Tuesday, July 10, 2018

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspicious given what she's done already. I honestly don't get why Chase said to meet him at Jordan's office anyway. Wouldn't that draw attention if someone saw him going there? They could've met up anywhere for pete sakes to discuss this - even ELQ. Michael could've said that Chase was following him to workplace trying to warn him.

That said, as soon as discussions about the plan began, I knew Michael would agree as he said he'd do "anything."

"What do you want?" "You need to die." Well then....

With the matters this plan involves, Michael better squeal to Jason because trusting the PCPD in this town never works.

It's interesting in the same respect that in the Metro Court, Michael goes, "I want to get married as soon as possible to get rid of him." So Michael is working with Chase, but tells Nelle reason for marriage is to eliminate chase? This is getting messy fast, and probably faster than I want because I was shocked when Michael asked to get married tomorrow. Can I lose my invitation in the mail?

I think Jason wants to lose his invite because he can see every bad thing about this including "getting yourself killed" being uttered. That said when his instincts are off, that's normally for good reason.

I had a small revelation with everything when Sonny said, "Michael is a master strategist. He's brilliant and it worked." I totally forgot when Michael took Avery away from Sonny so maybe I don't give him enough credit sometimes.

"Since when are the cops involved?" "Since recent." "Then you better start talking and not stop until I know everything." I knew Michael couldn't keep it totally hidden from everyone. Maybe Jason will see through Chase's colored glasses.

I mean, he didn't quite warm up after hearing everything, and the parent argument is fair especially since they're going to think it's real. I mean, do we need anything to drive Carly further crazy?

That said, Michael played his cards perfectly as Sonny said he would by saying, "This is my choice. This is my risk. Don't take that away from me." Michael using Jason's code to be allowed to do what he wants as he knows Jason hates making decisions for people to run their lives. And I get why Michael wants this dealt with and out of the way before the baby gets here as he knows that better than anybody after using Avery for revenge against Sonny initially, and the custody battle for him.

But I still agree with Jason that there's too many risks to the plan and if his instincts are on point, then I suggest Michael cans the plan immediately. Besides when did we start trusting the police department?

I love how Jason goes running to Sam in his moment of panic over Michael. And it should mean something when he says, "I would do anything for my kids and I would take any risk necessary. I can't stand by and watch this happen."

"I don't know if I'm strong enough." "Sometimes we have to force our-self to do something we don't want to do. You're the best at that." But when his instincts say otherwise, he needs to act because otherwise we get a mess for months. Also, it should say something when Sam remembers the small moments with Jason. While Drew left her that night, Jason stayed and talked to her for awhile till she was ready to part. She remembers that in how he looked out for her. That holds well for the future.

My jaw dropped further when Chase asked, "Now do you want to hear the truth about your fiance?" Your kidding right, Chase? I mean, he even complimented her in saying, "Let's be real - you'll look beautiful in anything."

We can strangle him as he says, "This marriage to Michael isn't going to work." You probably wish it was you instead. But aren't you supposed to just be letting things play out so he can play dead and you can catch her? Instead, it's like you're giving away the plans by then saying, "What if he divorces you? With all that power and money, he'll strip you of everything - including that baby."

"I'm supposed to leave Michael, the father of my baby? What's the alternative?" "Me." Sorry but you got no money that she wants.

Chase has me thinking especially when he says things like, "I am angry with myself because I didn't take care of you when I had the chance." I keep pondering back to that person who said Chase is in on this to help Nelle. Or is he trying to get her over confident so she messes up in front of Michael? It seems odd when he adds, "I've always loved you, and I'm starting to believe I never will stop."

"She wants you to leave." "Me? You? Or both?" Hmm...

Meanwhile, Nelle continues to act confident despite those around her still not 100% locked on, say like Ava who even asked, "For how long until Michael sees through you?" That's a failure already as we can see.

But hey, Ava has her own drama to deal with as you can already see her jealousy seeping through when she was told that Bensch has "got a photo of Griffin and Kiki in each other's arms." It's beautiful, really, because that means things should work out great when the truth is revealed.

That said, I am shocked at Griffin for not willing to do whatever it takes to keep Bensch locked up by stating, "I'm not going to jail for lying on the stand and neither are you." I guess he just wants to hand the case over so a sexual predator can continue to contact victims.

Instead, we have Kiki contemplating dropping the case before it even goes to trial. Wouldn't bensch messing with your life make you want to further pursue the lawsuit?

I also chuckled when Ava said, "Thank you for being so good to my daughter." I want to know if Ava will say that next week.

By the way, I wonder where Ava will meet up with people when the pub goes under construction. As soon as Julian said he was going to do a "major expansion" and some digging, you knew it'll probably come to finding Sonny's body.

"So we are clear?" "For now." And here comes construction expansion.

As predicted from when hints began to be dropped, you can begin playing the final countdown as even Jason asked the question, "Once the demolition starts, how long until they find the body?" I don't think Sonny is going to enjoy his coffee now from Julian in hearing this great news.

That said, I was encouraged in hearing "the bigger the project, the bigger the chance of finding the body." Isn't that the drama we want? Sonny made a good try in trying to buy the pub from Julian but Julian said it all - "this building and everything in it belongs to me." Ah yes a dead body is perfect for your collection.

So when Sonny said, "all the drama about the body in Croughton ends tonight," I was all set for him blowing up Julian's place to find the body. Yes, I am trying to do anything and everything for some real good mob drama.

So the Colonial is hiding his recipe at Maxie's?  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Like really, this was such an unneeded set of events because it was just too pointless and cheesy, regardless of sponsorship. The only thing that would've made it worth while was Lulu stealing the recipe as Maxie gets ready to bring James home.

Now as far as bringing James home, Liesel can actually be really sweet as what she said to Maxie was great. But anybody notice the dull look on Nina's face in knowing their world would come crashing around them? That only continued by her saying, "I don't want him to die by our hands." Like I've been saying all along, Nina has too much of a conscious to know what's going on.

Then you've got Maxie saying, "I wanted to believe he wanted to reinvent himself, start over," but yet she wouldn't even bat an eye at her supposed best friend for months.

So of course that leads to Nina untying the rope and all I could see was Oberect entering just as Nina finishes the last of the ropes. But Nina actually got away with Peter? My heart dropped in hearing that. Glad to hear that she hid him instead. Maybe she's turning a good corner.

Oberect's kinky sex explanation for the bed was everything, by the way. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

"What are you doing?" "Goodbye Heinreck." ....but...but he needs to suffer longer.

"We can't kill him." "Why not?" Because it's fun watching Oberect torture Peter.

On that note, Wyatt was a very entertaining kid when it came to Heinreck with some of his one liners and not finding any help for him. That said, he can disappear now. I can't believe that Peter almost got his escape due to some kid untying knots.

That said, I laughed when Wyatt didn't even leave the snores for a quick snack while Peter wait. But cue the shock and anger in him going to see Franco. Of course we need to make this about Franco, too. Because let's try to redeem Franco this way. Newsflash - nothing worked before, and this won't work now.

The only good thing is Finn being involved because he can find him and get good points in Anna's books. Even Franco said that in saying, "I don't think you care about this. You just care about Anna." It was nice hearing Finn admit it by saying, "I don't care about Peter. I'm doing it for Anna. I'm going to find her son."

Finn also gets the line of the day for asking Franco, "Why are you still here?" I ask myself that everyday.

Really, it should be Sam and Curtis finding Peter - and Sam seemed to be getting close when she was at the party. But instead, they're just going around in circles. Sam having to push the video on Curtis so he sees the smallest detail shows his lack of skills. And then Curtis saying, "Who is she?" Seriously Curtis? Do you need everything written out for you?

"I completely played her and for the first time in months, I felt like myself." "The old you." "The real me." She's back!!!!

Carly speaks the truth when she says "to let someone have that power over me, that doesn't happen. Nelle was someone I could've fought in my sleep before." But of course, let's blame her lack of action due to regret over "the way I couldn't protect Morgan." So we are going to blame shitty character writing on grief?

My heart swelled when Sonny said, "We have to protect our kids and trust our instincts." I feel for them when the plan goes off.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

General Hospital - June 29, 2018 to July 5,2018 Episode Reflections

"How do we prove otherwise? Evidence hasn't proved it." "Sam." Jason always puts his faith in her and rightfully so.

I know it wasn't emphasized as much as some people would've hoped, but that little pause from Jason in seeing #NoodleBudha on the flyer was perfect. You also have to love Spinelli's instant happiness in seeing Sam. So glad to see the threesome together.
"Curtis Ashford?" "We opened up a PI together." "Oh..." The shock and heartbreak on Spinelli's face is everything, and I hope he takes a hand in many of her cases as he needs to spend time in New York.

My heart swarmed when Sam said, "just like old times." I also loved the smile shared between Jason and Sam. I see a #JaSamReunion2018 very soon.

Spinelli was everything on June 29, though, as his comments on Curtis along with Jasam hit every single cord. By the way, his jealousy is also just adorable.

  • "I'm sure Curtis is a very worthy investigator." I don't think so. They've already gotten caught twice.
  • "He can provide a service, but it won't be my service. He can provide support, but it won't be my support. They won't be a team." 
  • "I feel she's more herself with us."
  • "I think once she's done this voyage of self-discovery, she'll find her way back to the people that she loves and I'll put you at the top of her list." 
"So now what?" "We wait." Jason has no patience. You can see that.

My heart turned full sympathy when Jason said, "But once you know where to look, it's clear. And if I had been paying attention, I could've protected Carly, could've protected Michael." There's still the regret but yet he can't be regretful as he has a right in missing that due to Sonny's drama and his own in returning. I mean, hearing him detail Russia and his determination on how he got back just made my admiration grow more.

"Carly was right." "And now we have proof." Love it. Seems perfect in #jaspin solving it together.

So Kevin admitted turning in Jason and doing it to "protect Carly" but really, he did it to protect his own job and position as he just stated. That, and protecting the identity of the neighbor. Any bets on that being Morgan?

By the way, Kevin saying, "I strongly advise you to not communicate." First Mary warning her and now Kevin warns her. The carrot before her grows more with each visit.

It was nice hearing Carly admit, "I frustrate Jason all the time. He gives great advice and I always do the exact opposite and then he has to go all the way out of his way to fix it. Jason is always there."

She also said a very telling point in recalling, "I spent a year and a half trying to fall in love with him, & then I went & slept behind his back with his best friend. And he still loves me and I love him. There isn't a mess that I can make that he can't clean up and you sent him away." Their friendship is special.

The looks on everyone's face when Michael stated their engagement πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Those looks were also great when they added, "We don't want to wait that long." Notably, anyone notice Jocelyn's lack of excitement? The perfume may have made her realize something.

But really, I hope Sonny's words pay off in saying, "I hope you know what you're doing." We all hope so because Nelle needs to go down. Jason was also good in wishing "the happiness you deserve" as Nelle doesn't deserve any.

The look on Sonny's face when Nelle left and Michael said, "Well, that went great...." was also priceless. 

No surprise to hear Michael say, "I'm smart enough to call for help if I need." Michael would call his uncle Jason.That said, Jason's reaction was perfect in asking, "Why the hell are you marrying Nelle?" My heart swarmed with Michael's response in saying "there's no limit to what I am going to do because Nelle isn't going to play me again." It's nice to see Michael growing up and taking more after his parents in #jarly as they did a good job raising him.

"Make sure she feels loved, comforted, safe." "For how long?" "As long as it takes." That's dedication.

"Do not give up your soul for this girl. Don't do anything you can't live with." "I can live with anything as long as my mom and baby are safe." Does Michael truly have it in him? We see as his innocence would say otherwise.

Jason going to think at the foot bridge is classic General Hospital. Glad they're playing homage to his favorite spot. By the way, can I just say that Steve Burton is sexy as hell standing on the bridge? 

"Would you like to watch the fireworks with us?" "yeah, I would." Those smiles are everything 😍😍😍 After everything they've been through - from heartbreak to finding their way back to each other, to uncertainty of a future with child, and Franco drama through the pregnancy along with Heather - they deserve every single family moment they ever get together. That's why I immediately swarmed in seeing Danny on Jason's shoulders, and the smiles that Jason and Sam traded. 😍😍😍 

So this scene was a great contrast to watching Sam and Drew divorce. Do you blame my excitement? It's like Drew never got Sam because even in separating he goes, "I don't understand why you want to give up something that is half yours" in regards to Aurora Media. Because it was never her dream. As she said already she could never sit behind the desk. 

By the way, the ring statement was a rip-off. Drew goes, "Can you hold onto these rings for our daughter Scout?" Didn't we play hold onto the ring with Danny for #jasam already? They can't even find them original material now.

Really, Billy could've done a way better through this scene as some emotions would've been nice there mumbles. I mean, Billy had more drama and acting in his scenes with Oscar than he did divorcing Sam.

Sam stole the show with her emotions in the scene, followed by her conversation with Alexis. Her confessions were all we needed to hear.
  • "When I brought him out, he just walked past me like I wasn't there and I felt like no one, like nothing."
  • "I am devastated my marriage is over, but I think I made the right choice for the best. He can move on with his life and I can move on with mine."
So are we surprised that Nelle would go see Carly - the only negative about Michael's demented plan. 

I have no way of agreeing with Nelle when she says "this pregnancy has gone by so fast." Everybody else would say differently. But I can agree with her saying, "I've never been too busy for you, Carly." We can tell, Nelle

So Nelle obviously goes ahead and says, "We're getting married. Can I call you mom?" If looks could kill Carly would've there. That said, Carly's comeback was awesome in saying "just because two people make a baby they shouldn't be married."

So why is Sonny standing there defeated as Nelle leaves? I would use the opportunity to immediately begin convincing Carly of why this is happening and not let it play a single thought on her mind. That said, he eventually did and Carly's response in saying, "Then you have to do whatever it takes to stop this - whatever it takes" was perfect.

By the way, I have to wonder if Brad and Lucas are gonna end up with Nelle's baby. Remember I said that for future notice.

Chase was also priceless when he said, "She had the advantage the last time. Not this time." We shall see where this goes.

I wish Drew would fight the #friz marriage. I mean, he's the one that originally fell in love with her and had her wrapped around a finger until shit hit the fan. Some of #BillyMiller's best acting was when partnered with Becky rather than the mumbling bore now.

That said, instead, we get Drew being friends with Franco while holding those memories of what he did to Jason, Sam, Michael, Jocelyn, etc. I am already over this Drew and Franco friendship. My Reaction on twitter was an instant classic.

Somehow I still paid attention and I caught a piece of hope for Liz in her saying, "I just got a text from Terry. We even shared our first kiss together." The look on Franco's face was priceless, especially with his addition of, "Just in time to reclaim your heart before the wedding." That'd be perfect. I also love the eye-rolling from Drew. I wonder if he's wondering where his chance with Liz again is.

Drew is now taking Franco for drinks? Let's allow the lowlifes who will never to be worthy to bond and perhaps give Liz something true in a reunion with Terry. Really, their drinks only made me realize one thing - Drew has more faith in Elizabeth than Franco does. I suggest getting back together.

Of course they'd make Terry a transgender. We have to eliminate a reason for Franco to truly be jealous - say very hot sexy friend - as he can't handle those emotions. 

Really, this storyline makes me sad now. I get the idea of bringing a transgender character in and creating that dynamic of inclusion, but they could've done it differently. For this storyline in particular, it leaves an open door of missed opportunities. Hello perfect opportunity for @RebeccaBudig to return or a throwback to Webber family history. But of course we miss these beats as usual.

You'd think they'd do the baby shower at like the metro court or Kelly's. Instead, nope. let's do it where Julian works instead. Side note - Sam's scowl at Julian is everything.

I still say Nina never should've found out about Peter's location as she's getting too close to revealing it with saying stuff like "you better do what she says or she'll break your hand." So next week Sam figures out the Nina/Liesel connection based on their comments.

That said, Peter seeing Maxie as a hallucination was everything, especially when he imagined her saying, "I'm not here to save you. I'm here to watch you suffer." I even smiled in hearing him say, "If it'll ease your pain, I'll let go..." Okay goodbye Heinreck. Although you deserve another four years of torture and a Jason visit before you do as good payback.

By the way, shout-out to scout who visited Peter. That's the perfect kid to visit Peter πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I like the new Cameron as he's perfect so far, even in saying to Jocelyn, "Cool, we can hang out." The jealousy on Oscar's face can be seen from a mile away. I want to see where Jocelyn and Cameron go. So hopefully Jocelyn sees him soon like she told him as he left.

I will Oscar can be quietly savage, as his line about Julian in saying, "I just saw something that made me nausaus" was clever.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

General Hospital - June 27&28, 2018 Episode Reflections

Sam being there is perfect for Jason and that anger. She was always good for talking through issues with him. Besides, as they said, "I'm glad to see you here." We are glad to see you together, too.

Jason is right in saying, "I didn't go to Ferncliff to protect her. I went there to talk her down" as we know Carly can protect herself if necessary. And let's face it - he did a good job at his advice for her in the process.

"She comes out swinging and could trap herself there longer." "And you can't let that happen." "No I can't." Even Sam understands how Jason looks out for Carly and respects that and accepts that. She is even encouraging it here.

My heart was set to burst when Jason said, "I'll just have to break her out." I'm all for a criminal story. We've been missing drama. But alas, Sam once again does her duty in making sure things make sense in Jason's world. This is why they work. She's the brains, he's the muscle.

"I need to figure it out." "Not you - us." Now  this is what we've been waiting for. And the look on Jason's face was everything. He realizes what he's getting here as just like Sam said, this is "just like old times."

Sonny paying off Rupert is everything you'd expect in a crime family. Just my only fear is he takes his new found information to Mary. But let's see - Rupert vs Mary could be fun now.

Anyways, the interaction between Carly and Sonny was more interesting, espically with Carly asking, "But do you truly believe Nelle set me up?" I'm interested to hear Sonny's answer esp after everything to get to this point. Yes he wants his wife home, but is that with belief in her?

It seems he does, though, based on him saying, "When you're outta here, the baby's safe, Nelle is going to pay. I promise you that." By the way, I can't wait for that because we know how these mob promises go.

Side note - Jason gave her the phone for emergency purposes. Looking up a Morse code app does not apply. Besides, everyone should know code for SOS.

So while Carly is amusing herself with that, it's clear that Chase ain't playing today as he already picked up on the scent. Don't me tell that Nelle will try and frame Jocelyn next.

I couldn't help but snicker in hearing Chase say, "If he hasn't put a ring on it, then he isn't going to." But I like how he's playing both sides with her in trying to create trust and something forward. That said, Nelle's grab stunt is a flashback.

Now once everything comes out, I see a potential for some Chase and Nelle chemistry. He'd be great to help her pick up the pieces once her world comes crashing down and we figure out just how crazy she is. That's why I was all snickering smile when he said to Jordan, "You'll think I'll let her seduce me a second time?" I also loved the heartbroken face in hearing that Nelle and Michael were engaged.

On that note, Michael is doing an awfully good job on his supporting Nelle - but I wonder if chase caught a glimpse into his eyes. I mean, like he said, "My eyes are open. I know exactly what I am doing." O really? We shall see whether you expose her or not.

"What are you saying?" "I'm saying let's get married." I get remaining close and doing whatever you can to figure out her game and expose her, but this is a little too far extreme and unnecessary. Carly will definitely go crazy now if she hears, too. I really don't even think that's needed anyway as Chase is the perfect distraction and cause to rattle Nelle's mind and cause her to lose her own grip on the situation. She starts and boom, Michael pounces.

But alas, here we are with a surprise bucket of doubts from Nelle. You'd think that she would've grabbed the ring and ran. Instead, she goes, "Are you saying that you love me, Michael?" Oh he loves you dear....

So while I kill Michael for that move, I'm all set for him and Francesca getting close. My heart fluttered in her almost offering a confession to him with saying, "There's something you should know."  I wouldn't be surprised in hearing Francesca report a violation given new face and easy to pray on. Now having Michael comfort her and sympathize would be perfect considering @GeneralHospital missed that beat with Kiki.

That said, when she paused and didn't anymore you had the perfect combination, and it was nice to see her eventually come forward. Francesca and Kiki standing together is perfect. Two great young lady leads.

I mean, it's way better than Ava and her whining about things. I chuckled inside when she told Griffin, "I know you worry about Kiki and I can't tell you how much that means to me." She probably won't be saying the same thing in a couple months. I wouldn't be surprised given how much they're harping on what happened that she'll come out pregnant just as she takes the doctor to court.

And Griffin, you couldn't be any wronger in saying, "She won't. Ava knows the worst thing to do right now is to do something." Still believing she's changed?

I mean, look at her conversation with Franco in saying, "Now that we got that out of the way, what are we going to do about it?" Then you have her adding, "I don't vent - I act."

Watch redemption #7472 is Franco doing something to Dr. Bensch. Don't care. Why? See previous entries. I don't need to go through that essay again but watch Franco go after Bensch and yet in some twisted way they'll argue that he's right for it and all that jazz.

I almost puked when Franco said, "Sometimes I wish I was my old self." The guy that tormented people for years. The guy who sexually assaulted people. The guy who creeped the hell out of people. Yeah that sounds great. But remember he's "trying to do right by Elizabeth," but hasn't changed the right reasons.

I believe that Bensch is going to end up dead. That'll leave it up to either Ava or Franco guilty. But of course let's give Liz a couple pointed lines to make her a suspect. Besides, I was more interested when she said, "I just got a message from someone that I hadn't seen in a long time." My heart had hoped for Hayden.

But first - we have Drew showing up at the house. Really, I feel ya pain in being invited to Franco's wedding, Drew, especially when you should be with Liz as you originally were instead. Liz even hinted that in saying, "you have lots of people who love you" as we know she's on that list. Drew and Liz have natural chemistry. No strings and no knowledge they fell in love and were set for a future until memories played a role. Let's get back to that magic, okay?

Now in all of this, I was willing to cheer on Drew despite some of his past actions. That all gotten thrown out of the window when he said, "I know a lot of things about Jason that could get him locked up." So you throw brother under the bus for no reason? You're back on the shit list.

"Maybe he was just trying to hold onto her." "Just like I was trying to hold onto you?" I don't see Julian and Alexis ever letting each other go. Just look at the rest of his lines in saying "don't confuse the way things began with how they ended" and "if someone saw us now they'd even believe we're friends."


I miss #fanna love, too. That phone call from Finn was sweet.
Dante reflecting back has me in the feels. You can see he's saying goodbye as much as person as character. And that #lante flashback was perfect.

But really - we brought up the drowning to use that as an excuse for Dante leaving? Little far fetched.

"he tried to kill you...." ".....over two years ago." Exactly why I'm saying this story is farfetched.

Even with my reservations, the emotions from Dante and Lulu were perfect for him leaving and such. They did that right for an exit.


Initially - So Franco's dad is going to defend his daughter against his daughter's sexual assaulter? Yeah, this is going over well. Scott choosing to defend bensch shows his love for the bottom dollar.

Reality - Good boy Scotty for saying no to defend. That was milky waters for a minute.

General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...