralHospital is doing things right, and the actors - @1SteveBurton, @kellymonaco1 and #BillyMiller - are doing a good job. #GH 

Now for those who do get annoying, please keep this in mind - "don't feed the trolls?" 

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...