Tuesday, April 3, 2018

General Hospital - April 3, 2018 Episode Reflections

So today's General Hospital episode tried to do some things - and failed. I have no sympathy for bitches......

So by Peter revealing whom he is, he says he will let his father win and doesn't want to? I think it's the opposite. Right now daddy is winning by continuing to watch those in Port Charles be tormented. By the truth being revealed, it begins the healing and ends Raisins reign. That said, I love how Griffin is calling out all of Peter's wrongdoings and the fact that yes, everybody deserves an explanation.

So I laughed when Peter said, "I had to admit him to the clinic so he could heal." "For five years? His family grieved...." He then goes, "Jason was still recovering, he was still weak."  I'm not buying Peter's excuses - considering it took horse tranquilizers to keep Jason there.  I also want to know if Peter was such a helpful guy, why did he send those guys after Jason after he escaped? Wouldn't that equal healed and strong enough in what Peter wanted for Jason's time at the clinic? Secondly, if you're not evil, what about the Sam situation?

Frankly, I hope Griffin goes and tells Jason the truth.


Notice how quickly Finn jumped to Anna's defense in front of Jason.

Also, I can't deal with Liz. She just seemed like an attention seeking bitch today, if I'm being honest. The continued crap for Jason about Franco reminds me of the same crap as before when she'd pull out the random lines about her life with Lucky. Remember then sometimes she's succeeded, but sometimes she hasn't. Right now? Franco doesn't warrant the attention, and Jason has enough on his plate with Sam & Heinreck to worry.

"Just so you know, Franco moved out. I mean, you'd want to know so he's as far away from Jake as possible." "If you want me to say I'm sorry, I can't." No sympathy games today, Liz. You don't sleep with Franco and be a princess right after. But of course she tries in saying, "I separated from the person that I loved so no, I'm not okay." Frankly, you're not going to get anywhere Liz. And forcing Jason to listen to Franco's sob childhood story is punishing considering that Jason wants nothing to do with him.

"I don't know why we keep doing this because we will never agree." "I want you to understand!" When will she buy a bloody damn clue?

"Sam loves you, when she shouldn't." Who are you to tell people who they should love and not love? Who are you to try and control lives? Jealous witch is all I see. And really, as everyone seems to forget, why did Sam fall in love with Drew to begin with? Because she thought he was Jason. Thank you very much.

But I get it - Liz's deal is Sam shouldn't love Jason while married to Drew - which okay, Sam has admitted herself now. But out of her own jealousy or justify her own decisions, she's trying to make a bigger deal out of Sam's mess. It isn't going to redeem Franco for Jason like she thinks. #GH

"Sam's gone." "What? She's gone?" Don't think that means you have space to dig your claws.

"Don't you go telling me that I need to find myself." "I didn't say anything." Bitch tries to make it about her, again. Good try, Liz.


"I'm an anigma. Aren't I fascinating?" "I'm a ticking time bomb." Franco is dropping some great truth bombs today.

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General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

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