Thursday, June 21, 2018

General Hospital - June 13 to 21, 2018 Episode Reflections

Are we really surprised that Carly found the interesting supervisor with a stick up her ass? You had to know that was happening with certainty given the trail that we've seen with General Hospital through this storyline. But really - for a place that's supposed to help you, that nurse sounds more like a warden than a helpful soul. Can we get her fired?

Now knowing what she's dealing with, Carly trying the hidden pill trick seems childish. She had to know this nurse would check. But hey, I guess kudos for effort right?

While I may be annoyed with Carly's situation, I absolutely loved Mike. It was great seeing him with Jason and Sonny. I mean, I even chuckled when he just went out of the blue, "Family has to take care of family, so let's break her (Carly) out." But really, his plan would be fun. We'd finally get some much needed action.

His comments on Jason were interesting, too, in saying "nicest guy you'll meet on the surface, but can cut ice water with his veins" as well as  "that's the kind of guy that I stay clear of." Meanwhile, sorry Mike but I'd want to run into him every chance I get. ๐Ÿ˜

So Jason will do anything for carly - and yes, now that includes cleaning dirty toilets. He has janitor experience. Anybody remember night shift?  But really, I'm glad she caught a sight of him as the hopelessness on her face as she passed out from the pills was enough to cry.

That said, Jason is going to make one sexy janitor. Can he come clean up the dirty toilets at my work? He'd make the nightshift easier.  Because as he said,  "A mess is a mess. Someone has to clean it up." And hearing big ass boy go, "Stick to mopping the floors; leave the patients up to the professionals," made me laugh. It's shocking that they found someone bigger than Jason - but that's still not gonna work as Jason can kick anybody's ass if he wants. I can see them facing heads very quickly given the instant attitude.

That said, I love the change in Carly's demeanor as soon as she heard and saw Jason. That will be enough to keep her off the edge. That will be enough to keep hope in knowing she's not alone. Let our Queen begin to rise now alongside her knight.

I'm also not surprised by her continued glances as I'd be checking out that janitor too though. And his pep talks are on point as let's face it - Mary is a witch and a power-tripping bitch. I can't wait for Jason to take her down with Dr. Collins. Can this storyline end with her locked up instead?

"Is that off a doctor's recommendation?" "Mostly mine." Do you also not get meds approved by doctors either? This nurse seems beyond shady, and exposing her could levy enough to get Carly released. I mean, I was shocked when Kevin asked, "How many meds do they have you on?" As her doctor, shouldn't you know and be the one prescribing them? Shouldn't you have a copy of the file they have?

Please don't tell me that Kevin Collins spoils the cover put together by Jason as a janitor. You'd think he'd want him to stay in knowing what Mary is capable of, instead of voting against it as he did. But instead, no, he goes ahead and says, "Jason, this is not a good idea."

You'd think Kevin would want to take Mary down as if she had her way, she would just love it if Kevin didn't attend to those in Ferncliff as she enjoys being a power trip and picking on the mentally ill. Can Jason kick her ass now?

"I'm so glad you're here." "Too bad he can't stay." I think if Jason explains everything as to what happened and whats going on outside of there ala Spinelli and Michael, he may bend the rules a little. And he's right in saying, "but if you're found out, you'll cause more trouble for Carly," but he never gets caught.

"it's up to you." "I want you to stay." "I'm staying." I love their friendship

So yay for #chelle flashbacks. As I stated in the previous entry, this could be an fun as it'd actually interesting enough to see where they go with them as Nelle's behavior becomes more revealed.

Really, the more Nelle throws Chase under the bus in front of Michael, the more Michael should get curious and talk to him. They could take her down together. And did anybody notice the look on Michael's face? It's clear that he knows something is up.

I rolled my eyes when Nelle said, "Instead he became obsessed with me." So is that how you took lessons for your plan against Michael? I also smiled when she asked, "What if he's here to finish what he started?" That'd be lovely.

Chase saying "exactly as Nelle intended" should give Michael all he needs in connection to the Carly situation. Proof of a trail of her actions and schemes. And yes, good advice in saying, "Don't get in a kayak with Nelle, or anything."

So my heart swarmed initially when Nelle got the shirt from Chase - but of course raspberry pie busted that bubble quickly in a good way. Spinelli strikes again. Nice job with finding the shirt trace. Trying to hurt Chase's credability for the future is a good ploy - until its discovered.

But Jocelyn having the perfume has me more curious and I love that Chase knows something is up on the Carly-Nelle front. The more people curious the better. Because Ava saying she wouldn't wish Ferncliff on her worst enemy should say something for Nelle.
So I rolled my eyes when Nina said, "I don't know the status of my marriage right now." Didn't she go to Alexis and say she wanted her to represent her for a divorce? Didn't she tell him right off? But yet now she's defending him to Sam and Curtis. Let's stick to a plan, please.

"think you can keep him busy long enough?" "Yeah, we have lots to discuss." I thought you were totally through with him this time. Least she started off the discussion by saying, "I called you here to tell you I'm done being your wife. I want a divorce."

I've got no sympathy when Valentine says, "I didn't want you to see my biggest failure." You could've righted it and saved the marriage by exposing the truth or forcing Peter to leave town. And who wants to bet Nina takes him back within these 30 days?

I still want to punch Ava, and that isn't changing anytime soon. I mean, her constant need to question Griffin should say enough about dishonesty and the fact that they don't belong together. It's ridiculous constantly hearing her say, "Why are you so secretive when it comes to my daughter?" And for the record, let's be serious and just admit that Grifki has more chemistry anyway than Grava could ever have.

"this isn't about you." "Of course it's about me. I'm your mother." [...] "I don't get why you didn't turn into me." Well geez maybe you shouldn't have slept with her boyfriend or gone behind her back. That's why truth will be wonderful.

That said, Kiki gets all my applause as she rode her mom well in saying, "you use sex as a strategy and a weapon" and "you used sexually to manipulate guys and get forward."

It made me laugh even harder when Ava pleaded her innocence in saying, "I have made mistakes, but I've changed. Being with Griffin has made me a better person but I'm sorry you can't accept that." Okay you blanket stealing, custody manipulating, throwing Max in jail bitch. And really, I just listed what she's done since saying she loved Griffin and was changing. If we go pre Griffin, oh lawdy, we'll be here all week. We could do a #DoesAvaRemember.

So Franco redemption #7473 is him beating up Dr. Bensch to stand up against the sexual harassment. Meanwhile, that creep sexual assaulting kidnapping ass is allowed to walk the streets with no consequences for years of torture. I've said it enough, but let me say it again - you're not going to change my mind on Franco.

"he's not going to ruin someone else's life." "Are we still talking about Kiki, or you?" And here we go with his sexual sad story once again. Meanwhile everytime he speaks I see Sam crying in the shower, Michael in his cell and I don't give two shits on his story.

Really, it would've nice to see Michael or Sam comfort Kiki through this deal. Anybody remember the time they comforted each other? That was some of the best content seen on General Hospital for a storyline this sensitive.

Instead, we have his paws in this story, and the whole family wedding deal. I've said this before but the timing is still misguided since we were about to marry before without all this drama. And I still don't give a shit since Franco can go fly a kite.  While we're at it, can we have James Franco actually come back and find out that Roger is impersonator?

But wait - maybe there's some truth to Franco actually. I mean, him admitting that Liz "deserves more than I could possibly give her" was refreshing. And his freak out in asking, "You have other patients?" reminded me how crazy he is, but not as much as when he stated, "I may be a looney."

That said, can we get to some #driz loving? That could be interesting since #krew doesn't seem to be moving as Kim went camping instead.

Speaking of Drew, I laughed when he said, "I chose to lead the life where neither had anything over me." But yet you lean on everybody else for everything in your life.

Oh, Oscar should get some kudos because he got some stellar lines in by saying, "it makes absolutely no sense that my mom is on a camping trip with Julian Jerome," followed by asking if Julian got eaten by a bear yet.

Odds and Ends:

So when Dr. Bensch approached her, I was all set for her to just kick him in the balls. That said, I think I got a new respect for Griffin in how he grabbed Dr. Bensch there.

So Peter's hand is broken and infected? Good job, Liesel, because I have no sympathy, not even when he tries to plead his case by saying, "I'm not the monster you think I am." Let's face it, he's almost there because rather than be truthful, you played the deception game. You could've came out with honesty. You could've returned the flash drive. But you didn't so your choices wrote your fate.

Of course we'd go through all those scenes with Mike and Sonny and now find out where the dang body is.

She's officially Samantha McCall again.

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...