Thursday, February 15, 2018

General Hospital - February 13-14, 2018 Episode Reflections

It goes without saying - General Hospital hit all the spots for Valentine's Day across the board. Let's just say that my soapy heart is complete as we begin this.

February 13, 2018

Welp, overall I have to say that @GeneralHospital was very interesting. I found yet another reason to hate someone after trying to give her some redemption, but was entertained in other ways. It's a decent episode, 

So our latest tea spiller is here, courtesy of Ms. Robin, which is no surprise. Her words, "I really hoped Sam would take a step back and evaluate her feelings. It's a really complicated situation, but actually simple" were just perfect. Really, Sam just needs to follow her heart and desires. But Robin also made another good point in saying, "If she were to abandon Drew just because u came back, she'd feel disloyal. It'd make every time that she said she loved him a lie." It goes along the lines of my Sam reasons.  A feeling of disloyalty and now owning her vows/promises.

Jason's response to Robin's words with, "Now you sound like Carly" were perfect, but Robin saying, "That should tell you something" was even better. Everybody except Sam can see it. Even Jason can to by his eye expressions, and the eye roll that he gave Drew. 

Of course he would get the candy heart that said "Real Love." Oh #GH, great job once again with your foreshadowing.

It's good to see that Michael is realizing the games that Nelle is playing in asking Jason, "Did my mom ever use me to get closer to you? Because that's what I think Nelle is doing for me." But unlike Michael and Nelle, there's never been any doubt in the #jarly friendship as they've always been close - even with the rocky Robin moments. 

Michael is right in saying that "she's counting on the baby to draw us back together" because everybody can see that. Now Jason asking, "Do you think that could happen?" with Michael responding, "I would like to say no" scares me because if the plan wasn't working at all, he just would say no. But adding that "would like" means she's doing what she wants to do in striking those vulnerable cords.

I loved Jason's advice for Michael in saying, "I would not try to make a family with someone that you can't trust, because that just sets you up for failure." But overall, I loved this scene with Jason and Michael. This is the type of stuff that I've missed - their bond together. Nice to see us getting to that. Clearly, the advice set in as he went and told Nelle, "I think for both our sakes, I'm sticking to my original plan." Then following it up with, "I think it is best for the child for us to set some boundaries." was perfect. Let's just hope he doesn't recant this later, and actually sticks to his guns. I mean, if I was him, I would've skipped the child birth classes, too. It's just another opportunity for her to dig her nails into him. 

I laugh at Nelle saying, "This is just a momentary setback." Isn't that two setbacks for you now? First the baby naming, now this? Sounds like you're losing all angles.

The stare that Jason gave to Franco was perfect. Love seeing Jake and Jason together, though. But leave it to Jake to make for the most awkward moments in just two simple lines - "I couldn't have done it without Franco's help." & "Are you coming to the wedding?" I can't wait till Jake finds out everything down the road. On that note.....

This really surprised me today. Firstly, Franco can continue to blame your brain tumor, but we've seen you do evil things since then. He also crossed the line with his Sam comment. Sam has never been afraid of Jason, nor will she ever be afraid of Jason. He is her safety net. Why do you think she's came to him a couple times despite pushing him away for Drew's sake? But great comeback from Jason! 
I laughed at Liz saying, "You can't watch me marry Franco?" I mean, what do you expect after everything that Jason has been through with the man? But again, he hit the nail on the head with saying, "Its your life, your choice, but if I went, it's the same as lying to Jake and saying it's okay when it's not." I'm glad that Jason is sticking to his guns. It's about time that Franco is put in his place. 

Welp, that's a big fat lie, Liz. Sam still despises Franco and tells him that when they do cross paths. Do we need receipts? Just look at the last time that Sam spoke to Franco and said to him, "You may not be legally responsibly for what you did for me, but I will carry those scars with me for the rest of my life." But yet according Liz, Sam is totally over what happened.
Secondly, Michael and Franco never see each other. 

He's just supposed to forget being tormented for years? He's supposed to pretend that time hasn't stood still while away?  Jason was the biggest victim in this whole takeaway mess, but since returning, it seems that everybody wants to bag on him - Sam, Drew, Liz. Ridiculous

Really, there's been some really low moments in GH history, but this is an all-time low. I used to say that I wanted @GeneralHospital to #freeLiz since there was #nofriz, but after those lines today, frankly, she deserves him if she wants to think that way. So Elizabeth be Franco and get hurt eventually, and coddle him. It'll be good karma.

But here's something to think about - what if Franco is still obsessed with Jason? What if that's why he wants to get so close to Jake? Doing something like that would be perfect, too, considering Franco's original obsession - especially if they want to go back down that Franco is evil route, hence the hints of signs they've shown with things he's done, and not being able to let go of his past. The other factor to think about Franco's original obsession - what if he was really obsessed with Drew due to growing up together, and not Jason?

So I couldn't believe when Elizabeth uttered the words to Franco, "the art world freed you from the past to start your life over." Ha! That's why we're talking about his past over and over. 

The father-son storyline with Sonny and Mike has me intrigued at times, but other times just wanting to gloss over it. Sonny is laying down the law in saying, "Mike is in some kind of trouble and I'm not letting him go home until he tells me." Really, he should've stuck by those words - but oh wait, I'll talk about that later. But based on what we've seen, I think Mike is slowly losing his mind here. 

On the flip side, that Valentine's Day scene with Avery and Sonny was adorable.

I honestly laughed at Drew saying, "Some of the best things in life are worth trouble." I would agree - even if that means you're out of the picture soon.

February 14, 2018

So for a Valentine's Day edition of @GeneralHospital, it was beyond perfection. So many great moments across the board - esp with Danny and Jason.

I could watch Danny and Jason all day. That was the cutest "Valentine's Day scene." I mean, who can say that the card wasn't just perfect? 

I love how Jason asked, "How many Valentine's do you have?" and our little player goes, "Three, maybe four...." Can' say I'm surprised as he's a charmer. Of course, the response of "Do you have a Valentine?" broke my heart for Jason.
That said, notice how Jason didn't answer who he totally missed? Yeah, doesn't want to break Danny's heart. But I wonder if he is picking up on it - hence the "want mommy" line.

As soon as he picked up Jason's phone, you had to know that "Mommy, can you come over? I don't feel so good...." was coming. He is the perfect matchmaker.

It's the small things, people. Samantha marries Jason and becomes "Samantha Morgan" but keeps her last name and becomes "Samantha McCall Cain" now.

So GH is playing every part of this perfectly. Get Griffin to tell a story and have him say, "Saint Valentine’s faith in love made him immortal. Love never dies...."  as they show #jasam staring at each other. Can you say preview for the future? Really, Jason's almost immortal, considering he's come back from certain death, among other battles through the years. The "faith in love" is always knowing that Sam would fight for him, push him to be there.....

Danny was so adorable and perfect at this. I mean him saying, "Mommy and Daddy, can you both do it?" melted my heart.
Seeing Jason read the story with both him and Sam in the bed with Danny in the middle - that was everything. That was just beyond perfect. Been waiting five years for magic like this. Thank you matchmaker. Oh, and beginning the story with "Once upon the time...." as they look at each other - yep, perfect visuals....
By the way, anybody notice Sam's eyes as Jason left the room? Yeah......

So can I punch Drew? The attitude was no reason at all. That was ridiculous. Couldn't believe how he accused Jason over Danny's phone call. But I did laugh about him spending all that time in the car.

But okay, let's laugh at the guy for a second as he goes, "You keep saying that you're taking yourself out of the equation, but you're still here..." Well of course. Jason will always be involved in Danny's life, no matter what. Deal with it buster. You knew that agreeing to marry Sam.


Then Drew goes, "You're actually passive aggressive. Just admit you're like everybody else...." But of course, mic drop, boom goes the dynamite, as Jason's return was perfect in saying, "I'm just living my life. And it's up to you how you deal with that."

But seriously, what did Jason do to Drew to deserve this shade? It's ridiculous! Jason offered you information Drew. He told the story of what happened so you wouldn't go to jail. He stood back while you married his girl, not fighting Sam against it. He let you keep the penthouse. He let you keep the money. Not once has Jason pushed Drew but yet Drew has this attitude against him constantly. Like what?

So Nelle drugged Michael's father, but figured that they'd get back to magical moments with him? Yep, she's insane.

"I think we are the only uncomplicated couple in Port Charles." You just jinxed yourself, Molly.

I almost hated seeing Mike interrupt the #carson love, but I'd like to see them get to the bottom of Mike's deal. And really, Rita will be more grateful to see you sort out the family problems, rather than the Valentine's Day worries. She wants to have a life with you and she can't do that if you're stuck in some other deal.

Sonny is right to ask, "Don't you think something else is going on?" The forgetfullness from yesterday has me concerned for Mike, and makes me wonder what direction we're headed. Father losing his mind? I'd have Max follow him in case right now.

Love the small confession of Carly and Sonny's love with "It's very hard for me to sleep without you beside me...." 

Sure, Jordan should take a break. I mean, it's not like she does much police work anyway.

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...