Sunday, April 22, 2018

General Hospital - April 20, 2018 Episode Reflections

So when Sam said, "Oh my mother doesn't let me travel without protection. Just pretend he is not here" about Jason, let's face it - I couldn't do that. But look at Sam, falling right back into usual self in deceiving people, playing her cards to get Intel and places. Glad my girl is back.
I also smiled when Spinelli said, "I'm the jackal, and you, and your bank, are my mercy." Gosh it feels nice to see Spinelli back up to his old tricks. He's still a master at breaking every security code and as the guy said, "the bank ain't ever been robbed." Well, it hasn't met the dream team - "until today." Also, notice the smile from Sam in her glance to Jason? Notice Jason's small smile despite keeping cover?
"He can't" "He can, and he will - if we don't get your full co-operation." Sam certainly hasn't lost her touch and you know what happens when you issue Spinelli a challenge. I will say until Jason spoke, it was interesting in watching Jackal and Sam take charge for a change.

As soon as I saw the scene, it was like can we please see that photo that they're looking at? I want to know what Peter used.

So cue the spoiler.... - Welp, we had to know it was a fake photo so good job Spinelli. And if I was that fool, I would start talking because they will get what they want regardless.

So my heart breaks in hearing Carly's desperation with, "Do you think this is just going on in my head?" "What other explanation is there?" Like how can nobody wonder that someone is messing with her?

"Someone is messing with me." "We don't have proof." So? What happened to trust and belief forever and always in your wife, Sonny? People wonder why Carly always turns to Jason instead and this is why right here.

"You really think I'm losing my grip on reality?" "It wouldn't be the first time..." Oh Sonny, that was the worst choice of wording.

Ava making Sonny decide between Avery and Mike, and whether to press charges, is purely evil. I can't believe Griffin isn't even saying a word here. Like, really? Where's your compassion bitch? But oh wait - Griffin has a voice after all. But gotta love Ava and changing for the better - and now turning back to her witchy uncompassionate ways. When will Griffin see the truth? Probably never, just like Liz and Franco.

I rolled my eyes when Peter said, "It seems you can't shake me..." Oh Peter, are you trying to dig yourself a deeper hole? I also sort of went WTF when he said, "Heinreck could be more dangerous than you're giving him credit for." But yet you want people to see him in a good light for future.

So Anna is gonna get figured out and it didn't surprise when the teacher first said, "I can't answer your questions." Ah, of course. Hence why I always wanted to go with Jason's plan instead. Stupid privacy rules and goody two-shoes people.

Welp, the previews look just as awesome as today. From Robert knowing the truth to Spinelli saying, "touch that and we're dead." Can Monday hurry up?

General Hospital - April 19, 2018 Episode Reflections

"I can't imagine what they're going through." Franco should know all about a kidnapping after taking children previously, including Aiden and Avery.
So here we go again with Sam's husband asking how her sexual assaulter is. I still can't stand Drew's attitude.

That said, Kim and him need to get together. I smiled when Kim asked, "How are you? I've been worried - well, Oscar has been worried." Nice cover, Kim. But there's no hiding that Kim asked Drew on a chili date, using Oscar as a good excuse again. πŸ’œπŸ’›πŸ’™❤️ . I also smiled when she said, "We should try and spend more time together. I mean, we are family."

Julian wins hero of the day in saying, "What if it is someone from your past? Just because we left the world, it doesn't mean they've forgotten for it."

Dante is right about Carly in saying it "sounds like a horror movie." So it's understandable that Carly has "been hiding things from me for months." I get Carly in not wanting to overworry Sonny, secrets are even worse. She should know that based on history. That said, I feel for her but it's so hard to believe this Carly tortured storyline due to not one person with knowledge suspecting Nelle. Like wtf?

So Sonny when you say, "I wanna believe you with all my heart," then believe it.

"Griffin said the tests were clear." "Well, that's good news." "Not really, considering you think I'm losing my mind." I feel for Carly...  So is this going to continue without answers until Jason gets home? I mean, he solves all her problems.


General Hospital - April 18, 2018 Episode Reflections

Nicely done by Anna, Robert and Emma at the school. They make a good team, as well. That said, I was shocked when Emma said, "I got what we wanted. Can we go now?" How? Is Emma some super genius of something?

Nina certainly has had quite the journey on General Hospital. Oh Peter, good luck in following her story, but maybe Nina feels if she confesses her entire life to Peter, he will reveal something. That said, her 21 questions for Peter was better. If you can survive her craze, you're good.

Not gonna hide the touch of pain in hearing Kiki say, "I'm supposed to shadowing Dr. Bensch. Too bad you couldn't take my place." I really feel for Kiki here. Great opportunity but worst circumstances. Like her friend said, "I kept wondering what I could've done more, and what the committee saw in you." I don't think you want to know what they saw. Oh the irony when he said, "They must've been looking for something more...." Oh don't worry, Dr. Bensch is.

I was like duh when Kiki asked, "Are you doing this because I rejected you?" Isn't it obvious? Any human would have compassion in this situation.

Cue rolling eyes at "How am I going to be the voice for all of these people?" Here comes Franco redemption attempt #4738. While good to see for sake of kids and Harvey sickness, no forgiveness given regarding what he did to Jason, Sam, Michael, and others. And why are Franco and Liz the only ones getting proper love scenes? Like, ewww x100.

General Hospital - April 17, 2018 Episode Reflections

"Swiss police just arrested Spinelli." "Woah, where are you going?" "To get him out of lockup." "And how do you plan on doing that?" But yet Sam is no longer badass. I mean, she even had her own plan in saying, "I will go. You can watch the kids. [...] I always have my fake ID, and I can pass myself off as his lawyer, girlfriend..."

So when Sam asked her mom, "Did that just happen?" I was ready for her to take her own mom through the cooker. I don't care that she "asked him nicely...."

"Assuming you don't get caught." "It's me, Spinelli, and Jason - and we don't get caught..." Here's to more badass days to come. Let's face it, they are the dream team with Jason as the muscle, Spinelli as the brains, and Sam as the kickass beauty.

I rolled my eyes when Alexis said, "It's even worse than I thought. Are you getting back with Jason?" Is there really anything wrong with that? Mommy should want true love. But I smiled when Sam said, "I'm not together with Jason. I'm not ready." She didn't deny it happening down the road. But you gotta love Alexis thinking worst of Jason. I can't trust her judgement considering she went back to a man who put a knife to her throat.

So Sam's words in saying, "I'm a PI and I'm good at it. I'm ready to be me, and do what I'm good at" proves what we've said about Drew.

"Isn't that what your heart desires?" "More than anything.." But we already knew that. He's just being the gentleman and biding his time. That said,  Jason once again hits all the heartfelt feelings in his words about Sam to Spinelli. Cue almost tears here. And yes, Spinelli is right. Sam wasn't whole without Jason, and she won't be whole until they're reunited.
Anybody see the grin when Sam asked, "Hey boys, need a ride?" My badass princess is back.

So Julian can suck a donkey in saying, "My money is on her getting back with Jason, and that's a shame, because Drew would be the best man for her and the kids." I'd rather Jason in my life than someone who would put a knife to his wife's neck.

Dante is right saying, "There's a fine line between supportive and manipulative" especially when one of them has a secret over the others.

So next story arc will be Ava using this situation with Mike & Avery to her advantage to attempt for custody of Avery, right?

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...