Saturday, May 26, 2018

General Hospital - May 21 thru 25, 2018 Episode Reflections

So my life has been hectic as ever over the past week, so that means that yes, something has to take a hit - and yes, it's my General Hospital life.

I literally skipped watching Monday's episode as I was at the track all day and really couldn't find time to squeeze it in. That said, I read what happened - which there was some good stuff there. I did go back and watch Sonny and Mike's performance - fell in love. But can I just state openly that Ava ruined that song?

But I did watch Tuesday's episode. Given the time frame, though, I really didn't have any reaction to state openly. But I will say that it lived up to everything between the #Grava fight to the climax of Heinrech/Anna/Jason, to even Nina's comments to Lulu about Peter.

Cue Wednesday, where you know I had to say something because you can't gloss over Stelly Magic and not say anything. I mean, Sam with Jason at the police station as Heinreck attempts to press charges against him? It's just like old times. It was even heart warming to see Sam's instant stance against Heinreck in stating, "I know for a fact that Heinreck Faison committed fraud." She's ready to be there for her man.

For the record, I really don't care for Heinreck has had to say so far. I mean, sure you saved his life, Heinreck, but you still held him against his will with the usage of horse tranquilizers. Kidnapping it is. And while Jason may have initially critical and unconscious, but what about once he was strong enough and ready to go? Still kidnapping. I'll thank a piece of Heinreck for keeping him alive - say 20% - but that's it due to hostage and only doing so Jason kill Caesar.

On that note, let's just say that I am so glad that the @1SteveBurton stone cold stare is back. It's absolutely lovely watching him constantly. My eyes have been fixed on Jason Morgan's stone cold stare as Heinreck tried to save his cooked ass.

In return, it was great hearing Jason repeat the Russia details. Now let's get him to get the why out of Heinreck in keeping him five years, shall we?

Really, in response to the reveal, the reaction from #fanna, or even Nina isn't surprising. And the fact that Anna said, "Robert thinks it may be a stall, but he could be hurt" is why we needed Anna far away from Heinreck from the beginning.

On the topic of Nina, I loved her "So what?" for Valentine. That's my response to Valentine's story and excuses for his Heinreck involvement. And really, it makes sense that there should be no sympathy because Anna planted the final stone in saying, "You finally got what you wanted. My son almost shot me tonight." Valentine wants us to think he's some angel helping out a poor kid, but look at his motives.

That said, I really could care less for how this Heinreck reveal affects the twisted relationship between Anna and Valentine. That said, I am glad to Nina walk away because she is right that "some mistakes you can't take back."
As usual, Drew needs to be smacked across the head in saying, "I'm not going to rely on Peter, Heinreck. Dr Maddox is going to figure this out." That's a rude way to respond to a pleasure to help. I mean, Even Maddox said having something would be better than nothing when they were talking. He's mad over Sam being close with Jason so he wants no contact. Like he said himself, "I don't want any trace of Jason Morgan." But in the end, he's only hurting himself

I loved when Sam said, "Drew may not want that memory drive but I sure as hell do." Sam wants to ease her conscious, or possibly see why Drew is so against Jason. I haven't forgotten Drew saying he knew how cold the water was when Jason got shot.

That said, the sequence of events after this scene were beyond beautiful. I love how Jason just slowly walked up behind Sam, making his presence known but not overcrowding to give her support. Then those longing stares before getting into the elevator between Jason and Sam - it's like they're both realizing what's to come but yet not wanting to push it due to everything.

Also, I could get used to #griki everyday on my television screen - even if a little ew in watching Kiki with her mom's sex buddies.

By the way, the whole complete ending sequence deserves mentioning once again.
On to Thursday.......

I rolled my eyes when Sonny said, "I just care about you" even though he won't believe a single drop that Carly or Jason are saying. But the confident smile returned in hearing Carly's determination with, "I'm fine. I can't wait to get out of here and prove I didn't push Nelle down those stairs." I can't wait for Sonny's reaction when she does.

It was a little surprise in seeing Michael show up and ask to "hear her side of the story." That said, I knew there was doubt from Michael about Carly's behavior the minute he got done with Jason. And I will be the first to admit after their conversation that the doubt didn't appear to be there and I wanted to smack him. That said, his words to Nelle in saying, "I'm not letting you out of my sight" bring forth my curiosity once again. Does that mean you have doubts Michael and want to keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't do anything?

By the way, Can we skip these scenes with Jocelyn and Nelle? I'm overly annoyed at how Jocelyn is sucking up to her. I also want to smack Diane for saying, "I think she was way more out of control on those stairs than she realizes." Really, I never thought I'd see the day where I'd be annoyed with Diane. But seriously, where's Jason? Screw the flash drive for Drew and let's get #jasam on the Carly case.

Speaking of Drew, it seems that he is reconnecting with Kim - and that's great news.

I smiled in Kim admitting that she "encouraged him to go" in reference to Julian because if they reunite, then she can go run to Drew without feeling held down. Recall I even said after Friday that Kim almost looked sad in Julian not chasing after Alexis. She even emphasized that then in adding, "We promised to be honest with each other, Charlie, but if you need an out, you want one."

But of course, this opens the door for the great conversation between Drew and Kim as Drew can play sorry for her in saying, "He still shouldn't have gone..."

And we will see them sleeping together in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.....  right? But really, they both are right now settling second in line in their own relationships. Now they're both using their heads, looking to move forward, and boom - let's reunite some magic.

Let's face it, maybe Drew is growing a brain all together because he also said, "That leads me to believe that part of me is in there somewhere. But why these flashes of recognition?" But wait - Drew making his own assumptions can be dangerous. He thought Peter was a great guy and look where we are.

So Drew says "I need to do this for my kids" but yet the reality is he doesn't want a trace of Jason inside of him and seeing what he's missing with Sam. Refer to everything from Wednesday if you don't believe me.

Continuing on, these jokes that Drew keeps dropping - you'd never get them outta Jason. Hence why I do stand by the fact that possibly those memories are hidden underneath as he may think. Yes, I'm agreeing with Drew. No, the world hasn't tilted off its axis.

Meanwhile, we have Julian and Alexis back together again. Surprised? Yeah, me neither. Julian is so trying all of the cookie cutter lines like "you don't deserve to be tossed aside by Finn" and "you deserve to be put first and loved," but if that was the case, then why did you put a knife to her throat? I mean, I get that "people change" but some things can't ever be forgotten or forgiven. A knife to the throat is one of those.

By the way, I don't think Griffin had a "rough night" but rather a "great night" filled with alcohol, jokes, and dancing. And I was hoping he would've left Ava in the hall as she wished because the chemistry between Griffin and Kiki is so much funner.

I laughed when Ava said, "It really makes me happy that you two get along like you do."
I literally did a head spin when Griffin said, "I hate lying to her." So why did you sleep with her daughter of all people? And Kiki, while you may advise him to not "throw away your relationship," this isn't just one incident. The doubts have been there for time and time again. Running around in this circus isn't healthy for anyone.

I used to feel bad for Griffin with the games that Ava was playing. After that stunt? Nope, they deserve each other as my heart breaks that much more for Kiki. Can we please hook Michael and Kiki up?

I also didn't watch Friday's episode, but got the low courtesy of a friend.

A. Not surprised about Anna not pressing charges. Hopefully the JaSam charges stick because Heinreck deserves something.
B. Glad that Brad is starting to doubt Nelle.
C. Go Nina as Valentine's ass needed to be tossed like that a long time ago.
D. Glad Lulu and Maxie made up.
E. Eek on divorce for Sonny and Carly if so direction, but really, I can't blame her considering the doubts that he has had and not even giving her side of the story a chance. Hopefully Jason and Spinelli find the evidence soon to prove Diane and Sonny wrong - but we know Jason is a little distracted, ala Sam and Heinreck situation

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...