Friday, February 9, 2018

General Hospital - February 7-9, 2018 Episode Reflections

The past three days of General Hospital made up for the beginning of the week, as there was lots of action and emotion to take in. Certainly some new favorite moments, and certainly some accolades to be given to the actors, actresses, and everybody involved with the show. It's a good time to be a soap fan.

February 7, 2018

So the fact that Sam and Drew are planning a trip to Thailand doesn't bother me one bit. I mean, frankly, I get annoyed when I see Drew so he can stay off my screen voluntarily. But the fact that Sam goes, "We can make up for the honeymoon we didn't have." Let's see - you were gone for a week. Wasn't that enough? And what did you do then?

So Ned goes on and tells Drew, "We will always have your back just like we had Jason's." Frankly he makes me wanna squirm. Do I need to go into the General Hospital vault and display how he and the Quartermines messed with Jason's life through the years? I'd rather have the bond that Jason has with CarSon then that. 

Peter is dropping so many obvious hints when around people that it's not even funny anymore. I mean, him saying to Lulu, "I practice what I preach, and wrote myself a better ending. I made myself who I am and not based on my family." Well if that's not a subtle hint, then I don't know what is. The only thing I warn is if he gives that hint to someone who is able to figure the way he is - which we know there are already some on to him. 

But in that same breath, his expression to Lulu about his family ties was refreshing to see him get off of his chest. It really builds depth and understanding to why he did what he did - even if you want to punch him for it. As I said before when they debuted the fact he could Heinreck - I like the character and direction and acting, but maybe not the decisions.

Now with that said, I'm not quite prepared for him to leave town so hearing the words "I'm handing in my resignation and leaving Port Charles" was not pleasant to hear. But well of course he would because he's done with his Faison business and wants his secret to remain hidden. Just enough go further tip off Jason, perhaps.   

Thank you Sam for openly saying what everyone thinks of Alexis always being at Charlie's. 

Anna is so desperate to make sure "everything is wrapped up" because she doesn't want her mommy secret revealed. That said, Valentine is making it stay around longer - which is perfect for the rest of the town. It caught me off-guard a little in him saying, "I could field vague questions all day but let's cut the chase and ask me what I know about your son with Faison." I knew Anna was mommy, but how does Valentine know? Recall Faison mentioned "Cassadine" and Valentine's shady past. Nothing would surprise me anymore.

February 8, 2018

So @GeneralHospital was great for a couple different reasons. Perfect Heinreck angst drama, perfection with Jason on so many levels. You should be in love.

Thank you for more tea, Carly. That speech on determination is right on point as you're right - it's time for Jason to make these moments happen, get the boys together, have some fun.....but yes, at the same time, Carly is just equally determined. Hence magic together, and why Jarly will always be amazing.

"Sam knows if you need her for anything, she can always come to you. Sam knows that she's safe for you." Carly continues to speak the truth today.

FYI  For those who want to bitch about Carly's constant reminders, constant pushing, etc etc etc - jump in a lake. I'd rather have a friend who is truthful and honest. I also would like to have a friend that has my back no matter what, is willing to do whatever it takes for me, and be there for countless years now.


I don't get why Alexis even asked, "So Sam and Drew have some work to do at Aurora. Is it okay that I brought him?" Jason's response of "of course" was perfect. Clearly we all should know with how Jason is with kids, that he'd absolutely want to spend time with his son. I mean, look at how he lit up seeing him immediately.
Not gonna lie, Jason's eyes swelling at Danny calling him "Daddy" was just amazing. I could've cried, based on everything they've been through - from the five years away, to recusing Danny from Heather.
You also have to love how Jason looked to Carly for re-assurance and her words back to him after Danny left the room, in saying, "He called you daddy. Get used to it.." were just spot on.



"Sam couldn't bring Danny herself?" "No - work issue." "Or is it because Sam can't trust herself around Jason?" The tea spilling continues.... I mean, let's face it - Alexis knows why Sam couldn't bring Danny herself, and even advised her to keep her distance. Alexis just won't admit those Sam feelings for Jason because of her own objectives with the relationship.

SIDE NOTE - Who can picture Sam and Jason making out in his new place already? I say it's bound to happen as we all know how separation works in soaps.

So it didn't surprise that Valentine mentioned Alex. I also had the thought about Alex being the mother of the Heinreck - as a way for Faison to twist with Anna's head one more way. But of course, we know that's a lie too. Glad Valentine is bringing it out of Anna, regardless, even as twisted as he may be and the fact that I still say he played a role. I mean, Anna was right to ask, "You weren't there. How would you know?" He could've been spying, watching, considering he had a love interest in you.

His response was equally intriguing in saying, "I didn't. I just confirmed that now." It's either really good spy games, or Valentine is involved more than he should be.

"She?" "You had a girl." Is Valentine just twisting this to throw her off of Heinreck, or is that the truth? With that said, is there another child running around, or is Robin's father Faison? Either way, it's a good twist on everything....

The cut from Anna to Heinreck really makes me believe that Valentine is lying about being "a little girl." And of course, Heinreck calls Valentine at this point, as well. As predicted earlier in the storyline, Valentine knows way more than he should.
So of course, Alexis would side with Drew's theory that Jason withheld information. She obviously wasn't there when Jason came with information that night of the wedding. She also didn't prefer Sam partnered with Jason, either. I mean, I don't get how Alexis or Drew can see Jason as the bad guy. I mean, he gave them his penthouse, let them keep his money, let them keep the company they bought with his money without paying a cent in return, and shared every single detail he found out about Faison without their help while they spent time in paradise. But yes Jason is the bad guy here.

That said, Alexis saying, "Maybe just to be safe, you should keep your distance" is for her own motive. Obviously Alexis wants that so Sam doesn't rekindle those feelings, knowing about the kiss. But when you let your relationship dictate your friendships, there's a problem. Oh, and let's see, Sam admitting that the kiss was "mutual" was icing on the cake. 

So Sam's request from Alexis on "can you do something for me?" was clearly not shown. She either requested Alexis to take Danny to Jason's, or to not speak of the kiss to Drew. The irony if Alexis would mention the kiss to Drew considering how she doesn't like #jasam together.
I still say we should explore #Lake again now with Drew's identity in place. Reunite #jasam, reunite #lake together and get rid of Franco. It solves a bunch of problems at once.

I almost laughed in Elizabeth's words in saying, "Your exhibit there helped you confront your past and move past it." Then why we are still talking about Franco's past?

Oh, and Jim saying, "You were always building with blocks. It doesn't surprise me you built a great brand new company." Wait until you hear about how he built that company. And btw, too bad Drew's urge to punch Franco about the "push" wasn't reality.

Another thing - notice Drew's pause before he handed it over? Could he had a quick reflection back? Like we've said, does he remember more than he has pinpointed? And he also hid it, too, which has to make you wonder if he remembers more and has hid those as well. The words from Faison in saying, "Drew knows more than he realizes" are constantly repeating themselves.

I am glad that Michael told Nelle, "The only name that is off the table is Morgan," even if I wanted to smack Nelle's reaction with, "Anything else you want to dictate?" His reasons are right, and it stops Nelle from continuing to mess with the family - at least in that way. 

BTW I am still loving the chemistry between Kiki and Michael. I mean, Michael should take Kiki to the party - or maybe Griffin should go with her. After all, it'd put some stoppable angst to #grava which is ugly. But him saying, "Nelle understands that there's no future between us." I don't think you've shown enough signs of that, Michael.

I can also laugh at Nelle in saying, "She's not going to have any fight in her when I'm done with her." Confidence is high considering first plan sucked.

Exploration of the future - Franco and Drew grew up together. Now if you look at what has happened so far, it leaves the perfect window opening for a Drew/Franco reunion together, against Jason, considering what both have done in recent times in that direction. Then having Drew in love with Sam in the middle? Ah yes, the next arc is forming....

February 9, 2018 

Great job, @GeneralHospital. It was emotional, but well-played on all aspects. Caught the smallest things.

Like usual, Sam has to be there for Drew and pick him up on the way to the church, instead of being there for her friend - esp considering the tension between her and Lulu right now.

Oh, and it was odd seeing Jason not at the funeral. He may not have known Nathan, but you'd think he'd be there for Maxie based on their friendship and visiting her at the hospital. 

Outside of this, though, #GH is doing an absolutely amazing job. The substle glances between Anna, Valentine and Peter are everything story-wise, followed by Maxie saying, "I always knew I'd lose Nathan. He was too good to be true." But really, #GH went beyond perfect in this with having Maxie spend time with Georgie. The closing scene - perfect with Nathan walking away with Georgie. So many small aspects done just right. 
That said, where does the future take us next for Maxie? I actually wouldn't mind a reunion with Spinelli.


"I'm truly sorry your luck ran out." Don't know whether sincere or deserving of a punch

"You took everything away from me" You had to know Maxie yelling at Lulu was coming. It wouldn't be proper without that #LuMax 

I may puke in having to watch both Drew & Franco together #GH

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General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

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