Saturday, February 3, 2018

General Hospital - February 1 & 2 Episode Reflections

Thursday, February 1, 2018

So this episode was great. The scenes with Jason and Sam are to die for, and Faison - he can have a special award of his own after I clean my pants.

Elizabeth's involvement in this episode was pointless in my eyes. I mean, having Drew ask her "I need you to get me into Faison" really sounded stupid after the events on Wednesday. Didn't you just walk into his room, past the security guard, before without a single issue? Really, I'm actually glad that Faison is dead before Drew got a second meeting with him. I'd be worried of him accepting the offer if he got a chance with him completely alone. 

Beyond that, I could've smacked Drew, too. Him saying "Faison is dead, and all the answers about my memories is gone with him." was really very naive. Hasn't he been following along with everything? Oh wait - he ran away on that honeymoon. 

And on that note, not gonna lie. I wish that Drew and Sam had stayed on their honeymoon longer, too. The less I see of them together, the better - and that's solely Drew's fault for turning me that way on Sam. But then again, we wouldn't have gotten the magic that turned into Jasam's special conversation together.


It was actually nice to see Sam voice those concerns bout what Jason missed esp surrounding Danny. But to hear her say, "He took away every chance of us having a future together." is a complete lie. You could make it happen, Sam. It's not over, ever. Her words, "He took you away from me and Danny. He took away your voice, he took away your smile, he took away the way you ma-- the way you made us always feel comfortable."  actually rivet more and more as I continue to think about them. She is saying that now she doesn't feel comfortable with Jason - once again showing that she chose Drew because he was the safe route. Where's my evidence bank for a Jasam future?

She continued along those lines, too, in saying, "Our lives would be so much different." Certainly you're right - but it shouldn't define your future. Your own decisions define your future. Your own happiness does. You can still get that magic back with Jason. By taking this easy route that you are with Drew, you're letting Faison win the game in the end. When has that ever been in Sam's nature? 

I almost thought that Sam's PI skills were coming back when she mentioned the randomness of what happened to the twins. It makes you ask questions thou in how Faison used them.

"If we would've helped him, he would've handed over the memories - and I almost wish we would've taken him up on the offer." Clearly she hasn't been following along, either. And clearly Drew is making her go insane.

"You don't understand, do you? I know you grieved because I watched it, You don't understand how I grieved for you, and how Maxie is grieving for you. I laid awake last night thinking about it." Like I said yesterday, this may be the wake-up call that we needed for Sam to see that she needs to act on her feelings for Jason.

"I got the miracle that Maxie is never gonna get, and open her eyes and see him again, the way I opened my eyes that night and saw you on the pier." 

"I knew someone was holding me. And I looked up and saw you. The strangest part is I didn't even question it, didn't think it was weird, impossible. I just knew you were there and I would be okay." 
She's always felt safe in his arms even if she says that Faison took away the feeling of being comfortable together. 

"I always hope that you feel that way - that I'm always here, and will do whatever you need." Jason will never, ever, let her go, no matter what she tells him in return. He can sees the signs of a future. He's just not saying anything due to not wanting to force her.

By the way, it always seems that as soon as Jason and Sam get anywhere, Doby has to show up. Can Carly put another plan into action, please?

"He actually found you by accident." I don't believe you just randomly find someone like that. Why do I have a feeling someone else is involved? I mean,  Faison did mention "Cassadine" to Anna. Valentine could easily be connected.
I laughed when Drew said, "You certainly got more out of Faison than me. He wouldn't even acknowledge the flash drive." Well, of course, because we know that you're not as strong as Jason is, Drew. 

Besides that, I wanted to strange Michael - which seems common these past couple of weeks, actually. I mean, I get him saying, "The more we co-operate, the better it is for the baby." But co-existing allows her to gain ample ground into the family. Someone like her doesn't deserve access. She has shown how easily she can take advantage of that before. So really, Michael asking, "You think Nelle is unstable?" was laughable. Isn't that obvious? I mean, she has shown signs for a long time. 

"You're using them to get back into Michael's defenses, and get back into his good graces, and it won't work."   "It already is."  

Nelle's true colors are shining through, piece by piece.

"How crazy does one have to be to spend a year in a mental institution? How crazy are you still?" She's a nutty one, Carly. Don't back down at all.

Seeing Faison's brain removed and the focus on him dead - I applaud General Hospital for their emphasis on that. I was not 100% set to believe that Faison is truly gone because we have seen him come back from the dead before - pointless times. And as much as I hate Franco, I actually chuckled through the entire dialogue. "There's a brain on your desk. How do you get a four-star review on yelp with a brain there?"   

Oh, sidenote - every time I hear the "brain tumor" excuse, I want to scream. Has anybody now taken notes of Franco's actions since then?

Anna's visit to Sonny was a little interesting, too. I mean, yeah, I expect her to follow through with the investigation, but she seemed a little more determined. That said, I'm glad that Sonny called her out on it, too, with "You're bending over your backwards to defend him, and I don't know why." Really, her excuse of "I just want to debrief him without any interference from you or Jason" did her no favors, either. I just hope Sonny sticks to his words of "To hell we're done with this." because he and Jason deserve answers from Heinreck. Oh, and he better investigate further on his evaluation of Anna's behavior because he is beginning to see the light saying, "This is not a juridical matter. This is personal. Why?"

Heinreck went after Jason once - he isn't going to do it twice." "You don't want to be an enemy of mine, not on this matter." Sounds to me more than professional with word she speaks. We know #sason will get their way because Jason doesn't miss a mark.

"I was able to keep the secret. You died not knowing [....] You always kept grasping for a piece of me, wanting a piece of my soul, and you never got it." That confirms my theories! Peter, I found your mommy. And she just took a piece of hair to prove things later on.

So excuse me while I just jumped out of my skin. Faison grabbing Anna takes scare of the entire @GeneralHospital episodes to date so far this year. Literally jumped and froze. ....that was good, real good. Faison is certainly going out with a bang. 

By the way, General Hospital's medical accuracy has been lacking lately in a big way. First there were the faults in the hospital scenes for Nathan but hello, where's the scar from taking Faison's brain?

Friday, February 2, 2018

So @GeneralHospital was amazing as ever. The emotional tissues were certainly used, but the shade and drama was equally there. Can I also mention how speech of the history went down, too?

I love how Drew shelved every possibility of knowing Heinreck, despite not knowing his own past right now. Thank you Sam for standing up and saying, "Hey, lay out whatever you know about Heinreck - because if Drew did know him, maybe it will spark something." Even she's questioning where he stands right now. Drew trying to avoid is interesting by itself, too, though... 

It was also nice how Drew was just standing there doing nothing, and Sam and Jason are bouncing back and forth in what is happening, figuring out pieces - just like the old days.

Drew's dumbness continues to shine through. He has all of Jason's memories, but yet he asks, "Who are you working with?" I mean, you know this guy inside an out due to the memories and yet you don't realize he is working with "Sonny and Spinelli."

Of course, he only became even more frustrating in saying, "You were supposed to keep me in the loop." Sorry, but you're the one who ran away on a honeymoon in the midst of the drama. But the fact that he didn't even stop there just showed more of character, really. I mean, to ask "Did you know all about this before the wedding?" Does he not remember previous conversations with Jason? I mean, he was not very open to hearing any details when Jason came to see him that night. When Jason came to #dream about Faison on January 19, Drew's reaction was, "I want to hear your plan for Faison, but not today – we’re getting married.”  Then he ran off on his honeymoon until now. But it's Jason's fault that he didn't tell you about this? He tried, buddy. So whose to blame? Drew. But will he accept that? Probably not. 

Really, the constant shade from Drew is getting annoying, and I almost want to smack him - again. You have Jason's memories. You've been living his life. You should know what he's like. He also gave you his house, and gifted the company to you, and didn't ask for any of his money back despite you just taking it under his nose. Besides, he's a victim here - biggest one affected - but yet doing all the work. Appreciation would be nice. But instead, it's obvious that Drew feels threatened. If he and Sam are so in love, so meant to be, wedding just happened - why throw the shade?

Really, at one point, it looked as though Jason was about to go, "Are you kidding me? Really? You want to go there?" and run the shade that he needs to. That said, that glance as Jason left the room was perfect. Glad he finally threw some shade right back at him. 

"Did you tell Drew?" "Yeah, I told him." "What about Sam?" "I told her first." Obviously the only reason he spoke was because of her. I mean, Drew isn't worth time of day. 

"I think she's mostly upset about Maxie and how she's grieving...." "Because that's how she grieved about you." Spill the tea, Carly. It is making Sam realize just how much she loves and misses him.

Can I just say that Laura Wright is my hero? I absolutely love when Carly goes on one of her "truthful, tea" rants. Her words today just beyond perfect. Once again, she has hit perfection. And you can tell Jason knows she's right based on those emotional eyes. 

Carly's lines today were just as strong and amazing as when she gave Sam the same type of speech. I always go back to this because it was just beyond touching.

It's also funny to see some people laugh at Jason's reactions, too. But it's perfect to character history. It is not in Jason's nature to go fight for her. He has always believed "people make their own choices." So if Sam wants to do something, he will let her do it without fighting due to not wanting to force her, inconvenience, or make the situation harder than it is. 

That said, take a look into his eyes. He was resonating with what Carly was saying, knowing that she was right about the love he has for Sam, and the feelings that Sam has shown him back in return. Eventually, Sam will stop lying to herself or Jason will have enough and it'll happen

"If we're going to find Heinreck, we're going to need to find him on our own." I am sorry, but that makes me laugh, considering Drew hasn't done much at all through this story. What makes him think he can outsmart #jaspin and #sason now? But okay, before Drew showed barely interest in finding Faison, his memories, and this entire project. Now that there's a son mentioned - Heinreck, he is set on finding him. What has changed? Do you know all about this son there, Drew? 

I like how Sam was set to stop him in his tracks, though, as she's right in saying, "The problem is we would be doing exactly what u said Faison wanted Jason to do - chasing a ghost." But besides, Sam knows that Drew will probably not find anything, and knows if there was something Jason would have it already. So why waste time?

"He was researching a seal team, and saw a guy that looked like me." "So this happened by accident?" I still don't believe it was so random.

"I know we've talked about this more than once, but I just can't go on living with Jason's memories in my head." Really? Because we haven't heard much about that - but rather just trying to move on as if nothing happened. But now we say that if convenient?

"If your memory was completely gone, you wouldn't had recognized Kim." Like we said - he knows more than he realizes. He just needs to dig deep, maybe work at separating the two lives in his head.

"The memory mapping wouldn't work on Jason because he has brain damage." "Which I don't have....Thank God." I take big offense to that! I'm sorry, but I'd rather take Jason over you any day - even if he may be "brain damaged." He's smarter, more caring, more depth in a person, eyes that capture my soul every time I see them, heartfelt - I could go on and on here.

"You don't need a flash drive. You can remember it on your own." Jason will probably find Heinreck and the flash drive before Drew is able to do that.

Carly's constant eyes on Nelle are a thing of beauty to watch. And I love when Nelle said, "What happened to me is none of your business" with Carly responding, "It is when you're carrying my grandchild, and the baby doesn't give you every right to do whatever you want."  Really, Carly was the queen of shade today if you ask me. Every line that Nelle delivered, she shot one right back - and rightfully so because frankly, the true colors will show. 
  • "You provoked me." "Wow, nothing is ever your fault."
  • "You had no right to go dig in my past." "You did that when you came to town."
Now really, there was some truth in here for Nelle. Ava is right in saying, "Anything in your past that Carly can use against you, she will." But rightfully so, because we should know if Nelle is insane. And by the way, I laugh at the fact that Nelle believes that she can take Carly down. 

Even though they're half-siblings, the chemistry is off the charts with Michael and Kiki. Why wasn't he given someone as special as her instead of the other woman they've given him?

These scenes with Maxie and Nathan are breaking my heart. I feel so bad for Maxie, and what she's going through. The writing for this has been spot on in the emotions, and Kristen Storm's acting has been spectacular. I almost lost it when she said, "I was so relieved, like my heart unfroze." 

The kiss on the head from Nathan to Maxie and Nina - that's it, cue the waterworks. That hit every emotional button it could've touched. It's also nice to see #GH include doing funeral arrangements. That is something that a lot of shows avoid.

Sidenote: Thanks to @JMQFF, @TaraSoNotty and @GeneralHospital for the Gifs and images used in the entry, as always. 

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...