Tuesday, February 6, 2018

February 5, 2018 - General Hospital Episode Reflections

So today's episode wasn't as strong as what we saw last week - but it's not too bad either.

It was nice to hear Jason's reaction to Carly's lecture - even if it wasn't the response that I wanted. His reaction of "I can't decide what makes Sam happy, so please just leave it alone" continues to fit the character mold, though. Jason doesn't want reminders due to the pain it causes. But if he could give Sam a reminder or two, it may open the door she closed.

Jason's line of questioning for Peter is perfect. If Peter doesn't watch his step and continues answering as he has so far, he may get figured out quicker than he thought possible. I mean, it doesn't take a total genius to put together his answers with the fact that they said the son is hiding in plain sight, Drew knows him, Peter last one to see him, Faison at Crimson rather than Maxie's apartment.  - plus the other clues, and we know that Jason is practically a genius anyway. All he needs is a glimpse at an e-mail, the Ipad, the bullet cover-up, or something else and this is blown wide-open.

Jason can smell a rat because he's right in saying, "Faison didn't make a move unless it was calculated." And notice Jason's reaction to the missing bullet discussion between Peter and the cop? Yeah, that's the next clue we needed. Jason isn't going to be leaving Peter's trail anytime soon.

BTW Closing the conversation that suddenly just throws more suspicion at you, Peter. If you had nothing to hide, you would've continued talking to Jason more. I hope he goes to Sonny about his suspicions, and Carly overhears it. She could easily bring up the Ipad and suspicion from the night it happened.

My funny thing in this? Jordan still knows nothing! Great police work, huh?

If I had to guess - Jason is going to find the USB, Drew will get his memories back, and Franco will be redeemed (again) because it will be found that Drew caused the fall on the stairs, not Franco, and Betsy just said this to further push the envelope.
So it seems that Dream wants to become smart, huh? I had no problem with Sam saying, "I'll call Anna, and I guess Jason...." because it'd be nice to start off with all the pieces. But of course, Drew has to continue to be a bitch and goes, "No, I want to leave Jason out of this for now." So Jason is fair and tells you everything that he knows so far, and this is how you repay him? You wouldn't be this far without him! Can I smack Drew?

I mean, Anna hasn't said a single thing about the investigation to #dream, but yet they want to go forward in going to her, rather than the man who voluntarily out of the goodness out of his heart comes to you despite being thrown shade at each turn. That just makes so much sense.


I almost laughed at Jason saying, "We'd get farther along sharing information together." It's more like Drew will learn everything this way because he can't find it himself. But of course, he will be polite for Sam's sake. Cue the eyebrow moment if you don't believe Jason is on to Drew's interesting ways.

But no no, this gets better. Sam goes, "I wish the two of you could find a way to treat each other like brothers, but we both know that won't happen anytime soon." That's only a one-sided deal and simply because Drew is jealous and angry for no reason. Jason has shown all opportunity to co-operate, and I hope that buck stops because Drew doesn't deserve the fairness. It'd also be nice to see Sam talk some sense into her dear hubby, too, but it seems she loses her voice when it comes to anger and decisions with him.  

"I don't think we'll be seeing much more of each other. Take care." "You know if you need me, you know where to find me." Did you see how much that hurt  Sam to say? Only doing this due to avoiding pain of separate.

By the way - Separation makes the heart long more, and the reunion that much more enjoyable. πŸ˜‰

"Why would he (Jason) come to answers about Faison?" "I don't know. I hadn't laid eyes on him before that night."  Drew will probably buy these words, rather than further think about situation, and miss the biggest piece of the puzzle.
I got a good laugh out of today, too. Nelle thinking that Carly would make amends after drugging Sonny? Ha! I'm sorry but you never come back from doing a deed like that. And the fact that Nelle says, "As Carly wants to make me look deranged, I'll fight fire with fire." Ha! Good luck with that. Carly can see crazy from far away, esp with Sonny and Jason by her side looking out for her. Why do you think they call them the fab 3?  

"I've decided whether it's a boy or a girl, I'm going to name it Morgan." Is Nelle trying to give Carly more reason to smack her harder later on?

I can't stand Franco (for obvious reasons), but somehow I still stay tuned into his scenes. Maybe I'm wishing Liz will wake up and smell the coffee. And Franco's words, "If there is any a whisper of a chance that I could hurt him, then I need to get away from him" - well I guess you should because we've seen signs with some of your actions since the tumor was removed. Dog cage ring a bell?

By the way, I haven't seen the previews for Tuesday - but the character line-up almost makes me just want to yawn.  

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