Thursday, February 1, 2018

General Hospital - January 31, 2018 Episode Reflections

This was the truth if you ask me! The reaction from both Amy and Griffin to the coding from Nathan was just dreadful, especially since this is such a turning point in the story. There were so many elements missing. If you compare it to scenes from the past, I'm sorry, but this didn't even hold a candle to those.

They could've also given Maxie more time to share in her grief with Nathan in the room, too. Felicia coming in and saying, "Sweetheart, it's time to go...." seemed a little rushed, IMO. It felt as though Maxie had just entered the room to talk to Nathan.

But while I have issues with aspects of the scenes, I will say - they were absolutely incredible. From Maxie, to Nina, to Dante, they were all done enough to make me cry. Each actor deserves a round of applause for their incredible acting.

That said, I could smack Oberect in the process. I mean, her lines "Did u tell ur wife that Nathan is dead because of her. [...] But yet, she made it happen because she's a shallow excuse for a human being and had no excuse for doing what she did." seemed a little rude here. I mean, Lulu deserves blame, but so does Nathan and Peter. (see previous entries for explanation) 

I also didn't have much to say to Lulu's conversation with Dante. I mean, "I wouldn't know what to say. Honestly, what do you say in a situation like this?"  is a typical question I suppose, but how is it Dante simply says, "Nothing, there's nothing you can say...."  You say sorry. You explain the reasons. Give space when warranted. You hold her when she wants to be held. You sit and be an ear for when she needs it. You help take care of her so she is healthy for herself and the baby.

But really, I almost hit a fan when she said, "The thought of losing you. I can't even handle the thought, and she's going through it." What a way to make it about yourself? You want to shoulder blame, but yet become self-adsorbed. It's time like these where you may people go WTF? 

Faison's first comments for Drew and Sam were interesting in saying, "I see you got the girl, Jason's wife. Are you here to thank me?" Something that probably could be simply chalked up to Faison messing with Drew, but also a line to shelf in case we need for future reference. I mean, a lot of people have read into Faison's lines meaning that Drew was voluntarily involved - I don't think that's the case. It's Faison's last attempt at backwards psychology (A), and B, Drew is more willing to accept terms so why not try your last ditch effort there? It could also mean that Faison believes that Drew knows Peter is the other son - when Drew does not, hence clues of where other son is.  

That said, I did chuckle at Faison telling Sam, "Why don't you go back to the man that you love?" Even Faison knows that Sam loves Jason more.

By the way, the line of questioning from Drew didn't seem needed, necessary, or really something to even think about. I mean, who asks the question, "When you found out your mind control techniques wouldn't work on Jason, why did you keep him alive?"  Hasn't Drew been listening to everybody else? It wasn't Faison that kept him alive, dummy. If you'd listen, you'd know that. And why is that your first question?

And yes, just as I believed, Faison wanted to see Drew because he believed he could bargain within due to Drew being weak originally. Thankfully he grew some balls here.

Sam's words, "Just like that, her life went from light to dark, and everything is different now." give me hope for the future. This may be the event that Sam needs to realize that harboring her feelings for Jason, faking this love, etc etc isn't the right thing to do. It may be the start of #jasamreunion2018.

Speaking of Sam, can I just say that I am so frustrated with the direction that they've taken her character? Where was her voice when she and Drew went to see Faison? You'd think she'd have something to say - she always did before.

Even if she's moved on now with Drew, what about all the heartbreak and pain that it caused her? What about taking away the man that she loved dearly? And Drew - what about not knowing a single thing about yourself? They frustrate me.

Peter's consistent hints before his reveal has been perhaps overdone at times. I mean, you're only supposed to know him based on "research," and yet you're dropping lines like, "From what I've heard, you can't trust a word that bastard says." It's more like you know that from experience, Peter.

Peter saying, "You have admit - Jason Morgan does good work. I couldn't have picked a better spot." caused me to just smile.

So we know about Peter and Faison's involvement together. It is believed that Peter is a good guy because he kept Jason alive, and even his intentions for doing so were to eventually kill someone like Faison - "Why would I kill the perfect killer? I just needed to keep him held, & wait until I wanted u dead. & I could just get out of the way, & let him take the revenge." Although I did chuckle when Faison asked why he wasn't dead yet in response. He obviously doesn't understand science of the heart too well.

But here's where the buck stops. I don't think Port Charles is totally rid of evil (actually, it never is with Franco walking around - I'll stop here....) because Peter may not be Mr. Innocent after all.

Look at this scene right here in his careful tormenting of his father. The fact that he jokes in playing games with Sam, Drew and Jason - holding onto Drew's memories, working for Sam, and the dynamics at play. Look at how he speaks about Nathan's death. There's signs of the next villain written all over this.

Besides, if he was a good guy, why wouldn't he hand the flash drive over to Drew, or get it to him secretly? I mean, we know he has it based on his conversation with Faison. "What do you know about that flash drive?"  "I don't you owe you an explanation. Our days of working together are over." 

As mad as I may be at some of his lines, though, can I just say that it's nice to see a true character with all this shade coming out? Sure, he's making me angry in the process, but this is what we need in soaps. We need these characters that are questionable and like this to make drama.

I mean, his lines in saying  "Do you know how exhausting it was trying to gain your approval? Then I realized. Why was I trying to be like you? [...] That is so you, praising with one hand, wanting something with the other. [...] You always taught me to plan ahead." are just perfect in all senses in what they're building up. There's a perfect mix of pain and truth in Peter's voice. And then seeing his true colors? Those were fun in the words, "Living well is the best revenge, and I am living great. I'm sitting high and spending all of your money. And that should be enough, but it's not. The real revenge is you killing the son you loved, and the other son you avenged is alive and well." 

While I may have been annoyed with Peter originally, I can say now that he's grown on me. Let's just say we're mad at the character's behavior, but very happy in how he's being portrayed. Same way we admired James Franco's work with the Franco storyline, if you will.
Here's another thought - with everything we learned about Peter, why didn't Faison come out and say the truth to either Jason or Drew? Because Faison still feels he has the upperhand, hence why he tried to get Drew to agree to his terms in his belief that Drew is weak. That's just how he is. He always believes he can come back because he's done it so many times. You have to wonder if he hadn't have died (cue the monitors beeping like crazy) he wouldn't outted him after this taunting session, though.

And making sure he tormented him that far? It makes sense as Faison is the only person who knows the son truth. Kill him, and there's no way for a reveal. 

By the way, Stella is right on her complaints. Jordan shouldn't be sitting on her ass with everything going on. But wait, she does that a lot it seems as the police never seem to solve things, leaving it to our special citizens. I mean, she's right "It happened on my watch." and I guess in a way, Curtis is right in saying "You are not responsible."  I mean, Jordan didn't do much police work in all of this storyline so really.....  Nah, not the right time to get into this complaint. I have better topics right now to explore.

"If I could make it that it never happened, I would..." We better not discover you were involved then, Valentine. Anybody remember the Cassadine reference from earlier this week?


Is Kevin collecting Faison's brain? And okay, why is Drew going to Elizabeth for help? I thought he and Sam were tight-knit, fight the world together. But I am glad to see #jasam speaking with each other, though. And more Nelle drama? Lawd.... 

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...