Tuesday, April 3, 2018

General Hospital - April 3, 2018 Episode Reflections

So today's General Hospital episode tried to do some things - and failed. I have no sympathy for bitches......

So by Peter revealing whom he is, he says he will let his father win and doesn't want to? I think it's the opposite. Right now daddy is winning by continuing to watch those in Port Charles be tormented. By the truth being revealed, it begins the healing and ends Raisins reign. That said, I love how Griffin is calling out all of Peter's wrongdoings and the fact that yes, everybody deserves an explanation.

So I laughed when Peter said, "I had to admit him to the clinic so he could heal." "For five years? His family grieved...." He then goes, "Jason was still recovering, he was still weak."  I'm not buying Peter's excuses - considering it took horse tranquilizers to keep Jason there.  I also want to know if Peter was such a helpful guy, why did he send those guys after Jason after he escaped? Wouldn't that equal healed and strong enough in what Peter wanted for Jason's time at the clinic? Secondly, if you're not evil, what about the Sam situation?

Frankly, I hope Griffin goes and tells Jason the truth.


Notice how quickly Finn jumped to Anna's defense in front of Jason.

Also, I can't deal with Liz. She just seemed like an attention seeking bitch today, if I'm being honest. The continued crap for Jason about Franco reminds me of the same crap as before when she'd pull out the random lines about her life with Lucky. Remember then sometimes she's succeeded, but sometimes she hasn't. Right now? Franco doesn't warrant the attention, and Jason has enough on his plate with Sam & Heinreck to worry.

"Just so you know, Franco moved out. I mean, you'd want to know so he's as far away from Jake as possible." "If you want me to say I'm sorry, I can't." No sympathy games today, Liz. You don't sleep with Franco and be a princess right after. But of course she tries in saying, "I separated from the person that I loved so no, I'm not okay." Frankly, you're not going to get anywhere Liz. And forcing Jason to listen to Franco's sob childhood story is punishing considering that Jason wants nothing to do with him.

"I don't know why we keep doing this because we will never agree." "I want you to understand!" When will she buy a bloody damn clue?

"Sam loves you, when she shouldn't." Who are you to tell people who they should love and not love? Who are you to try and control lives? Jealous witch is all I see. And really, as everyone seems to forget, why did Sam fall in love with Drew to begin with? Because she thought he was Jason. Thank you very much.

But I get it - Liz's deal is Sam shouldn't love Jason while married to Drew - which okay, Sam has admitted herself now. But out of her own jealousy or justify her own decisions, she's trying to make a bigger deal out of Sam's mess. It isn't going to redeem Franco for Jason like she thinks. #GH

"Sam's gone." "What? She's gone?" Don't think that means you have space to dig your claws.

"Don't you go telling me that I need to find myself." "I didn't say anything." Bitch tries to make it about her, again. Good try, Liz.


"I'm an anigma. Aren't I fascinating?" "I'm a ticking time bomb." Franco is dropping some great truth bombs today.

General Hospital - April 2, 2018 Episode Reflections

So General Hospital was pretty good on Monday. There were more chapters written to different stories as we dive closer with more reasons for the #JaSamReunion2018.

I've always liked the chemistry between Steve Burton and Bradford Anderson. We know they have fun doing their shows, and it carries over when they're playing Jason and Spinelli. That said, their scenes on Monday were gold.

"If you return Drew's memory, she'll feel more obligated to follow her heart." "You're going through a lot of trouble for something that already happened." "What happened?" "Same and Drew broke up." Still love how Spinelli will do whatever it takes. And even though we don't necessarily need Drew's memory and all that, I want the contents of that safe so that way we can be done with all this Faison mess and then when #jasam reunite, they can truly move forward with their lives.

So Jason continues dropping truth bombs as he's right in saying, "For the first time since I came back, it feels like she's making her own decisions, following her own instincts. She's starting to trust herself again."  This was why he stood back all this time because he knew it wasn't really Sam, but rather forced. He knows his girl.

Of course like everyone else, Spinelli is pushing for a future when Sam returns but like always, Jason sticks to his word in saying, "That's for Sam to figure out." Even if it breaks his heart, he's willing to do what it takes for her. Gosh, I just love this man totally and completely. But we know her decision.

So when Spinelli said, "I'll be fine. If we succeed, we'll have what we want. If I fail, my contingency plan could not be in better hands," my first thought was hotel room. I mean.....


As I expected, Drew didn't take the Sam going away party as well as Jason did. I mean, his first question in hearing both kids are going with her is, "What I am going to ask is Jason going with you?" Drew clearly doesn't listen to a word that Sam says because she said "time to herself" meaning herself alone, not with either man.

Really, this was supposed to be about time away to find herself and see whom she wanted to be with - even though that answer is obvious if you ask me. But now it's even double obvious given Drew's actions because his Drew's comment shows his faith in their future together. He already knows the truth that she's going to choose Jason in the end anyway by assuming their running off together. So if you have a guy believing that, then I guess we know what's to come next.

Anyways, of course Sam gives him the respect of explaining again in telling him, "The whole point is to have some time alone and figure things out..." In reality, Sam shouldn't give him the courtesy of explaining it again, especially if he's wiling to throw everything they have away so simply.

But as always, Drew can't buy a clue because then he goes, "There's a lot we need to discuss when you do get back home. I don't know if this is too soon or inappropriate, but we need to figure out the best way to divy up everything."  I mean, how about you just come out and say I want a divorce now?

Secondly, what assets does Drew have? He came into the marriage with nothing. He got Aurora with Jason's money. He's living in Jason's penthouse. He's driving Sam's car, using his money for whatever. Pretty sure everything belongs to Jason and Sam. But hey, if it gets rid of Drew, let's just give Aurora so he has something to consume his time with and be busy doing. I mean, besides, it's not a Sam thing if you think about it.

......Although - Sam owning a media company while Jason is in the mob could be interesting. It would help in trying to control the narrative when shit hits the fan at times. But then cue the PR shits that says they're spinning the story and create extra attention. 

"I haven't even thought about it. The custody of Scout-" "I wouldn't ever want to fight." "I don't want too." Well that's good of course. So I guess all Drew cares about is the money since that's the only thing he wants to "divy" up, right?

Least Drew recognizes "that apartment is yours and everything in it" but oh Sam in saying, "but this company - it is ours." It was formed using your money, Sam. And what work has Drew done while at Aurora besides sit and mope behind a desk? It seems Peter has done all the work IMO

Also, we know that Jason gave the company to Sam per the divorce proceedings - so she should sole rights to it, right? But really, Sam would have choice then to put her sole name, or put it both the names of her and Drew. You also had Alexis saying, "Drew and Sam built Aurora..." during those proceedings, as well. Continuing to console him, she probably put both their names on it. I wonder if she regrets that now.

And yes, I know that Drew doesn't deserve anything, but if you're rich as ever and don't give a crap about money, would you just do it to pay off his ass so he leaves you alone? That may be theory here. It'd also clear up the last bit of guilt that Sam may feel (unrightfully so) for the situation.

I felt so bad for Sam when she pleaded, “Do we have to do this now? I just don’t trust myself to make decisions like that now….”  Continuing to try and guilt trip her into uncomfortable situations. Great husband, huh? Oh well, onward to the future we go.... That said, anybody see how quickly she brushed off the tears after leaving his office?


So Griffin is on my latest people to strangle after his simple line of, "Jason Morgan - from everything that I've heard about him, he's a killer." Thankfully, Anna came to his defense in saying, "He's selective about his targets..." Precisely why we can always like the guy because the targets he chooses, let's face it - they deserve it so they can stop hurting others.

Surprisingly that Griffin assumes the worst in Jason after helping him in Russia and hearing that from Anna by asking, "Are you going to be able to stand aside and let Jason kill Heinreck?" Who says Jason is going to kill Heinreck? That's an immediate thought considering Heinreck kept him alive, Griffin. I mean, that's something to be determined once we find out Heinreck's motives.

That laughter grew in Griffin then saying, "Jason's goals and methods are different than yours. Couldn't you work with someone you trust?" Jason is one of the mos hardworking, honest, problem solving people - hence why Anna went to him. She probably wouldn't be this far without his help if we're honest. And while Jason's goals are different, he has been honest with Anna about his feelings towards Heinreck and plans. That should say something too, right?  We all want the truth and the reveal to happen. Shouldn't that be the focus rather than these pittty things?

Furthermore, how can Griffin stand there before Anna and defend Heinreck when he knows that the little shit is hiding under their noses as Peter? I wish he'd just hand over the DNA results - that'd end Anna's work with Jason, too.


So I laughed when Peter said to Lulu, "I promise I will do whatever I can for you." Really, this is a perfect way for him to watch and make sure that he isn't exposed. I mean, he already tried to throw her off by asking, "Are you sure you want to do this? This could destroy any chance you have a reconciling with Maxie."

But really, Lulu was right in saying, "Maxie deserves the chance to face Heinreck and get answers as he's part of the only reason Faison came to town." Of course, Peter almost shot himself in foot by saying, "You're making a lot of assumptions." He's really risking the chance of exposing himself.

Peter's defense was even worse in offering, "The truth is nobody knows much about this man. You can't choose your parents. What if Heinreck is only guilty of being Caesar Faison's son?"  Then why haven't you just come out and revealed who you are? With that in mind, I hope Lulu doesn't follow his advice of "keep me in the loop. If you find out something, I want to hear about it." I mean, we know he'll use it to cover his tracks so nobody discovers the secret.

I rolled my eyes when Maxie said, "She doesn't need to protect me from you. You're just trying to be my friend."  While hiding the fact that you're my brother-in-law and other son to the man that I want to kill? Seems legit.

"How can a guy be in town this long and all we know is what he does? My vulnerable sister-in-law is leaning on this guy a little too hard..." "If Maxie says this guy is helping her." "I don't know. Sometimes the pain is delayed." Poor Maxie with the secret - but at least Nina recognizes this. 

So Lulu is trying to do her work - but yet still involved, It's interesting in hearing her say, "I'm trying to unmask him so someone else can catch him." While allowing someone else to do the second half, you're still involved via your leads with the clues so why not go all the way?

"I didn't know the Severed Branch was ready for print." "This is an advance copy. I just borrowed it from Peter August." Notice how Jason's brow twitched in hearing the name? Peter, oh Jason is coming from you....

"It would really help me to see the real ending myself." "Be my guest." Thank you, Lulu. I really want to see Jason's reaction to the ending now.


So my head spun when Alexis said, "I'll try and make these disappear - if you make our fake relationship disappear." Didn't you want that relationship, Alexis?

Of course it got better when Alexis said, "I would rather be honest with Julian, then him realize that I've been playing him." Because of course, making sure that Julian feels best about you is important even if we're over, right?

"Is Finn available?" "Don't you think you should ask Finn?" "No, I'm asking you. Is Finn available?" Alexis is making this more complicated than it needs to be.

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...