Wednesday, July 4, 2018

General Hospital - June 27&28, 2018 Episode Reflections

Sam being there is perfect for Jason and that anger. She was always good for talking through issues with him. Besides, as they said, "I'm glad to see you here." We are glad to see you together, too.

Jason is right in saying, "I didn't go to Ferncliff to protect her. I went there to talk her down" as we know Carly can protect herself if necessary. And let's face it - he did a good job at his advice for her in the process.

"She comes out swinging and could trap herself there longer." "And you can't let that happen." "No I can't." Even Sam understands how Jason looks out for Carly and respects that and accepts that. She is even encouraging it here.

My heart was set to burst when Jason said, "I'll just have to break her out." I'm all for a criminal story. We've been missing drama. But alas, Sam once again does her duty in making sure things make sense in Jason's world. This is why they work. She's the brains, he's the muscle.

"I need to figure it out." "Not you - us." Now  this is what we've been waiting for. And the look on Jason's face was everything. He realizes what he's getting here as just like Sam said, this is "just like old times."

Sonny paying off Rupert is everything you'd expect in a crime family. Just my only fear is he takes his new found information to Mary. But let's see - Rupert vs Mary could be fun now.

Anyways, the interaction between Carly and Sonny was more interesting, espically with Carly asking, "But do you truly believe Nelle set me up?" I'm interested to hear Sonny's answer esp after everything to get to this point. Yes he wants his wife home, but is that with belief in her?

It seems he does, though, based on him saying, "When you're outta here, the baby's safe, Nelle is going to pay. I promise you that." By the way, I can't wait for that because we know how these mob promises go.

Side note - Jason gave her the phone for emergency purposes. Looking up a Morse code app does not apply. Besides, everyone should know code for SOS.

So while Carly is amusing herself with that, it's clear that Chase ain't playing today as he already picked up on the scent. Don't me tell that Nelle will try and frame Jocelyn next.

I couldn't help but snicker in hearing Chase say, "If he hasn't put a ring on it, then he isn't going to." But I like how he's playing both sides with her in trying to create trust and something forward. That said, Nelle's grab stunt is a flashback.

Now once everything comes out, I see a potential for some Chase and Nelle chemistry. He'd be great to help her pick up the pieces once her world comes crashing down and we figure out just how crazy she is. That's why I was all snickering smile when he said to Jordan, "You'll think I'll let her seduce me a second time?" I also loved the heartbroken face in hearing that Nelle and Michael were engaged.

On that note, Michael is doing an awfully good job on his supporting Nelle - but I wonder if chase caught a glimpse into his eyes. I mean, like he said, "My eyes are open. I know exactly what I am doing." O really? We shall see whether you expose her or not.

"What are you saying?" "I'm saying let's get married." I get remaining close and doing whatever you can to figure out her game and expose her, but this is a little too far extreme and unnecessary. Carly will definitely go crazy now if she hears, too. I really don't even think that's needed anyway as Chase is the perfect distraction and cause to rattle Nelle's mind and cause her to lose her own grip on the situation. She starts and boom, Michael pounces.

But alas, here we are with a surprise bucket of doubts from Nelle. You'd think that she would've grabbed the ring and ran. Instead, she goes, "Are you saying that you love me, Michael?" Oh he loves you dear....

So while I kill Michael for that move, I'm all set for him and Francesca getting close. My heart fluttered in her almost offering a confession to him with saying, "There's something you should know."  I wouldn't be surprised in hearing Francesca report a violation given new face and easy to pray on. Now having Michael comfort her and sympathize would be perfect considering @GeneralHospital missed that beat with Kiki.

That said, when she paused and didn't anymore you had the perfect combination, and it was nice to see her eventually come forward. Francesca and Kiki standing together is perfect. Two great young lady leads.

I mean, it's way better than Ava and her whining about things. I chuckled inside when she told Griffin, "I know you worry about Kiki and I can't tell you how much that means to me." She probably won't be saying the same thing in a couple months. I wouldn't be surprised given how much they're harping on what happened that she'll come out pregnant just as she takes the doctor to court.

And Griffin, you couldn't be any wronger in saying, "She won't. Ava knows the worst thing to do right now is to do something." Still believing she's changed?

I mean, look at her conversation with Franco in saying, "Now that we got that out of the way, what are we going to do about it?" Then you have her adding, "I don't vent - I act."

Watch redemption #7472 is Franco doing something to Dr. Bensch. Don't care. Why? See previous entries. I don't need to go through that essay again but watch Franco go after Bensch and yet in some twisted way they'll argue that he's right for it and all that jazz.

I almost puked when Franco said, "Sometimes I wish I was my old self." The guy that tormented people for years. The guy who sexually assaulted people. The guy who creeped the hell out of people. Yeah that sounds great. But remember he's "trying to do right by Elizabeth," but hasn't changed the right reasons.

I believe that Bensch is going to end up dead. That'll leave it up to either Ava or Franco guilty. But of course let's give Liz a couple pointed lines to make her a suspect. Besides, I was more interested when she said, "I just got a message from someone that I hadn't seen in a long time." My heart had hoped for Hayden.

But first - we have Drew showing up at the house. Really, I feel ya pain in being invited to Franco's wedding, Drew, especially when you should be with Liz as you originally were instead. Liz even hinted that in saying, "you have lots of people who love you" as we know she's on that list. Drew and Liz have natural chemistry. No strings and no knowledge they fell in love and were set for a future until memories played a role. Let's get back to that magic, okay?

Now in all of this, I was willing to cheer on Drew despite some of his past actions. That all gotten thrown out of the window when he said, "I know a lot of things about Jason that could get him locked up." So you throw brother under the bus for no reason? You're back on the shit list.

"Maybe he was just trying to hold onto her." "Just like I was trying to hold onto you?" I don't see Julian and Alexis ever letting each other go. Just look at the rest of his lines in saying "don't confuse the way things began with how they ended" and "if someone saw us now they'd even believe we're friends."


I miss #fanna love, too. That phone call from Finn was sweet.
Dante reflecting back has me in the feels. You can see he's saying goodbye as much as person as character. And that #lante flashback was perfect.

But really - we brought up the drowning to use that as an excuse for Dante leaving? Little far fetched.

"he tried to kill you...." ".....over two years ago." Exactly why I'm saying this story is farfetched.

Even with my reservations, the emotions from Dante and Lulu were perfect for him leaving and such. They did that right for an exit.


Initially - So Franco's dad is going to defend his daughter against his daughter's sexual assaulter? Yeah, this is going over well. Scott choosing to defend bensch shows his love for the bottom dollar.

Reality - Good boy Scotty for saying no to defend. That was milky waters for a minute.

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...