Sunday, January 7, 2018

General Hospital - January 4 and 5, 2018 Episode Reflections

January 4, 2018 Episode

So the publisher and the correspondent begin to differ away from each other once Jason has escaped. Could that mean that the writer is the traitor? By the way, Spinelli's ways are just beautiful.

"This may be enough. We don't need to know how it ends - just what it means." What if the Jason/Drew scenario is the ending? What if the ending isn't written? What if it's based on true events? What if that's why discussions severed?

Why oh why? We've done enough time on Cassadine Island. Can we just sink Spoon Island already? 

So is the character of son meant to be Nathan? Or is there another son that we haven't even met yet? Let's  see - recent males to surface on the show. Ah yes, our new man at Aurora Media. That'd be a great spot to be spying on Sam, Drew, and Jason without getting found. Of course, our new man at Aurora Media wanted Lulu to investigate Faison. Could he be wanting to learn more about his father, or where he is, or what has happened? Could this new man be the traitor who backstabbed Faison with his Jason plan? #GH

"I hope you teach your baby more respect for people's time than you have shown." Ouch on the greeting there. But what else should I expect?

"I didn't think of Nathan as my son. To do so would've placed him in great perhaps mortal danger." "From what?" "His father." "But the danger is gone. Nathan's father is dead and gone. Victor Cassadine is dead." If only u knew, Maxie. Can we just reveal that Faison is daddy?

You had to know Maxie or Amy would reveal the DNA test news. Nicely done, Maxie. 

So Finn did get the needle in Cassandra? And she simply tried to get away but didn't? Nicely done, Finn. 

So it seems we have someone trying to help cover the murder - or attempted for now - of Cassadra. Thanks Valentine. Maybe you can be somewhat likeable.

"Recently Anna has been acting a little distracted." Remember that bit of Valentine that was starting to like him? Forget that.

"The potency of the drug, combined with how much she absorbed, caused some serious brain damage." "My God, if she used that on you...." Finn is starting to show more of those caring for Anna signs.... #Fanna

"I've given up trying to tell you what to do. So I'll see you tonight." Baby steps.... #Fanna

Just cut her tubes, strangle her, smother her. Anything. I'm over Cassandra. Admittedly, I was hoping she was gonna end up dead either by Anna or Valentine, but both won't have a spot to verify due to "having something to take care of." I mean, really, Cassandra's death would be justified because like Anna said, she cost a lot of people their lives.

"Don't get me wrong. I thought about it, I came this close to finishing her off - but I didn't. I called Robert and had  her moved to a secure WSIB medical facility." In other words, we won't see her again - just hear stories about her actions. So long Cassandra. 

"I only have one regret." "You do?" "We didn't get our New Year's Eve." "We've always got next year." They may not confess each other's love, but you can just see it in their words.... It's almost like afraid to admit feelings straight out, but trying to show signs to not totally lose the other person - or those signs are just coming subconsciously. But I guess that's to be expected with Anna as she's the guarded type, and has had her heart broken in the past in a couple different ways. Maybe we'll get some true spoken love confessions by Valentine's Day ;) 

January 5, 2018 Episode

"It hurts me to hurt Jason. I'm not going to open that door again, and Jason knows that. Jason is my history, Drew is my present." If it hurts you so much to hurt him, then maybe it's worth exploring those feelings more. After all, avoiding & suffocating them is not healthy. #GH

"I can't stop loving Sonny, so I broke Jax's heart. Don't do that to Drew." Keep spilling the tea, Carly. She sees the same thing we all do in harboring emotions. By the way, her speech on her love for Sonny - absolutely beautiful. Beyond perfection. #carson #carsam #GH #jasam

"I'm sorry." "But would you do it again?" We know that Carly would do it again because she knows the payoff in getting Sam and Jason to spend little bits of time together. She also knows that Jason isn't mad at her for doing it, too. #jasam #stelly #GH

"Drew, I really want to get to know you for who you are now. But I want you to be your friend." "Being a friend doesn't mean you get to get in the way of my marriage." "I was just trying to save you from a marriage to someone who loves someone else."  Keep spilling that tea. Maybe now Drew will see the harbored feelings as he looks back at times together with that thought in mind. #GH

"I know what's right for me - making you happy, but you have to tell me what you want." Finally we're done with Drew whining and insecure feelings, and actually getting to him caring for Sam and asking for her side of the coin. #dream #killy #GH

"Jason's definition of happiness isn't what I want, Carly wants or Sonny wants. He has to choose." And clearly we know what he wants - hence his words, and expressions to you on the boat. #jasam #stelly #jasamreunion2018 #GH

"You have a whole other past that we haven't even started to explore yet. You asked me what I want? I told you. Now it's time for you to tell me what you want." Haven't we heard enough about Drew's wants and needs? #dream Just as much as we start to break ground, we're back to Sam catering Drew's feelings.... And yes, I noticed the dig at Carly there Sam in relation to the boat incident. But in reality, Carly knows Jason well - better than most, and knows how much he loves you, and wants to be with you despite saying he wants to stay away. The signs are even shown here. She immediately repeats lines of family, and then redirects conversation to Drew's needs and wants. Why? Because she doesn't want her real reasons for Jason to slip out. #GH

"The problem is I don't know myself." But yet you're rushing into an engagement, wedding..... #dream #killy #GH

"I will love you and honor you - so as long as we both shall live." "Then why don't we get married today?" Big way of avoiding emotions because Sam knows that both Jason and Carly are closing in too tight to those. Hello once again trying to re-assure his ego. #dream #GH #jasam

"He crosses his father, just like the traitor crossed faison." "That would mean PK St. Clair, and the traitor, are the same person."  "Faison's son" Glad to see they figured out what I said yesterday. Now who is the son? I don't think Nathan would involve himself in activities like this, so I don't think he's the traitor. The question is - who is? New male on surface is new guy at Aurora Media. Hmmm.... I suggested it yesterday that our new guy in charge at Aurora Media could be the traitor. A) Good spot to spy B) He wants Lulu to pursue faison to find him for himself #GH

"We're not gonna find this guy by reading Shakespeare." What if they're following an idea there? Just trying to help ya Spinelli. #jaspin #sason 

If the trail leads to our friend Mr. Klein, why doesn't Jason track his whereabouts knowing that Faison wants to clean up loose ends? #GH

"So Oberect knows how to contact Faison. So she may know more. We just need to invite her over for an espresso, and a chat." That should be fun.... #sason #GH

"Does this crisis have anything to do with Faison's son?" "My gosh. How do you know?" Welp, that solves that question finally for Nathan. But okay, Nathan can't be the traitor. How can he backstab this father when he doesn't know who father is until now? Hence why I still deflect that to Peter.....unless Nathan has been fooling everyone via expressing these concerns to every person to cover tracks. #GH

Faison never wanted a daughter, but would want a son. Could Britt be the traitor even though she said she wasn't? Could she had changed the identity to a male because of his wants? Or do I go back to theory #1 with Mr. Aurora Media's Peter? #GH

"The procedure is going to change how she looks, not the way she feels inside..." Precisely why Ava is not someone that I will ever like. #GH

Nelle continues to say that the baby isn't her way into the family, caught her off-guard, just cares for the baby, etc - but yet here she is rubbing it in Carly's face again. How about you grow up? #GH

"I was really messed up when I was younger. But I had a friend, a friend who always believed in me." The depth of the #jarly friendship and how far it goes back is just amazing.... #GH

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...