Thursday, February 22, 2018

General Hospital - February 20&21, 2018 Episode Reflections

February 20, 2018

Compared to other recent episodes, this one was lacking in many ways. But there were a couple so-so moments. 

So everything comes out in the news about Alexis and of course Ned's first comment about the election is having the upper hand. All his focus is centered on power, not maybe wondering how it got out.

Alexis admitting the release is probably going to be remembered as the first step to reuniting #julexis. Because Julian realizes how much Alexis cares. Hence his passion to Jordan in saying "someone is going to pay for this." Cue my frustrations because well, I never want to see them reunited IMO. 

On that note, though, shouldn't Juliane be able to figure out that Jim leaked the article? I mean, him and Curtis already suspected him in connection to Stella. Least Curtis is on to something in saying, "That article came in at the right time." Only a matter of time. 

It wasn't a surprise to hear Alexis say, "I need to get out of here." She still can't stand to see Juliane with Kim.

Of course Drew asks Curtis about himself and Franco, when meanwhile the election and Alexis is the big story right now. Shouldn't that be Curtis' focus for his aunt? But this proves something once again as Drew isn't doing any of the work as he makes Curtis do all this digging about Jim and Franco. 

To be real, it's funny watching Drew and how he continues to get closer to having an outburst. The fact that he knows slowly Sam is being drawn to Jason, given the little glances that they've shared and their instant chemistry. Just wait until he finds out about the kiss. Really, if Drew continues, these games against Jason with his comments and whatnot, it's going to go backfire in his face as he'll lose Sam in the process.

Really, I feel bad for Sam in all of this. We all know the real reason they're still together. She's only staying with him because afraid of what could happen with Jason given the pain of losing him once, and "feeling obligated" to be there for Drew due to the vows and everything.  We know Jason will be okay but we don't know if Drew would.

To be honest, I think Drew will self-distruct soon anyway especially if Jason is able to get more information about Heinreck's whereabouts without Drew doing anything. That, or if Jason and Sam end up spending more time together thanks to our little matchmaker.

Love Michael's eye roll at Nelle's feeling part of the family comments

February 21, 2018

So, it was a solid episode of @GeneralHospital today. Great show of emotions, and an additional layer to a relationship. It's an improvement upon yesterday - even if a few Kleenex may be required,

Love how Sam is quietly being there for Maxie - not saying anything, but lending a hand and shoulder quietly. It's nice to see their friendship a little again, esp in a situation like this right now because we know Sam has been in Maxie's shoes.
That said, it was nice to get a glimpse into Sam some more. Her advice to Maxie in saying, "One day you're going to want to dive into those memories, & it's going to kill you that you threw them all away" was perfect. But really, if she's speaking from experience, you have a chance to create new memories and build on the ones that you have, rekindle the magic. Take it.

"I tried to relieve our memories together and it was like breaking my heart over, and over again." If you felt that Sam, then why haven't you acted upon that all since Jason's return? Like Maxie replied, "Wow, you really are clueless aren't you?"

Hearing Sam express all of those emotions about missing Jason, dreams at night, etc - it makes me further ask this simply --> Why haven't you done a single think about these emotions, Sam? Why aren't you back with him already if you miss him so badly?

Sam says Maxie is in a "very unique situation," but it's the other way around. Sam is in a position where she gets a second chance with Jason, a chance to rekindle that magic once again and end the heartbreak. So why hasn't she, yet?

Instead, she's acted like a total butthole in some cases, shoving the emotions right back at him, and she won't feel any re-precautions (except punishing herself) because Jason won't hold it against her if she was to come to him and say she wanted something between them, again. Frankly, I probably won't hold it against her either because I'll be overjoyed their back together.
Dante telling Lulu, "I'm sorry you have to give up something that you love" didn't do anything for me. I'm sure she'll move on to something else, Dante. I mean, where was this passion about journalism and such before? That has been like an overnight love. 

By the way, I gotta say that a nervous Finn is enjoyable to watch. But let's face it - it doesn't surprise anybody that the writers had Anna show up to see Finn and Alexis together. Really, the GH writers could've done that partially differently, too. Considering you were just in bed after a sexy night Alexis, it seems you've fixed your clothes and hair in style very quickly.

Anna is sticking by her usual guns in saying, "Should something go down, I want to protect you." But clearly, Finn is done in saying, "I don't want your protection - nor do I need it." But notice the high pitch in the beginning of Finn's response? He's still upset, angry in how they ended. It doesn't need to be over. That said, his anger was perfect in his lines, from "Whatever danger you can dish out, I can handle......" to "You can always use a shower. I'll meet you there."

To be fair, Anna did tell Finn that she wanted them both to move on. But now perhaps Anna seeing Finn and Alexis together will make her realize her feelings, and actually admit things. I mean, I loved how they were both covering up for each other - or attempting to do so. They want to do best for each other....... It's only a matter of time before we find that magic, again.

"Are you and Alexis-" "Are we what?" "Is what I thought I saw true?" **Finn nods** "Well, I'm happy for you." Yeah, Anna's jealousy and seeing what could've been shows you through. Anna rushing out + Finn's reaction = matter of time. 

Valentine gets the dumb line award of the day in saying, "Once he (Jason) figures out you're Heinreck, he's going to have a lot of questions." No, duh. But he did redeem himself with his advice for Peter on Maxie in saying, "Once she finds out your responsible for writing the article on Faison, you're going to be exposed." That's a fall-out that should be interesting to watch, considering how Maxie has taken emotional and people so far, ref her and Lulu. 

So Lulu goes, "I just didn't expect to find you here with Valentine Cassadine. You guys know each other?" Imagine if she actually puts some investigative knowledge to work and figures out the connections

Why am I not surprised by Valentine's response? To refresh your memory, "For 1 minute, I thought you cared & weren't responsible for bringing Faison to our doorstep." That's a pretty harsh way of going about it, Valentine. I mean, you need to cover tracks but going that harsh is maybe not the way. That said, if Peter is sympathetic, could help.

Lulu telling Peter, "I need to focus on my family, and then figure out whatever comes next" is laughable, once again. She'll probably move on to some other 'long lasting desire' that nobody knew about.

Peter saying, "Use your work to expose the corruption. Use your work for the greater good" is laughable. How about she uses her work to expose Peter's secret and how much he is to blame, more than anyone else?

So where's the janitorial services that should've cleaned Crimson before Nina showed up? And once again, Valentine gets dumb line of the day award in saying, "When I walked in and I saw you down there, it broke me." I mean, you're damn well involved yet wanna play upset for fall out now. It does't seem fair. How about you open up about your involvement as a sign of regret?

I love how Oscar asked his mom, "You're really okay with him being an ex-con and all that mob stuff?" Good question Oscar, considering her initial comments upon meeting #carson in relation to you dating Jocelyn.

Hearing Alexis say "...which means I won't have a reason to come by here anymore" and "....I have to go" is a perfect lead to what is probably going to come. The heartbreak and sadness in Alexis' voice says that there will be more moments to come. Ugh....

By the way.......

Even with everything that I've said against Peter and Maxie, I know why they're doing it - drama. They know the drama it will create as the truth as revealed, and they hope we'll tune in. Truth is? I probably will as Kirsten Storms has been rocking this storyline so far.

But frankly, I wanna hear Peter/Heinreck's reason for keeping Jason alive, and more about his father connection before I'll give him a chance at redemption

"What did Faison dangle in front of you?" "His son...." Peter keeps asking questions and Peter going to have a lot more to deal with here..... and yay for a #jasam sighting.

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...