Monday, January 8, 2018

General Hospital - January 8, 2018 Episode Reflections

"Every once in awhile, justice is prevailed..." Strange feeling in this town because let's face it, how many cases does the PCPD actually solve on their own? It usually takes one of our mob bosses to do it instead.

"No, I was protecting you. She said the threat about you and I couldn't let that happen." #fanna 

"This chapter is closed for both of you. So feel free to live the new year and see what it holds for you." Hopefully they grow closer together. #fanna

"He's odd. But he's a good guy." "Maybe you should tell him sometime." "Nah, I like appreciating Spinelli from a distance." We all knew that Sonny loved Spinelli haha But I love Spinelli's quirks.

Why does Anna want them to avoid the other son? Is she the mother? Anna's defense went up as soon as they talked about looking into the son. Like Sonny said, "There's a helluva lot she's not saying." But what? It makes you think she's the mother and Faison kidnapped the child. I mean personally, I hope not but that's the only assumption that comes to mind when you look at how she responded - well, I guess maybe being tortured by Faison for months would do that, too. But let's see - she would kindly talk about details before without defiance, but here it changes?

Another possibility that surfaced would be her twin Alex being the mother of said son. It'd make sense because going through Alex would be another way to get to Anna. 

Oh, and asking Jason to not further investigate? She should know Jason's nature. He likes to always see things through and find every answer possible, and he deserves to know.

"The kindest thing we could do for Anna is put a bullet in Faison's head." - Sonny to Jason / That's one way to not mince words. But first, I agree with Sonny - we need those answers. 

"I mean, answers aren't going to change anything." "Why? Because Sam is staying with Drew?" So now we're just going to give up because we can't have our Sam back? This is bothering Jason more than he's letting on - but we know Jason. He doesn't just openly express emotions. Instead, they're read through in his eyes and the best at doing that right now is avoiding it for her own selfish reason - yes, I am looking at you Sam (more on that later).

Like I've said in this blog before - it takes a lot for Jason to pop and break the emotional barrier. Anybody remember the trail of events with Franco? But when you do break that barrier, it's like a water dam and you can't hold back a single thing. We need to reach that point because you can see the signs and a guy can only take so much. Perhaps it would also lead to the Jasam reunion that must happen.

By the way, I want to have the answers. Why? Because losing five years of your life, five years with your children, five years with your wife, five years with friends - that's a big deal. It's reasonable to want answers to why so you can fill in that gap. And wouldn't you want the answers and why Faison did this so that way it can't happen again? So that way you can eliminate the threat? Didn't you make that point from the beginning, Jason? 

"You haven't said anything about New Year's Eve." "Nothing happened." "Nothing? Carly said something might happen to you and Sam." Oh something happened alright, and frankly I can't wait for Drew to find out. It'll be nice to see him freak out once again.

"Jason, I need to see you." "I'll be right over." Once again, he's just falling at the drop of her phone call. He needs to stop doing that so she realizes that she can't keep hurting him, counting on him if she wants this life with Drew truly. Jason needs to pull away and show her what its really like to be separate. Then she will realize those emotions even more, and maybe try harder to reunite rather than push apart.

Really, Sam's behavior is just becoming frustrating beyond anything - and that's a surprise considering that I've been able to ship her through thick and thin till this point. A little more thoughtfulness, compassion in your way of behaving to Jason - even if you want to put this wall up to avoid falling back in love with him - would be nice to see. Right now, it's like Sam has lost all consideration for feelings for Jason in her being stuck with Drew and trying to deflect bits of her emotions still longing for him. 

We know that they will find their way back together eventually, even if they divorce now. I could see Sam going forth with marrying Drew, focused on her life. Meanwhile, Jason continues search for Faison and traitor - gets hurt. Boom, Sam's feelings are awakened and she realizes that she can't stay apart from him anymore. 

"Don't worry, I got this...." Yeah, good luck in those words Sam. We know you melt at Jason's sight because franky, that's what happens for me.

So we're just going to end off with them facing each other? We don't even get to hear her request today? 

Mute point - Anna and Finn don't need anymore baby drama. We still have the unwrapped spot of Hayden and going away pregnant. I really hope she comes back eventually, and brings baby, too. Maybe she can realize how wrong she was running away.

"The problem is, I don't know myself." "Yes you do. You may not know the exact details, but you know your heart." For a minute, I thought Drew was going to do the right thing and offer exploring his background before marriage so they had everything out in the open. There was an episode and time they discussed that, as they talked about speaking with those in his past, exploring leads - like we were going to see a bit of investigative Sam come out. So much for that, though, as it seems their obsessed on one thing alone - marrying, so Sam can escape her Jason thoughts (more on that later).

"I want whatever is going to make us belong together." Because you think saying vows, signing a paper, making it official will make you forget about the kiss to Jason and the love for him? Try again! We know your heart, Sam. She's mentioned an inability to talk about those times to Monica. She expressed some of her hidden feelings on Jason to Carly - hence Carly's motivation for NYE. She's had flashbacks (recall Christmas, and another time). She's resisted touch and conversation to resist a respark. 

"We've got a problem...." Cue what I have been saying for months upon months. Sam, the ties are still there. You're still married darling. Recall the divorce papers from Samantha to Jason were signed by Drew. Therefore, they're not legal because they weren't signed by the actual person. And Jason never really died so that didn't void it either. Yes, she's been married to Jason all this time.

"She would call Alexis, and then call Molly & Kristina and make a big deal about this." "I just want this to be a small ceremony, just you and me." Don't want anybody there that may fool your plan and make you see your real feelings, huh? I actually want to envision them having Carly showing up at the wedding and revealing all the things that seem to be missing from Drew seeing what we see, and Sam realizing the truth.

So much for the divorce point. Who knew you had to wait 24 hours after getting a license. Guess they do that to prevent quick shift weddings. 

"Why would anyone want to know Faison's location?" Well, you see, he had a guy kidnapped for five years so we need to enact some revenge....

"Faison is a sociopath. What if our baby inherits those genes?" What about Nathan? He is totally nice, sweet, perfect in so many ways. If he can turn out that way and he's direct connection, why does the next step worry you? Besides, his mother is a criminal so really, there should have been talk of inheriting genes long before. Also, recall Maxie, you said that father didn't matter before when we didn't know for certain. Now it matters? Can we say fake drama causing?

"I need you to swear to me that you won't tell anyone." Too late Maxie. He already told Anna.

"Sonny is a deeply flawed individual, but he has a code, a conscience." This is why we all can love Sonny despite his faults. 

"Did I do something wrong?" "You're just complex and multi-faceted.." "Are we having a fight?" "Maybe...." "I'm sorry." "For what?" "I don't know! We've never had a fight." What a guy!!! I thought Spinelli took the top award for corky, but nah Oscar took the cake today. But I do like how he came back and asked her to the ball. That was cute. 

You have to laugh at Carly's concern about Jocelyn saying that she'll blow Oscar's night away at the dance. She's already seen Jocelyn act like her in many other ways. She's worried Jocelyn is going to take another page out of her book.

Previews for January 9

"We need a divorce." Excuse me while I ball my eyes. You can see as he walked in and the "hey" that she almost couldn't bring herself to do this. 

Really, he should make it a little tough on her considering her lack of consideration and behavior to this point - and to really test if she's set for this, especially considering they kissed. Plus, as a millionaire, he should protect himself and make sure that Diane looks over the paperwork. Oh, and making sure he has the rights to see Danny because I really want to see more of their scenes together. But knowing Jason and how he bends over backwards for her, he'll probably just sign them based on her word that things get split evenly and Danny will have time with them both.

Oh, and Sam, you can't play weird all the time with Jason because it'll reflect on Danny and he may have questions. Then again, Danny spends enough time at the Quartermaines (like 90% of the time) so she could just say, "You can pick him up from there" or something like that to avoid him. 

"Why won't you leave me alone?" Because you've always had a freaky obsession with Jason so no surprise its his twin now. #GH

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...