Friday, April 13, 2018

General Hospital - April 13, 2018 Episode Reflections

Anna suggesting a wardrobe change for Jason and how that scene played out had me chuckling. His deadpan response to her suggestions was everything. Then when she asked his size and he said, "I don't know. Ask Carly..." just took it to the next level. So I guess that means Jason hasn't gone shopping since Carly's initial spree for him? 

Well, he is a simple guy after all. But I'm curious as to what Anna bought, too - and hope the clothing bag gets opened and we see the outfit of choice, or get to see him wear it. Maybe Sam can convince him for Anna and Emma. 

For the record, though, Jason's plan to get the records sounds more exciting than Anna's idea. Can we switch gears please?  I mean, Jason is already on to her in saying, "This is just a diversion. You're just doing this to keep me with you so I don't get to Heinrech first." 

Also, not really important, but anybody notice the new gun for Jason? I kind of like the old shiny silver piece - you could really see his games coming. But of course - he'd have a new gun. You can't sneak guns through airport security so you go through, and get new hardware when you get there. But see also in this case, he'd be able to travel with it being with Anna as she could get it anywhere being a WSIB agent. 

So it's great to see Robert Scorpio back on the canvas of General Hospital, even with his concerns about Jason. I almost chuckled through that. But really, he's a bonus right now as you could tell he was getting curious in saying, "Let Morgan do the work. He's the one that needs the answers" and "you make it sound like Heinrech was a victim." 

Of course, Monday's preview says it all on that note with Anna saying, "I'm as every bit as responsible for creating Heinrech as Faison...." 

I admittedly chuckled in hearing Jason say, "How do we do this and only break one law?" Never change my man....
I could on for days as to why I love Jason and everything, but beyond those qualities that were mentioned, the simple heart and soul that he expresses, willing to do anything for his closest friends, putting their happiness always first will always make me a Jason Morgan fan over anybody else any day.

But okay, let's forget that for now and rather focus on the star of today's episode - the very last scene. Anybody see that damn smile on Jason's face when he saw Sam?

There's a reason why CarSon work so well together - because they're the ultimate Queen and King of Port Charles, and both Laura Wright and Maurice Benard do a spectacular job portraying their characters. Laura continued to slay like a queen as her scenes today in describing her previous mental breakdown, combined with those emotions, were just perfection. Then Maurice hit every sweet spot in his words to Stella. There's a reason why he gets gold stars from me everyday.

Really, beyond Maurice's work by himself, the storyline with Mike has been great from the beginning and his scenes with Avery were adorable. But of course, as expected, Avery goes missing. You could see that a mile away.


That's a way to cliffhang! That's the type of previews that you expect to see and are finally getting delivered. I feel so bad for Carly, but can't wait for her scenes - as well as Sonny worrying about Mike and Avery, Robert and Anna, and then obviously JaSam. 

General Hospital - April 12, 2018 Episode Reflections

So with Lulu going on to Peter saying, "I just thought if I could put a face to the name, put some meaning behind him, see whether he is evil like his father - it would give comfort to Maxie," I was begging for her to continue. If she finds out that the guy she has grown closest to is connected, she may be on the thank you for always being there best friend path.

But with that said, it's surprising that Peter wants her to continue the investigation, practically begging her to in fact. I mean, Lulu is right in one way in saying that "the sooner that the secret goes away about Heinrech, the better for Maxie" due to no discussion - in normal circumstances given the above, but whatever. So why are you pushing this issue, Peter?

As soon the e-mail showed up saying, "for if the root comes from both ends, forever the branch must be severed," you had to know something was up with it. Peter is good at covering his tracks with expressions because I almost believed Spinelli was behind it as part of the twisted plan. That said, we got confirmation otherwise. So what are Valentine and Peter going to do now?

Peter makes a point in saying, "Faison is dead. The only one left who can give you answers in Heinrech. You have to decide if further this investigation will be worth it for you and Nina." For me, I'd find it very, very worth it. Even if I had just five minutes with Heinrerch, I have a whole assortment of questions.


I am loving the Mixie chemistry, and love the fact that Michael said that he would be there for Maxie, and that he wanted to go class with her. To be honest, the birthing class scene was even more adorable between Maxie and Michael. Why haven't we done this pairing sooner? I mean, Michael even hesitated in walking away from Maxie at the class. And the look on Nelle's face at watching them = priceless.


So Ava actually earns smart points. She took a screen shot of the DNA test and was being smart in saying to Nelle, "keep in mind you're using deception" because yes, that small detail will screw Nelle in the end.

Nelle's twisted plan aside and what she did today, let's rather focus on the piece of paper that she wrote on. Immediately my heart swelled at a Chinese restaurant sighting. Anybody remember the magical #jasam wedding?
I wasn't surprised in Curtis' revelations for Nina. Of course Peter can use multi-national companies and hack into them - he has super spy Valentine at his disposal.

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...