Thursday, January 11, 2018

General Hospital - January 11, 2018 Episode Reflections

Get your tissues, get your bricks, get more tissues, and be prepared to say awww sometimes because today's @GeneralHospital episode was everything together, 

"It's just a glitch in the paperwork." I see this as no glitch. The pair were meant to be stay together and married always. 

"Let's jus head over to the court house & get this over with unless some1 wants to talk u out of this." "We've been over this already. Lets go. I told you to just give Sam what she wants" Jason wants it done quickly - less pain as possible bc inside it kills him 

"That's where I come in. I am on retainer to protect your best interests and keep them in mind, and that's what I intend to do." Oh thank you for Diane. Thank you dear. Never change. I'm glad that we've got someone doing the right thing in case Sam tries for too much. 

"Do you understand how frustrating you are? You're sending me mix signals. You are telling me to stay away from Jason, but next you're shedding doubts." Despite flawed in some ways in pushing own agendas on her daughters, their happiness is always Alexis' number one priority

"I am happy. I love Drew. I know it, Drew knows it, & most of all, Jason knows it."  Why does Jason's opinion matter most of all? Shouldn't your own since this is your life that you're living and stuck with? Shouldn't it matter more to you and Drew due to future together? Last I checked, each person determined their own happiness and basing that on someone else just doesn't seem right at all.

But it does show one thing - she wants Jason to know that she's happy in hopes that he will just move on because like everybody, Carly and Sam mostly, have insisted - he will be okay even with the divorce. I don't know about that in my eyes, but more on that later when we get to what happened today. But anyways, she wants him to see that so he continues to do what he's doing - lets her live this lie, lets her hide from what happened, and etc etc as discussed this point. Or simply she wants him to see it because she wants him to fight for her, as also proposed, too. 

Regardless, I'm glad that Jason and Diane walked in as she said that because maybe it will allow him to see that she really cares about his feelings more than she's letting on, and just doing this as an avoidance matter.

"Thank you for doing this." "Yeah, whatever you need." He'll do anything to make her happy - no matter what it takes, even if it kills him inside. Can I please give him a big hug? Can we please let him express these emotions FINALLY? 

"That penthouse was yours long before we even got together. You deserve to live there..." Glad we finally reached this statement as Jason should've been living there for a couple months now. 

"I need a clean break." Sam doesn't want to remain in the penthouse because every inch of it is a reminder, flashback of what she had with Jason - and that works counter against her act of wanting to avoid feelings for him. But here's what we have to ask in contrast - can Jason stand to live there again with those flashbacks on his mind? That could be angle to look at for General Hospital for moving forward. Of course, knowing that JaSam always finds their way back to each other, he can't get rid of the penthouse because when they do get back together, they need to live there with Danny.

OMG The flashbacks are just perfect. The mask just made me laugh immediately, adore at the stair fall, and aww at the New Year's hat. Can we get back to moments like these, please? This is why #jasam will always be number one. Oh, and keep those flashbacks coming, You can see Sam cracking more and more by each second. Eventually, she won't be able to take it anymore. Meanwhile, I just want to hug and cuddle Jason for hours. 

"Everything I have came from Jason and there's no way I can get away from tha-" "Enough!....There, it's done..." He almost cracked. He almost said it all. He almost spilled all the digs. Come on, we can get this moving and make Sam crack.
Thank you @GeneralHospital for all the flashbacks today. This montage is just beyond beautiful. Tears in the eyes, wanting to pull my babies back together. Glad the couple is finally getting justice since Jason's return. 

"The money never mattered, ever. I just want you to be okay...." "I know..." But what about YOU, Jason? What about your feelings? What about your heartbreak and sadness? What about almost cracking there? What about yourself? For once can you put your needs first?

"As your attorney, I would advice you to sign against that." "This has gone on long enough." Sam doesn't want to push it longer due to almost failing, and not wanting to push Jason further because even with her deranged thoughts, she doesn't want to hurt him.

Those eyes say to me that we shouldn't be signing any papers anytime soon. Like we all say - it's only a matter of time before she comes crawling back, realizing what she gave up and the unhappiness she's feeling. It's just a matter of hope it's not too late when she does.

By the way, I am so glad that Jason has Carly and Sonny at this time as it seems there's nobody else that seems to care about how he's feeling, or realizing how much this is tearing him apart. There's a reason why they are the #fab3 and will always be. Because like Sonny said - no matter how much they fight or get angry, they always have each other's back.

I hope they do a shared-custody that's fair for both sides on Danny. Just do joint custody, and work out terms of seeing him on your own. If Same solely takes Danny next - esp after Danny just learned the truth, I may not be able to hold back on her any longer.

Once again. @1SteveBurton is just perfect today. The way he played those emotions, the substle movements, the snap - just perfect to character. Gosh, I can't wait until he finally really breaks and all the emotions come pouring out.

In my eyes, as soon as they make him fight for her, she's going to crave because she won't see it coming.


"Alexis is confident that it's just a formality. Once its done, Sam and I can get married." Don't you think you should give your girl some space, a chance to breathe, a chance to come to grips with everything that she's just faced?

"Sam want this wedding to be about us - what we have together, our future. And we want our friends to be there [....] What I am trying to ask is, I need a partner..." "You don't need to ask. I'll be your best man." I thought they were going to have a private ceremony alone

"I guess you don't need to look into your past anymore - when you and Sam have a great future lined up."  I still don't get how this man doesn't want to know or care about his past and who he truly is, but that's just me. I mean, really, if you think about it, how did your relationship with Sam begin? It was due to the memories - which were actually your brother's memories. You based your relationship off of that for the longest time. Sure, we've seen signs of Drew being different in certain actions (buying a media company), but look at how much is based off of that. And you said you didn't want to be that person due to "being in the mob" and not wanting that life, and have also called out Jason's character a couple times (He just let Carly do this - He just does what Sonny tells him) so wouldn't you want to find yourself to see how your different? There's so much about Drew's behavior that annoys me. 

#Naxie #FatherFaison #Lante

I feel bad for Nathan on this plan. I get his intentions, but working with Lulu? That man is in for a trip. #GH

"I haven't gotten any sleep since finding out Faison was my father." You knew there was a good chance of him being the father so why is it a problem now? By the way, Maxie is gonna freak when she finds out about this interview plan from Lulu and Nathan. Recall she doesn't want anyone finding out.

"Spencers are not afraid to take chances, have great instincts, and won't rest until they get the job done." Lulu is a little fazy, though, so this will probably not go as originally intended. 

"I know the danger, but I am doing the story no matter what." Spoken like a true Spencer. To be honest, why is it Dante can take all the risks but Lulu can't? #Lante #GH

"It's too important." "For Nathan or your career?" "Can it be for both? I tell an important story and a major criminal gets brought to justice - everybody wins." Except if this plan goes wrong, which I have every feeling it will. 

"But if you do this, I want in every step of the way." "I wouldn't have it any other way." Least they have each other. #Lante

"What do you think Maxie is going to think when she hears that you're using yourself as bait to catch Faison?" I don't know if I want to be in the room for that reaction.

"I keep coming up with a way to keep us safe, and I can only find one solution - I need you to help Nathan and I disappear." To be honest, I haven't been a strong fan of their relationship together and Maxie has lost her spark. I haven't been a big fan of Maxie lately anyway. I preferred the side of her that we saw while she was with Spinelli. She had a better spark of personalty - almost laughable at times, but more fun than this bore. We saw a bit of that when she was dressing Sam for her boat night.

"His son? I thought Faison only had a daughter that he was on the run with." "He has a son. My husband's partner - Nathan West." Peter's face through that whole exchange is just intriguing. It's like he's puzzeled, intrigued beyond normal. Still say he's the second son.

"I don't want my kid growing up with a bunch of secrets. It's better to tell the truth, draw Faison out and deal with it." You could simply tell him and explain how Faison is an evil man and to run if spotted.

"Faison won't be coming after your child if he doesn't know." "Now that more people know, there's a greater chance that the truth can come out." And to think it's going to be your own husband that does it.

"After what happened to Jason, you have to know Sonny is after Faison and that should be enough incentive for Faison to stay on the other side of the planet."  So in other words, Jason will need to take a vacation soon. Be a good distraction from today's pain.


Julian is not feeling the PCPD love, but why doesn't that surprise me? What else does he suspect after all the chaos that he caused? I'm in no way surprised someone threw the brick through his window. He did make a lot of enemies, you know?

"I need blood, but I will settle for cash." I'd rather you settle for blood. #sorrynotsorry

Previews for Friday....

I wonder if Sam is firing her own mother as her attorney due to pushing for too much in relation to Danny away from Jason.... Truthfully, I'm hoping for a miracle tomorrow in that this divorce doesn't go through and Sam continues to see the #jasam light, but I'm skeptical on that. Then again, maybe it's for the best. Guess I'm not ready for the end - even if I know it's just the beginning to another phase.

However, it's probably more likely that Sam is firing Peter - which will be interesting to see what leads to it as recall she was fine with Peter before. It could deal with budget cuts after his visit to Crimson. Unless Sam is firing Nina because she whined about it and then putting Maxie in charge. Then again, let's go back to Peter. Peter is doing his budget cuts tomorrow so maybe Sam doesn't appreciate his style of ways. Recall she wasn't happy with him when he suggested putting her own Jason-Drew situation in the spotlight. Possibly with divorce out in the open, it may add fuel to his fire and he may say something resulting in her telling him that.

Can't wait for #carson discussion, either. 

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General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...