Tuesday, February 27, 2018

General Hospital - February 26&27, 2018 Episode Reflections

February 26, 2018 

This episode was a bit of everything. Cue the tears are slipping down my face in the powerful scenes from #jarly, to #carson and Mike. The #fab3 kicked ass again as Carly, Sonny and Jason are amazing. This is a keeper. 

Absolutely spectacular job by Maurice Benard as he had my emotions in many different spots. Can't wait to see the rest of this play out. Also kudos as always to Laura Wright and Steve Burton.

You'd think Dante would be more willing to help Carly here, especially in knowing the location and the fact that this isn't childhood's play based on that alone. ....and you wonder why people don't go to the cops in town, but rather go to the mob.  
That said, of course Jason would find a random guy that has seen someone making calls on the phone. You had to know the guy's description was off from the beginning in starting with, "Young, good clothes - you don't see that around here." Don't you normally start off with gender? 

But really, you could tell that Nelle got to the guy first and paid him off to tell this story. I got to hand it to her - that's more homework than I thought she'd do.  It's okay, though, as this plan will only last for so long. The truth is bound to come out. Someone will be willing to pay Homeless Jesus more than she is. I mean, really, I can't wait until Jason finds out that the guy is lying for Nelle, as he'll probably kick both the guy's ass and Nelle's ass now.

Essentially, Nelle is playing a real dirty game. Trying to make herself irreplaceable by creating this relationship with Jocelyn, to tormenting Carly. This girl seriously hasn't gotten the memo that those who mess with this family pay, and Jason don't let them off easy.

It's also laughable how Nelle thinks that this plan will get rid of Carly and then allow her to be with Michael. I mean, does she really believe that Michael will forgive her for this? I guess in her deranged mind, she thinks that she can fix their emotions and smooth things over immediately with Carly out of the picture - not realizing that Michael and Jocelyn will hold it against her. 

So Carly asking, "You think I've lost my mind?" with Jason responding, "No" was everything as it sets the base for the future. I mean, let's just wait for Jason to begin looking into this, doing the job the police should be doing but never do. Clearly anybody can see that this is a wrongful game being played.
The scene with Carly and Jason discussing Morgan is everything. From hearing Carly's sadness and recounting the details, to Jason pulling her into a hug and his eyes. The Morgan deal had gotten #ugh but that scene brought the sadness right back.

I also get how Jason said, "Sometimes you think you're going to get some peace and closure, but it still hurts, there's still loss, and it's still gone." But really, he may be talking about Morgan here, but this also strongly relates to those five years he lost, too. There's nothing to bring that time back.

I laughed at Nelle saying, "I hoped that giving u the dress would create some peace for the baby's sake. But Carly wasn't having anything of it when I wanted to name the baby, Morgan." Can u blame her, Nelle? I mean even Jocelyn is shocked and right in saying, "In my mind, there's only one Morgan - our Morgan."

My laughter for Nelle continued in her saying, "I was trying to do something generous, and honor the son that she loved." Puhlease Nelle, you have no good bones in your body. That said, I'm glad that Jocelyn keeps receipts as her return in saying, "I don't want to dredge anything back up, but that's when it happened. That's when we were drowning in grief from Morgan. That's when you did everything with Sonny" was perfect.

I mean, really though, they are laying it on too thick at times with Nelle. Her constant whining to both Monica and Jocelyn is annoying. Like do you really need to say "sometimes it feels like the universe is against me" over and over? Can we knock her off already?

Jocelyn's attitude towards Julian is everything. From "I'm only grateful for that" to especially, "a prison stunt will do that to you." I get people's frustration in Julian continually getting dished comments by people visiting his pub when they hate him anyway. But let's face it, those making the comments want to feel powerful and be able to dish out their anger. All about "sending a message" or "trying to put him down." To essentially leave him alone would be the grown-up, mature approach - but we know that never happens in soaps. 

I knew it wouldn't take long for the new detective to get a lesson of Sonny's authority and place. Welcome to town, buddy. On the flip side, it shocks me that Diane wouldn't come by that night at all. That said, a good thing through these police station scenes has to be Maurice Bernard. Sonny's emotions have me tearing up, and then you add Dante's heart & compassion and this was everything. Dante saying, "I assume you're commenting on the lack of handcuffs on this man? I'm sorry but you can go straight to hell" was beautiful!

Now if you thought that was beautiful, then putting Sonny together with Jason and Carly was even more amazing. The #fab3 has struck a core again, especially #carson. Sonny is hitting every single emotion needed here. Cue the tears.....  I also absolutely love Carly saying, "He's going to need us," followed by the perfect response from Jason in saying, "And we'll be here." Damn straight as there's no way someone like Nelle is going to be able to separate the #fab3 from each other.
That said, Sonny thinks he can just pay Ava the $14,000 for the vase and she'll drop the charges against Mike. While the charges should be dropped, it wouldn't surprise me if Ava used this to her advantage to get more time with Avery. Really, can't blame her if she does either.

I wish I could've yelled through my TV when Ava said, "If my love is burden to you, then don't let me down easy. Do it, say, let it go now." Do it, Griffin. Please turn around and run the other direction from Ava immediately. Safe yourself. I mean, Griffin saying that he can't live up to Ava's level is laughable. He clearly doesn't know the truth about her at all.

"If I see someone in need, I'll always go to them...." "And I respect that." "But can you live with that?" How someone as sweet as Griffin ended up with someone like Ava is beyond me.

February 27, 2018

So General Hospital was just..... boring. I literally do not even know why I watched it. I could've made better usage of my time with a nap. I would like to go forth and write some sort of review, but there's no material to really take from and turn into a response. I will say though - it doesn't surprise that Jim did something to chase Betsy out of town. I'm just surprised Drew figured that out. 

Now, with that out of the way, ready for #carson and Michael to be on tomorrow. 

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...