Tuesday, January 16, 2018

General Hospital – January 12 & 15, 2018 Episode Reflections

Dealing with some outside issues, I apologize for these being delayed, brief, and different than normal. However, given the recent trend of events, I feel there is a need to do something.

January 12, 2018

"You stepped aside and let Jake be out of your life. So it begs the question why you wouldn't show the same consideration for Danny." Things change, Alexis. Jason learned that doing that is not the right way to handle, and regrets lost time. Recall he wanted to make up the time lost, get to know Jake, and let him know that rightfully he deserved a spot in his life. He also expressed a potential to change everything in his life to simply be there for Sam and Danny when Danny was found – just before he *died*. If Sam can grow and learn to be “afraid of the mob” or whatever we want to use for this new approach to her character, then isn’t Jason allowed the same growth, too?

Oh, and saying that Danny only knows Drew as his father in his life? Ha! Do we need to show Alexis what happened when Danny found out the truth about daddy? Instant bond between Jason and Danny!

You can see by Sam's face, and shaking her head no that she can't believe this, disagrees with this.
So Alexis it’s ok Sam sleeps with Jason all the while knowing about Jason’s life and now you want him to step aside and let Drew raise Danny cuz of his lifestyle? The nerve of this bitch. She understood the lifestyle herself and was well about being apart of it. Recall having a kid (Kristina) with the Godfather (Sonny). Recall having a kid with Julian (Sam) and then actually going back to him knowing his connections. Recall even still feeling a draw to him despite everything that has happened. I remember, recall she tried to help Julian get custody of Leo. But no, it has to be simply black and white for her daughter.

All I could do through the divorce proceedings and Alexis’ comments regarding Danny is go, "What? Are you kidding me? Is this really happening?"

"I will not sign anything that doesn't allow Jason to be apart of Danny's life." Thank you, Sam. Least you have a sign of respect in the midst of all this - even if we know what you're doing is wrong. I mean, look at the glances back and forth from each other. Least we know that the Sam that we love is hidden in there somewhere as we saw a sign today with her comments for mommy. But my gosh, can I just give Jason a big hug? It's tearing him apart.

"I'll see you around." "Okay." But how much? We know Sam is going to avoid more now due to her feelings coming out more and more. They probably will only see each other for Danny's sake.

"For all intents and purposes your marriage is dissolved, so you're both free to move on." Alexis / "Good luck with that." - Diane /// Diane sees what we see. She knows she'll see them again together after the #JaSamReunion2018.

"I know that wasn't easy." "And you made it tougher." "As your attorney, I had your best interests in min-" "Not anymore. You're fired." Excuse me while I laugh for the rest of the afternoon. Alexis deserves that after her stupid Danny rant.

But wait, what is Sam going to do without an attorney if she gets into trouble? Actually nevermind. No matter what, we know Jason will cover her butt and have Diane represent her if she does get into any trouble. Recall, he will do anything for her.

"He has already given away everything. Is he supposed to give away his son too? Jason deserves the opportunity to be a father. Danny already likes him. I will not be the one to keep Jason out of Danny's life." Sam, is that you? Are you really there? Thank you!

"If something happens to me, Jason will make the right decision. But you don't like him. He's not your image of a perfect man." Now this is the Sam that I have been missing.

"He's generous, brave, and he loves without holding back - and I want him to teach my son all of my life." Sam can't teach that because she's actually holding back herself right now, denying her own feelings. So now it is on Jason's shoulders to do so.

Why should it matter what Drew's thoughts are on the Danny subject? He's not the father!

"She brought up Julian." "Oh gosh, what about Julian?" "I don't know. She just wanted to piss me off." "Mission accomplished." Alexis is just mad that she can't control Sam's life.

I laugh at how they spar against each other, and then just so simply end up going out as friends for lunch. Gotta love the Alexis and Diane dynamic at times. #GH

"I don't want to go here..." But yet Alexis, you've been hanging out at Charlie's Pub for weeks.

Look at the jealousy on Alexis' face in seeing Julian interact with Kim.

Peter was all about money, business. But now he's using the family line after the discussion with Lulu? I add that to the evidence that he is Faison’s son.

"You gave Lulu an interview as Faison's son? What were you thinking?....When Faison finds out your his son, he's going to come looking for you." "That's what I want. I don't want to be running." I'd also put an end to all of our headaches about annoyance in hearing the name. I mean, besides, what fun is a villain that is in hiding? They’re more fun when they’re on the prowl, sneaking around town, planning their next move. It keeps you on your toes. That’s why Manny and Franco were so successful.

"What if Faison figures the best way to get to you is to get to your wife?" She has a point..... #GH
I guessed this before it happened. You had to know Peter and Lulu were going to release the article before Nathan has a chance to cancel it. Otherwise, what would be the significance of this storyline in connection to everything? Besides, it shows another layer to Peter’s determination to find out the truth.

Ever since Aurora Media's launch, there have been no contact between St. Claire and the publisher. But of course not, because Peter (who is St. Claire) works for the publishing company as a head for them so he wouldn't need to message a source.

That desperation - is why Spinelli's e-mail should work perfectly.

That black dress looks horrible on her. I would prefer the red dress, personally, for Jocelyn.

"Woman have to be smarter, tougher, to make it through - esp when ppl try to bring us down. & the way we dress is apart of that." Can't believe how shallow Carly has gotten about dresses and slut shaming. It's like a step back in woman movements to have a theory like that.

Well, Jocelyn said she was going to blow Oscar's mind on the night of the dance. That's one way to do it. (found condoms)


January 15, 2018

I didn’t get a chance to make my usual notes as I normally do due to other reasons – but I do have some stuff to say.

The answer to the e-mail was no surprise, as noted in my comments from Friday’s episode. Peter couldn’t resist temptation and Spinelli is a computer genius. The last response though saying, “You’re asking about a sequel, huh? You obviously haven’t seen the ending.” was intriguing, though.

Don’t get me wrong – Spinelli is a genius, but there is quite the possibility that his program could’ve went the wrong way with the ending. But what is the ending that Peter has in plan? Does he rid of his father? Does something happen to the others involved, like say the character meant to represent actions against Jason?

Also, if you go back to Friday’s episode when the person (Peter for sake of argument here) was checking his e-mail. He had the Port Charles website loaded with the article on Nathan, a photo of Faison, his messages, as well as a blank word document titled The Severed Branch – the Epilogue. The page is blank because the chapter can’t be written without the characters at play, or because the events haven’t happened yet. Perhaps that happens when Faison, Nathan, Jason and Peter all cross paths together.

For the record – Diane is my hero, plain and simple. I love how she came to visit Jason in front of Sonny and dropped the truth bombs from all directions. From saying that Jason basically handed everything over without any regard (which is true) and trying to get Sonny to say something to Jason, to “but if you wanted to make Sam happy, that was your objective, you failed. You achieved the opposite; she will never be happy with him. She might have been if you had stayed away, you hadn’t come back, but you did. You’re here and she loves you. Even a lawyer can see that.” Sorry, but that is evident based on how Sam reacted throughout the divorce and other Jason-related deals, and how she has to keep assuring herself and Drew about their love together. We’ve seen enough people pour the tea for Sam – now it’s nice to see someone pour it directly in Jason’s face.

“She’s never going to leave him.” “How will you know if you never ask?” Is this the beginning where he finally see Jason spill his emotions to Sam and make her feel every bit that he is feeling? Is this the beginning of seeing what we’ve been asking for now for months? I actually wished we would’ve gotten Jason’s answer to the question, too – instead of the e-mail. But okay, the e-mail was a good clue. Can I have both next time, please?

I give General Hospital credit with their latest Carly storyline surrounding Jocelyn and her growing up. It’s the fear that each mother faces as their child gets older, and it’s nice to see it being recognized on the big screen. We also know how the sex talk between a parent and their child can ultimately be considered taboo, scary to do, has a negative connotation with it for all sorts of reasons. It’s also nice to see that being on topic for Tuesday’s episode.

Finn expressing his regret in losing his wife and Hayden broke my heart, especially when he admitted that he doesn’t know if he can take another loss. Maybe that’s why he pulled away from Anna after Jordan’s comment – fear of repetition. But as they say, when two people are attracted, they always find a way to be together so I have a feeling something is going to give.

Alexis admitting that she makes bad decisions around Julian is nice. Now it’s time to start taking those proper steps to avoid him – like not going to place his works, not gawking at him flirting with someone else, not caring about every stage of his new life including the brick situation. But can she actually do that? From what I’ve seen, I don’t think so.

I don’t have much to say on the Maxie/Lulu situation, except I am glad that Maxie’s baby is okay. Now maybe it’ll give Lulu a reality check so she doesn’t go around like this know-it-all journalist that she has been doing despite having no formal training. 

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