Friday, December 29, 2017

General Hospital - December 29, 2017 Episode Reflections

"Baby, it's just You & Me, we got a thing they can't shake 
Maybe, it's a little hard sometimes to take
But I'll tell you something, its a life worth living
Just so you know, I wouldn't give it up, no."

Their song just fits them perfectly. 

But okay, with that out of the way, let's just get right to the juicy details, okay? I go into forth depth about #jasam by the way, before I even touch anything else. But that shouldn't surprise you considering today's events.
I couldn't help but laugh when they said the boat was on auto pilot and just sailing away by itself. Of course, this tweet made that laughter even worse...

"It's supposed to be me and Drew, not me and you..."  Sam back to her constant rambling and Jason just analyzing her words? Oh brings back so many memories of them in the penthouse together working out things...  We'll see if she believes that later. 

"We're going to be stuck on this boat for a few hours.." And no phone service? Thank you! It's exactly what you both need. Look into Jason's eyes. He is  putting the pieces together. You've got this time, why not use it to express your feelings? 

"She took things too far tonight. I'm going to talk to her." Jason / "I don't think there's anything you can say that will change her mind.  - Sam /// Least we've learned over the years that Carly will do as Carly does no matter what whether likey or not.

"Besides, you did the right thing. You took a step back. She's trying to change my mind." - Sam / It's technically not changing your mind, Sam. It's making you realize what you keep harboring away constantly in avoiding Jason and your emotions. I mean, do we need to go back to what you hid/said to both Carly and Monica?

"I herby challenge you to a game of dominoes.." / "Same rules?" / "Of course! Whoever loses the round, takes a shot of tequilla." /// Ah, yes! This episode couldn't have gotten any better! A trip down #dominoesandtequilla memory lane? Thank you! TBH I'd like to see them air their feelings out in the open & talk about what they feel in relation to each other, Drew, and the situation. But I'm not going to complain. Connecting over #dominoesandtequilla will allow them to see what they're missing. 

Truthfully speaking, their first time playing was really the start of something special as it allowed us a glimpse into the fun times that we were set to endure for the next several years.

You also love how she was having some teasing fun with it, starting to really loosen up. Like a lot of people said - we brought back a bit of the Sam that made Jasam what it was today, and I loved every minute of it. I mean, let's face it. Jason always did bring out the best in her, from the first time that they crossed paths, too.

"I doubt this is what Carly had in mind..." / "Probably not..." But hey, it's something, it's progress, and she'll be happy with that.

"I'm not with Drew because of Carly. I'm with Drew because I love him. A lot has changed in the past 5 years." Least she's admitting straight to his face now rather than shying. Now breaking down how you have changed so he understands would help. 

"It wasn't five years for me. I woke up and I had no idea how much time had passed, and all I could think about was coming home."  Excuse me while I ball my eyes out. This hit the feels immediately. 

"I'm glad that you went on and lived your life, and you have Drew, Danny and Emily." Jason always wished if something happened, she would be able to take care of herself and she did.  That took a lot of strength from her, too. 

"I miss you, I do, but I can't miss the life we could've had because it didn't happen. This happened and as long as you're happy, I'm good." Jason again hides how desperate he is for her, and continues to put her first - even at his own expense.

And notice how Sam never really looked happy back in response to his happiness for her family? It's like she's wanting him to say something else - admit that pain that he is feeling, admit his true emotions. Fight for her in respect. Remember originally back b4 reveal when she told him to "fight for his life?" Could she meant fight for her, too?

Can we please explore the option of drunk Jason? This could be widely entertaining! 

"Why would you make such a stupid play?" "I was distracted." "You're never distracted. You're losing on purpose so that way I don't get drunk." / Love how she called him out on it - even if didn't go smoothly after. Least she's keeping honest here. 

"Admit it, Jason Morgan, you're too polite to not get a lady drunk - unless she's your lady." He may be a hit man and can kill at will, but that man has the heart of gold. I absolutely love the drunken lady line the more times I hear it. And you can see in her eyes that she's feeling him so badly, wanting to reconnect, but scared to break Drew's heart, scared of what could come next. 

By the way, can we just freeze frame this entire Dominoes and Tequila scene and replay over and over? It's a good glimpse to what could be if @GeneralHospital lets #jasam rekindle again.

As Jason put on her coat, look in her eyes and her own hesitation - how she's realizing the emotions that she's been ignoring and trying to shelter with every other conversation. He's bringing it out of her slowly - even if not in the way intended too

The Kiss

General Hospital used the perfect flashback clips for their dance and kiss together. If you haven’t seen the original scene, do yourself a favor and do so. 

Personally, I love how he just stayed so focused on her, not caring one bit about the food, just wanting to be with her. And I can see why he likes dancing with her - it gives him yet another reason to just stare at her. #jasam #stelly #JaSamNYE #GH

I mean, the flashback worked perfectly because you see the same reaction in Jason here. Jason is watching Sam as she watches the fireworks. He always had a thing for admiring her, wanting to just watch her, be with her, let her live that moment. I mean let’s face it, Jason couldn't give a care about the fireworks, but rather focus on his girl. From staring, to saying "beautiful" in relation to her and not the sky like her. In that moment, forget those "beautiful" fireworks. Jason's eyes are locked on the one thing of beauty that he wants to have back in his arms more than anything in the world - even if he won't admit it because he doesn't want to push her. 

By the way, every girl needs a Jason (and Carly) in their life.

The smirk also when he asks her to dance? That was just the nice adorable touch - not overdone, but easily noticeable and connecting to them, too.

While Sam won't admit her feelings with voice, she tilted her head first - leading him in for that kiss. There's your confession of feelings. Now maybe post kiss, we can get into talking and moving forward? #jasam #stelly #JaSamNYE #GH

FYI – the flashbacks were their first kiss and dance, by the way.
You have to love #killy #dream fans that are going on the fact that the kiss is simply a dream that Jason is envisioning and will be knocked out to false. Keep dreaming..... 

By the way, General Hospital chose the perfect song for the closing credits because if you listen to the lyrics closely, they fit so much with how the #jasam story is coming together. The words "no matter what, it brings me back to you..." are a perfect foreshadowing of a #JaSamReunion2018.

So no previews for Tuesday, @GeneralHospital? Welp, that sucks. But I won't complain. I'll just stare into the lovely #dominoesandtequilla and kiss scene until then. 


So what happens now that Jason and Sam have kissed? Who knows! Ya never know. This may be the door opening that we've been waiting for, or could be the start of more longing and continued frustration. Regardless, we got to see that they actually do still have those feelings for each other deep down. Someone mentioned that this whole circus may last until Drew and Sam are set to be married on their wedding day – like typical General Hospital fashion. Truth be told? It's quite possible but at least this way, I think we'll get more scenes with them together, and maybe more touchy feely, unlike what we've been getting. I mean, now that Jason has seen that sign, he may chase after it more - rather than allow her to avoid him like we've seen so far.

Drew sees it - But why do I have a feeling that Drew is gonna see it and that's how they will cliffhang to Monday? I mean, let's just leave us in pain for an extra day because three days of waiting is nothing right? Nah, we'll be too overjoyed by the initial kiss anyway. But really, if he's going to see it, I'd like to see Drew show up with their lips still locked together, to see that passion they have for one another himself

Drew not seeing it - Now if the writers would've chosen for Drew to not see the kiss, the sneak around could've been entertaining though. I'm sure Danny would've helped that scheming. Sam says to Drew that she's taking Danny over to send time with the dog. Meanwhile, Jason meets them there. They spend time as a threesome, and then tell Danny to go off and play with doggy while having some alone time.

Now will he still go to Russia? I still think he was only going to avoid seeing her, Drew and Jake. But if she gives him a good enough sign, he may stay knowing that there is hope once again. Besides, maybe by then we'll have a new lead from Spinelli reading that manuscript.

Just thinking....

Let's go back to Thursday for a moment because another little tidbit came to me today, too. 

Sonny: you think it’s a good idea to keep distance btw you two? / Jason: Drew is not handling this well he’s angry every time he sees me he wants to explode. ...... I'm glad he finally said it in the open. So one has to wonder - Jason says he's keeping his feelings for Sam at bay because he wants her happy. But is the real reason because he don't want Drew to implode and cause Sam more emotional damage?

I mean, look at what he said to Carly yesterday, too. "I wanted to see if Drew would admit that he still has his company because of you." "Carly come on...." "Would it kill the guy to say thank you?" "Yes, yes it may...." 

Also, the latest spoiler has the possibility of Franco losing mind, heading down dark path, battling his inner demons. Can I say yes please? I'd be all on board having Franco go a little nuts again and return to his old ways. I mean, let's see his true-self come out. He was ultimately my favorite villain, and the most creepiest - but produced a spectacular storyline for #jasam in the process. 


From getting them on board, to the auto pilot, to Drew's car - Carly thought of everything so that way Drew couldn't even board afterwards. I give her mad props for planning.

"What did you do Carly?" "We both know Jason is capable of taking care of himself. But anything else, you're always stepping in..."  I love how Sonny is not giving up that Carly is up to something 

"Didn't you try convincing Jason that Sam was the only one?" 
"Yes, and it got nowhere so whatever you're planning, it isn't going to work." He lies. Chemistry is about to rock.

"Whatever is going to happen, is going to happen..." - Carly / "Is Jason somewhere with Sam?" - Sonny /// Love how Carly didn't technically lie, just took a nice sip of alcohol. Least she's being truthful with her words. 

"I'm the host of this party. I can't stand around talking about Sam and Jason." Oh Carly, you can find your way outta trouble no matter what. Sonny is going to find out the full details eventually.

"There's a superstition if you start off the year with a lie, you'll be lied to all year...." Technically Carly has spoken a lie in regards to her antics.

"First person he's going to blame is you." "I don't care. Because Drew is never going to be happy with Sam, because Sam is only going to be happy with Jason." Precisely because it seems when you have #dream together, Sam harbors feelings. 

"I love you because you're a force of nature, and my life is nothing without you." They're just perfectly adorable. #carson #GH

By the way, you can ride Carly's ass and want to yell all you want. But it's not like Carly tried to hide what she did. She didn't straight out lie to Sonny about it and when cornered, she told him the truth. And she said she'll own it straight to all their faces, too. I'm sure Drew will tell her off - he had no problem telling Sonny his thoughts. Now Sam? I think she'll yell at first for intention, but thank her for making her face her true feelings about the situation at hand. 

For the record, I'd be all for this being the next step in Carly scheming....

Odds & Ends

I have no issue in watching Valentine being beaten. I mean, he deserves it for some clear reasons. But by Cassandra? I actually somewhat like him more than her, strangely.

Drew and Kim stuck together in a car? Ah yes, let's watch them rekindle their old magic together. Maybe it'll help Drew reconnect back with some of his old memories.

"You used to say don't waste the chance to live your life..." Notice how Drew's eyes are changing, locked on thought? You have to wonder if he's having some half-flashbacks. 

Anybody notice how awkwardly Drew just abandoned Kim in the midst of traffic, climbing out to walk the rest of the way? I mean, he didn't even offer some sort of payment for her doing that for him against her own New Year's plans. But, it doesn't surprise me, considering he hasn't offered Jason back any of his money or things yet.

Finn is awkward in all of his corks, but you can see how Anna is falling more and more for him.

Anna, why did you let Finn leave the room? You should know better to keep a close eye on everyone until all ties are set.

That argument between #Lante just came out of nowhere and was really unnecessary.

"Who wants to bet that Finn is going to get kidnapped before Anna sees him? But instead, obviously Cassandra found him as they ended the episode. But where is Anna?


But why do so many people like Jason? Simply – this takeaway from his revelations from Sonny on Thursday should explain it all.

General Hospital - Friz Reflections for December 2017

For the record - I still hate Franco and don’t believe he has changed a single thing. So I really want to see him and Liz be over, and Franco just rot away.

Are we clear? Okay…..

"I need to be able to trust you with my boy's hearts." How can you say that when he just stated he wants to keep Jason away from Jake? #freeLiz #nofriz I mean Franco’s words, “I don't want Jason and Jake hanging out." That right there should throw a red flag for Elizabeth as she will do anything for her boys and seeing their parents #GH Besides, if Franco is thinking that Liz would drop him just because one person, like Jason, says they should break up, then Liz needs to let him go. Obviously he doesn't see how much she loves him #freeLiz #nofriz #GH
That said, man I wish Liz running and walking out was real #freeLiz #nofriz #GH

"He has a theory of keeping dark and sometimes damaging things inside of him. But I love him." So you're willing to subject yourself to that? You're willing to deal with lies and make yourself secondary? How is that even healthy? #freeLiz #nofriz #GH

"I'm learning to care about people, and I suck at it." Least Franco mentioned something. #GH
Sam to Franco I will carry those scars for the rest of my life. ---- He may had not done anything physically, but feeling and sensing mentally can be twice as damaging sometimes. #GH

"I thought we arrived at a truce." "You thought wrong..." I'm sorry, but I don't ever see Sam forgiving Franco and rightfully so. #GH

"I don't think you're done with Jason." Franco does speak one bit of truth in all this. We know Sam and Jason aren't done. #jasam #stelly #GH

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...