Monday, February 19, 2018

General Hospital - Memorable Past Jasam Clips (Part 2)

Nothing like getting caught up in a marathon of old clips and end up staying up the whole night.......

That said, it's that time again to look back some of our favourite #Jasam moments

1. Danny's Birth

"I don't think you should give up on Sam."  "I won't." If Jason can see signs that she's breaking through, he's going to keep making sure to stay by so she can reach out when she's ready. Always put her first, but be there for the fall ready to hold her. 

"You don't just get this life. You have to fight for it." Sonny needs to remind Jason of those words, because based on his thoughts just before he went away and based on the passion he has now for her, we can all come back together and have the #jasamiel family we wanted.

2. "Before I met you, my life was pretty empty, and I was fine with it - until you moved in. You changed me, and I'll never forget that." Jason, Halloween 2006 

3. "You can't tell me he's worth another bullet." Spinelli  "Oh, he is." Sam   Can we get back to these three having moments like these? 

4. "A good father always puts their child's needs and happiness before their own." "I would never turn my back on a child that needed me." "It would be great to bring a baby in this world with you. I couldn't wait to watch it grow up, and wait and see parts of both us in that baby." 

5. To Risk & Love or Not

"The risks you take are up to you. So it's your decision if you want to share my life." Jason 
"I mean, yes, I want that. I'll always want that." Sam
December 2006

6. "A play? Don’t you think you’d be bored?” “No, because while you’re watching the play... I’ll be watching you” 

7. "You know I almost gave up and you were the only reason I wanted to fight." 

8. Helping Hand

9. Sam to Jason: “Suppose she grows up and she doesn’t know how to smile... do you really want to be responsible for a humor impaired child?”  

10. Hooker Adventure

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