Friday, February 23, 2018

General Hospital - February 22, 2018 Episode Reflections


February 22, 2018

So today's @GeneralHospital is definitely worthy watching as it was everything. The smallest pieces of it today will bring smiles for you

So I was surprised to hear that Drew was in a meeting. You mean, Drew does work? It's not like we ever see that happening, especially in importance to Faison.

Of course Peter would be there when Jason would ask Sam to run an article about Faison's will in the paper. Its like the pieces are in DUH form lately here. That said, running will in paper is a good idea to get the son to come out of hiding normally so I applaud idea
Reality is, Peter should be watching his words a little more carefully. All it will take is a few words from Peter that don't fit and he'll put it together after their previous meeting. I mean, he was showing a little more interest than warranted by a usual third party.You can also tell by Jason's behavior he has a close eye on Peter.

You could also sense that Jason would've preferred Peter to not be there for any of the discussion. Notice how he turned away from Peter and has been watching him closely. However, with Peter's role in the company I guess they also have no choice. Sam is also so in the dark about Peter its not even funny.

Now Peter being there could be a benefit, though, as it allows Jason to read the actions made by Peter. The fact that Peter questioned whether a name was there with a heightened sense of anger is intriguing in itself if I wasn't actually in knowledge.

But hey, Peter won't see what he's doing in slowly revealing himself. He thinks he can outsmart anyone because he has been so good at it to this point. If he can get away with this much, then he can get away with anything. But really, I'm interested to see why he wants to keep Drew's memories hidden, and why he kept Jason alive all of these years.

It pained me to hear Jason say, "Whatever Heinrech's reasons for keeping me alive - yes, I'm curious. But it's not going to get me those five years back. It's not going to change anything." Basically, Jason has still given up on it all because the one thing he wants he can't get back and that's Sam. But Sam is right that "it could change it all for Drew" if he can get his memories back, and such. But if that is so meaningful for Drew, why hasn't he done anything himself about it?

That said, I was taken back by Sam's response, too. She didn't even address anything in relation to Jason in replying to his comment. You'd think even if she didn't want to rekindle. she'd respect their time together by giving Jason some consideration. She should've given him some reason to want those answers after he denied it.

Sam was also pretty off in saying, "He kept you alive for five years, and now you're here. That fact alone - should draw him out." If that was the case princess, then why hasn't Heinrech/Peter revealed himself yet?

Sam then goes, "I'm actually desperate for Drew to remember, for himself, for the kids, for me...." She's desperate for him to find the answers and solve his life problems so Drew will be okay -
 and then maybe she can do what she truly wants and rekindle with Jason. But then she counters herself in saying, "We're acting like this is a race for him to claim his memories - and we've got to change our mindset." While looking for a possible rekindle, she's afraid of what she'll do once Drew gets those memories. She's afraid of a next purpose, next step, because of her own fears from having lost Jason once.
That scene was so simple with #jasam in simply Sam rambling about her thoughts (ah, the good old days) and going on about everything with Jason trying to follow - and then the smiles - but it was everything. It's a reminder of what can be down the road.

So Sam is right in saying, "This whole Faison situation is irly messed up....," but I was caught off-guard by Peter responding, "....and fascinating, to the outside observer of course." It just shows you that Peter/Heinrech is just as messed as his father. He took the role at Aurora Media so he could have a close eye on all of his subjects.

But Peter gets my respect in openly stating, "For two people who believed they were the same person for awhile, those brothers are nothing alike." Truer words haven't been spoken, Peter. and it makes Sam's  relationship from one to the other that much strange as can be.

So when Sam said, "Jason knows how to cut his losses and moves on, and Drew is still searching for a resolution. Who can blame him? The guy doesn't know who he is" I could say that for once in a blue moon, I feel sympathy for Drew. But that disappears in seeing his usual attitude.

"Sorry, wish I could help more..." "Unless you know the whereabouts of a disco ball, flashdrive that disappeared in December." Oh the bloody irony.....

Now some said that Drew should've been there for the discussion alongside Jason, Sam and Peter. But really, it's a question for the Port Charles Press. That means it's handled by Peter seeing as he's in charge of that department, per Dream putting him in charge. So really, Drew and Sam both aren't needed in handling the matter.

We could all be fair and tell him, though, but Drew doesn't deserve the courtesy from Jason based on his attitude so far in circumstances but that's just me. I mean, Drew doesn't need attitude out of a bunch for Jason when it comes to Sam, though, when it was Sam who chose to stay there for Danny's sake. He also doesn't need to say Jason withheld information when Jason gave him a chance to receive it and Drew turned down.

A Thought.....
So yeah, Carly, I get that house keeping and maintenance couldn't be in there during the investigation. But hasn't that been wrapped up for awhile? Still doesn't excuse the blood still being etched into the carpet.

Ava is right in saying, "Making friends with Monica is one thing. Luring Michael from the clutches of his mother is another" as we've seen that from experience. But the fact that Nelle feels that she'll be "right back at Michael's side" with Carly "nowhere to be found" at the end of her plan is crazy.  So good luck with all that, Nelle. Think you'll be nowhere found.

Figured that diagnosis for Mike was the direction that #GH was going. With that said, Mike is doing a great job in his role and the denial of the diagnosis. The line "Where are you going, Mike?" followed by "to find some better company. Someone who actually gives a damn" just cut to the core.

Of course, Mike would land himself in Ava's gallery. Now, when Mike left, why didn't Sonny put one of his men on him? I mean, he should know the dangers of what Mike could do based on what happened at Kelly's.

I wish I could just break and buy new phones like Maxie and Nina. That said, I love how Nina is stepping up to help Maxie. Also, glad to see Epiphany is still teaching the child birthing classes. I remember when Jason and Sam went to theirs together.

FYI, Maxie became my hero with her comments for Nelle, too.
I can't wait for Nelle's plan against Carly to be exposed so badly. The fact that Carly has Jason back, there's no way that Nelle pulls this off. Can we also have both of them kick her butt, too?

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