Thursday, January 18, 2018

General Hospital - January 16-18, 2017 Episode Reflections

January 16, 2017 Episode Reflections

 Can I just say this episode was amazing on so many levels? A great testament to parenthood. So many bits to General Hospital that could melt the heart into a million pieces. From Jake, to Laison, to Jason and Michael. Cue an emotional blitz….

But first – it was refreshing to see an episode focused on parenthood, and a child’s relationship with their parents for a change. We normally see the pregnancies and babies only in soaps for sake of furthering along objectives, relationships, and drama. But here, in a whole episode put together, we saw many different sweet sides.

Being able to do stuff like this, it’s what will continue to set General Hospital apart and make people want to tune in because you get that nice refreshing course.

Alright, here we go……

“Clearly you haven’t read the ending.” “How does the book end?” “With the father killing the son.” “St. Claire wants to kill his father. Clearly, that’s something that I can live with.”  I think that’s something that everybody could live with based on all the crimes and deeds that Faison has done over years, beyond just this simple Jason situation.

“I don’t want the son. I want Faison, and I want to know why the hell he did the switch in the first place.” With his emotions already out of whack due to the situation with Sam, it’s easy to see frustration setting in for Jason right now. He needs some sort of release, and perhaps being able to get revenge will be enough. I mean, I can also understand wanting those answers, too. If you lost five years of your life, came back and couldn’t be reunited with your forever after, you would want those answers, too. Also, knowing why the switch was performed in the first place could prevent a future occurrence of such happening, again. Remove the threat and reason for it, right?

Considering Sam’s inconsistent inconsiderate behavior lately, I am glad that Jason has Sonny to lean on for when the time is right. Don’t get me wrong – Carly is great friend for Jason, too, but leaning on her can be “interesting” with her schemes and attitude at times. I mean, Sonny knew what to say at this point, too, with the perfect assurance in saying, “We’re going to find him, and we’re going to use his son to do it.”

“I want answers.” “You’re not going to get answers from that bastard.”  When Jason wants something from a person whose a little evil, he typically gets it one way or another. If anybody can get answers, he’s your man. Just sayin’.  

“I think I know his reasons. You get rid of people and make them go away without a trace. I tell you to get rid of someone, and you do it. Who would want that at their disposal?” Sonny has a good point as I could see that being an advantage for someone like Faison. The only problem is with that – Faison is missing a couple pieces to the puzzle. Yes, Jason can make people disappear at will and is good at his job. But it’s not just simply he’s told and then just does it. How many times have we’ve seen Sonny say get rid of such person, and Jason tell him to hold off, and that turn out to be the right idea? There’s a certain discussion layer to their relationship that seems to be forgotten at times here. It’s what makes their partnership, and friendship beyond that, work out so well.

 “St. Claire took the bait. He wants to meet. Are you ready for this?”  “I’m ready.” Peter is desperate – we’ve seen that already with other moves that he has made. So it’s no surprise that he took the bait. Perfect played plan. And Sonny asking if Jason is ready? That shouldn’t even be a question.

“I’d say congratulations, but I’m not sure you’re happy.” I wouldn’t be happy about having a baby with a crazed woman, either, especially if that woman drugged and made it appear that she slept with my father.

“Did you really think it would say something else?” Do you know how many people wished it did, myself included? But to be honest, I was pretty sure that they’d play this out because it makes for some interesting storyline dynamics throughout.

“Whatever we can to raise a healthy child, sign me up.” “I plan to be involved as much as I can.” This is what Carly was worried about when Michael was supposed to be “playing her.” She said that he would more than likely fall right into her clutches. By agreeing to terms like these, it’s right into her hands. Tread carefully is my only advice.

“I strongly doubt Ava hired you without another motive. My guess? She’s setting you up.” It wouldn’t be a surprise, considering Ava’s lovely relationship dynamics with Sonny already and her ways. She could also want to be playing the game with Nelle to make sure that she takes the baby away from the family, because she feels wronged with her own Avery situation.

“Ava is a lier at best, and a murderer at worst.” “But she’s the only person that would give me a job.”  “When people get close to Ava, they get hurt.” “Thanks for warning me, but trust me, when it comes to Ava, my eyes are open….”  Are you sure about that, Nelle? We know that you can play a tough game, but you may have met your match here.

“I think we’re on our way to being friends again, and if I play my cards right, maybe more than friends.” Like I said about Michael – tread carefully. You can hear her in the tone of her words that she’s just wanting to set something up.

“Take it from me. That family forgets nothing….” Do you blame Sonny and Carly after everything 
that she’s done?

“So what do I do?”  “You cut your losses. You take the baby, and get your nice check.” Hah! We all know that it’s not easy.

“Don’t listen to Ava. Michael is the only prince charming that we want.”  Refer to the previous advice column line.

“Are you busy right now? I could really use your advice.” You don’t want to know how much my heart swelled when Michael called Jason. It’s nice to see the scenes that we’ve all been waiting for – advice, friendship, connection – are happening.

“You’re going to be a father? That’s great…” If it was anyone else but someone like Nelle, I would have to agree with Jason because Michael is sweet, kind, and will make a great father. But, it’s Nelle. That’s not great.

“I’ve never been so terrified and excited at the same time.” “Welcome to parenthood.”  Welcome to also dealing with someone like Nelle – but Jason should know what dealing with semi-crazy people is like. He did handle the Brenda situation that time. But truthfully, that line plays true for parenthood in general.    

“I got involved with an unstable woman when everybody told me not to.” You’d think he would’ve adhered by the warnings, considering the amount of directions they were coming from and what she did to his own father. He’s only the one to blame here.

“But what if the baby is not okay?” “It will be okay.” “How do you know that?” “It will have you.” Awwww…….

“You taught me how be a father. You taught me how to open my heart up to another human being. Because of you, I learned to love someone other than myself.” My heart just swells even more in hearing Jason’s words for Michael. Truthfully, being able to be a father for Michael, like he said before, it was best thing for him at that time. He learned to love from Michael, and turned that into the greatest gift by giving his love to Sam. Hopefully Danny and Jake get some of that, too.

“Michael, you have great instincts….” If he had great instincts, he never would’ve gotten involved with Nelle.

“You don’t even know what you’re in for now and all the things that you’re going to experience. I mean, the moment you look into the eyes for the first time. All the first times – first smile, first words, the first everything, and you’re going to be there.”  “It’s a gift – terrifying, but great gift.”  For an episode that seemed dedicated to parenthood, this just warmed the heart and with how Steve Burton delivered it, it truly felt genuine for Jason’s character, as if he was pulling from his own personal experiences.

“If you need back-up, you’re going to call me.” “Yeah.” “You can call me.” This fan of the bond between Jason and Michael just swelled.                                                                                         

“What about Nelle?” “She’s not your problem.” “Yeah, just the baby’s mother.” I’d consider that a problem to be very important.

“I don’t want you to think that because your face is fixed, everything is fixed. You may need to talk to someone.” SAVAGE!!! Really, Ava needs to face her own conscious self and realize that having perfect skin surface beauty doesn’t make you a complete person, but rather your heart inside – and until she faces her faults and what she’s done, we’re just going to go around in circles.

“I can tell you that once this horrific chapter is over, everything else will fall in place.” Refer to the above. Until Ava starts to address her own issues and faults, nothing is going to happen as intended.

“I’m here to talk, always – as a friend…” If you need to keep saying “as a friend,” something is wrong. Both parties (Griffin and Kiki) should know the boundary of the friendship, and be able to respect it without a fault. But having to remind the other party shows a distrust in knowing that.

“This is my mom. This isn’t the first time that she’s hurt me. Sadly, it’s not the last.” Kiki’s truth bomb of the day, ladies and gentleman.

 “Why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve brought you myself.” “I thought you might not want me to ask Dad, and ask the other guy.” The dictation of who is who here just stings. If we’re going to start to create the boundaries and move forward, shouldn’t Jake recognize the ability to call Jason his “dad?”

“It’s not that I don’t like him. I just don’t know him.” That’s an interesting comment, considering how strong his reaction was when he learned about Jason being his father and Drew not being daddy. That doesn’t seem to add up to the freak out that he had when he was told the truth.

“You talk about him a lot. I thought you would want me to take him.” So Elizabeth talks about Jason a lot. I wonder how Franco feels about that….

 “Do you know how lucky you are to have two amazing fathers in your life?” “But he’s a stranger to me…” “Jason didn’t go away because he wanted to. He was taken, just like Helena took you. He didn’t just try and grab all those things back. He could’ve, but he didn’t, because he respects your feelings. So he’s waiting…..” The words from both Drew and Elizabeth about Jason to Jake were perfect. Nice to see a + spin after the initial reaction. I could clap all night for what she said, even not being her biggest fan. It’s nice for her to explain this for Jake so he understands what happened, and it’s nice to see someone recognize Jason’s approach since returning – true to character might I add – versus what people have said he should’ve done. Truthfully, Elizabeth's words about Jason really hit home. Jason could be the one to help Jake face the past demons due to own experience.

“You owe it to yourself to get to know your biological father.” Drew gets a single point for recognizing this fact, but he hasn’t got himself back on my good side yet – not even close.

The wave from Jake to Jason at Kelly’s, and Jason returning it – my heart immediately swelled, tears in my eyes. The simplest of gestures can mean so much and beginning to see him reach out is certainly a start.

It was great to hear the “sex talk” happen with Carly and Jocelyn, and Oscar and Kim. I talked in the opening about addressing things that are normally not handled. The sex talk topic is so taboo in mainstream media. It’s nice to see it right here, presented openly on the television screen. It’s okay for the parents to be nervous about it, worried about their kids growing up – that’s natural. It’s okay for the children to be disgusted in hearing their parents mention the word – that’s natural. Hopefully it helps people who may be in a similar situation. And by the way, Carly’s points about teens were dead on in the reasons why they want to do it early. It’s good to have a TV character openly admit those, because maybe it’ll kick start that conversation for a parent-teen in knowing certain ideas to go with along the way.

Same thing with the transgender discussion and Jocelyn’s points about how it’s not fair how they’re judged and not being able to wear what they want. So many people make comments on a daily basis, not realizing perhaps what it is like to be in those shoes.

Even in that discussion, it was nice to hear Carly admit her faults. It shows her growth in character during the years to recognize that maybe she didn’t always make the best decisions.  

“You were talking about blowing his mind the night of the dance.” “And you thought you were talking about sex?” About 95% of the audience did. Can you blame them?

 “According to the student handbook, it grounds for suspension. I know it’s not ideal, but I plan on seeing this through.” “And you should.” I agree with her as transgender issues and bullying should be dealt with, rather than left to just go forth with possible other negative consequences. But being suspended because you’re having a party the same night the school planned a party? That seems ridiculous.

“Everything is going to work out with Jocelyn. You taught her how to be confident, strong, and demand respect – sometimes a little too confident and strong.” I love Sonny’s continued admiration for Carly. But those attributes is why she’s always been one of the best leading ladies.

The natural chemistry between Drew and Kim is just perfect and radiating off the screen. You have to wonder if it’ll grow into more as Drew learns more about his past and gets closer to whom he used to be.

January 17, 2017 Episode Reflections

It's not like Ava is my favorite character so her opinions and life isn't really my fortay. I am actually annoyed by scar. It's actually a little insane how superficial they've made Ava's character in focusing on such a little scar.

But I digress, as I watched the full episode anyway – it wasn't spectacular, but it wasn't the worst. It actually was alright.

"Clean slate is worth everything. You know I've been thru hell & enduring that pain it clarifies things." Fixing a scar doesn't equal fix for everything else. Sure, you look beautiful and perfect. But does that redeem you for your past faults? Not until you face them, admit your wrongs, make your apologies, and recognize that should you able to move on.

"I used to blame everyone else. But you need to start taking responsibility." Best thing Juliane has said in a long time. Basically puts what I said above into simpler terms.
I still say Morgan is alive. We never found a body and we know how #GH works.

"Enjoy your new face. I'm not going to rest until the world sees you for the ugly soul that you are." Ava's dream or not, I wouldn't put it past Carly.

"Someone is definitely messing with me." Even if it wasn't a dream, I wouldn't have sympathy after what she's done. #sorrynotsorry

So even if in dream state, if she was truly trying to be better and clear conscious, wouldn't she apologize for her actions? If we are just going to repeat same typical Ava for an hour, then what's the point of this?

"If I can be the person who reunites you with your parents & those you love, then maybe it'll stop." So Morgan shows up and wrongs are gone? Nah. Ava's way of thinking is way off, and why I'll never like her. You don't just find the person alive and clear your own wrongs. If anything, it should make those faults appear more vivid. Morgan would find out from everybody else – his parents, Kiki, etc – that it was Ava who switched his meds, caused him to go off kinker, and get into that car. Then he would be angry and furious with her, eventually pulling as far as he could away from her not wanting to see her again – and that would crush her even more in losing that connection since she loves him. Whether Morgan is dead, or turns up alive sometime, Ava is still guilty for the part she played & clearing conscious means owning it – which she hasn’t done so yet, as she couldn’t even admit that to his face in a dream state. Instead, she told him to ignore the evil things that he was going to hear about her.

"I've done bad things, but the difference is I know who I am. You lied to yourself." Precisely why I can handle Sonny but not Ava.

Interesting how they have it set as a teenage Avery being in charge of the text messages.

"I have a new lease on life and I don't plan to waste it" So erasing scar cleans slate? Clearly nothing learned from her own crazy dream

January 18, 2017 Episode Reflections

To be honest, today’s episode was a bit of a bore for me. Not a whole lot to take away, no movement in storyline – I could’ve skipped and been fine with it.

But I will say that I am interested to see Laura’s reason as to why she can’t run for mayor now, considering how set she was on doing it initially. Plus, Jim’s sudden interest in Andy/Drew catches me off-guard, too.

Lastly, the ending scenes with Julian and Alexis together. Julian made the point, “We were supposed to be moving on” and notice how she couldn’t say a word. Alexis is far from being done with him, and I have a feeling they’ll be together again – against all wishes that I have.

Here’s to hoping the Friday episode is better. 

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...