Thursday, March 1, 2018

General Hospital - March 1, 2018 Episode Reflections

So General Hospital was more entertaining today than yesterday, but only because I can find millions of reasons to pick on Franco during this. 

Frankly, here's my reaction to this episode and the Franco love......

I wasn't expecting that reaction from Franco with Drew in the stair well to have a panic attack, or really for Drew to comfort him. That said, I would've just let Franco fall down the stairs. Whoops....

By the way, isn't there irony in Sam's rapist being comforted by her husband? Yeah, great show......
Let me guess - General Hospital is going to have Franco tormented during all this time by supposedly pushing Drew, and Jim Harvey is actually the one responsible. All part of redeeming Franco, and all you get from me is a laugh because I'll never forget what he did. But hey, this is the way they're going because it's all about making their "pets" look good, and we know they've been trying to redeem Franco (and failing) from day one. Maybe they'll buy a clue after people don't buy the redemption routine once again this time.
I mean, rather than try redemption over and over, they should embrace this "villianess" side of him again because just think back to how good #GH was during that time, versus now. They could've really played off that well if they kept that going to this point, even with the twin story. You could've had Franco's obsession with Jason explained because he was trying to reconnect with Drew due to the past, and made sense to stalk Jason in looking alike. I mean, they would've turned #RogerHowarth into the star they wanted with ample screen time and sorry because of the focus on that again. Not every big star has to be a good guy ;)

By the way, Drew can be an ass to Julian but not Franco? That just seems odd. But I will say that in all of this, we learned that #Krew has decent chemistry. I think I can find where Drew lands after the #JaSamReunion2018.

Now speaking of Julian, we know the whole sewage issue is obviously something of Jim Harvey's making probably. That said, they really went overkill in Oscar not being able to find some place to host his party. I mean, I'm sure Oscar could've held it at the Metro Court on short notice. I mean, he's dating the owner's daughter. And okay, even if you can't have the Metro Court ballroom, there should be somewhere else at the hotel that they can have a party.

With that in mind, thank Gosh for Anna. You'd think other people in town - ahem Jocelyn's mom Carly - would've been a little more helpful in finding a spot. Then again, I can understand why Carly is currently distracted right now.
From Ava saying, "I guess he's just grateful that I helped his father."  to Griffin saying, "you were worried people wouldn't see you for who you are - kind...." I just wanted to laugh. I mean, I could honestly smack Griffin. The irony and how stupid he doesn't realize the truth to the blackmail that happened. With that in mind, Scott's jokes about Griffin are everything.

Kiki dragging her mother is everything. Can she please reveal all of this straight to Griffin?

That said, Scott's thoughts on Franco in saying "sometimes things should just stay buried" were pretty stupid. So Scott, Franco should be left alone despite tormenting the hell out of Jason for years, for making Sam seem she was raped, for locking someone in a dog's cage, for strapping both Sam and Lulu to bombs, tormenting Jocelyn, tormenting Carly, kidnapping one of Elizabeth's kids, etc.

Then Scott goes to Kevin, "If anything causes Franco to snap, I'm going to hold it against you." Sorry Kevin, but you're in for a world of hurt because we know that Franco will snap, whether your fault or not.
I was surprised to see one of Liz's other kids other than Jake finally showed up on screen. That said, I feel bad for Cam in believing that "I'm glad you have someone to put you first." It's completely the opposite as Franco had been self-centered for months. Let's be real when has Franco put Elizabeth first, though? Everything over the past month has been focused on Franco's demons, thoughts, and all this blah blah that nobody could care about.
Speaking of Liz, her being told "I know there's good in Franco. Otherwise, you wouldn't have offered your heart to him" was laughable. Instead, I just believe she's just delusional, which doesn't surprise me about Liz after her Franco speech to Jason.

You can tell that the love is still there between Finn and Anna. I mean, even separated, Finn is dropping truth bombs with "she's literally two steps ahead of us mortals." You're telling me that #fanna can't be together, but look at these scenes. Their chemistry is just riveting off the screen. I mean, Anna's letdown of Finn walking away says enough for me..... 

BTW Jordan getting fired would be a blessing. It's not like she does her job anyway. But with all this talk of an earthquake for Friday, is Jim going to blow up the town looking for gold or oil underneath?
After all this discussion about Franco, let's remind ourselves as to why we tune in....

That's better now :)

But I will say, there's an interesting spoiler that I've come to realize for the earthquake that supposedly Jason will save Franco. Laughable considering everything that's happened, but we all know how General Hospital operates. That said, there could be some rhyme and reason here. See below....
I'm sure the only reason that Jason saves Franco is (if he even does) because of Jake.....
4) He knows the bond they have, and wants to build a friendship with his son.
5) He wants Jake to learn one day the truth to Franco, but knows respecting innocence of a child.
Even with this spoiler that may or may not be true, I am still ready for the upcoming storyline.

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...