Monday, January 22, 2018

General Hospital - January 19 & 22, 2018 Episode Reflections

January 19, 2018 Episode Reflections

For a Friday episode, I have to admit that it was lacking in some areas, while perfectly set in place in other areas. And yes, it pulled at my heart strings perfectly as the “smallest things” were just set in place perfectly.

It was actually refreshing to see Jason and Sonny take a break from discussing Faison, and actually talk about him and Sam. With Sonny, you know Jason is going to totally open up without judgment because that’s how their brotherhood, bromance has always worked. They both open up to each other totally, using each other as a sound board – while respecting the other offering an opinion on the matter, and that opinion sometimes being followed.

Jason never expressed regret on New Year’s Eve in any discussion with anybody since, and I always said it was because he enjoyed it. I mean, even his anger at Carly was a little subdued considering the scheming that she did. Welp, he admitted that straight to Sonny in saying, “It was nice to be together, knowing we wouldn’t be interrupted, just playing dominoes, talking…” It’s just too bad that time wasn’t expanded because you can just imagine if either of them would’ve laid out the emotions that they’ve been so bloody scared to say to each other. Frankly, I still say that’ll break down every wall Sam is putting up and open up the flood gates.

Jason also pulled the interesting line from that night that Sam said to him in saying, “You know, what’s stuck in my mind is how she mentioned that she has changed in five years, and I haven’t…” and frankly, that is a big difference for how things stand. How would you feel to go to sleep, and then wake up and see multiple years of your life gone, and changed how you knew it? It would just feel surreal, so I can see where Jason’s mist of confusion is coming from.

However, Sonny is also my hero for the day in telling him that Sam hasn’t changed and she’s lying to herself because he hit the nail on the head. Practically every other episode, if not every episode, there’s a sign of her lying to herself because of how she reflects back to Jason or deflects her own emotions – I’m not breaking down those again, by the way; you can refer to preview entries if you dare. So thank you for the spilling the tea. It’s one thing for Carly to spill tea – Jason just deflects that as being Carly’s own needs. But now seeing Diane and Sonny spill tea, it may actually start to set in that, as Sonny said, “she will always love you,” Jason.

Nice transitioning from that to having Jason at her door, as if he was set to do something about that – but instead wanted to offer an update about the Faison situation. It was a nice courteous thing to do for both Drew and Sam, knowing the possible dangers associated. You could also say that it’s one of those “add to the list of reasons” that he cares about Sam, still.

I could’ve smacked Drew in that moment, though, as he was overly rude in saying, “I want to hear your plan for Faison, but not today – we’re getting married.” One, that’s not the smoothest way to tell someone that you know still cares about your girl and just so happens to be your damn twin brother. But beyond that, really? You can get married any damn day that you choose, anywhere that you choose. But how are you supposed to get married if you’re dead? How would you feel if Faison showed up at your wedding? I’d be interested in hearing the latest about what’s going on, especially if it’s concerning the most wanted criminal and you’re at risk one way or another.

I wanted to hug Jason in how quiet he was about things with Kim, because you can tell that it is eating at him internally. It’s interesting in how she questioned about his return, time away, and then how his heart is handling it all. He didn’t say much, but what he did say and those eyes – hello gateway into everything emotional that we’ve been saying to this point that he just needs to open up to.

But I do kind of hate that Julian interrupted them because it would’ve been interesting to see just how far that conversation went, even if Jason was being his typical hard to reach self.

Julian’s line for Kim, by the way, caused some laughter and smiles out of me. Recall him saying, “Don’t let those blue eyes fool you. he’s a hit man for Sonny. He kills people.”  Should we remind Kim about all of Julian’s past crimes? Should we tell her that he was a mobster? Should we tell her about how he held a knife to Alexis’ throat? Should we – well, you get the idea. But really, it’d be a waste of time as let’s face it, he’ll probably be back with Alexis before he can sleep with Kim. We know how this work, considering neither him or Alexis can simply pull completely away from the other.

By the way, he is right about the blue eyes as they can lure anyone in – myself included. I can’t deny those eyes bring me right to Jason’s core, and cause every emotion to swirl. But gosh, he’s so much more than what Julian can give him credit for in a simple set of words. I’m not going to go there because we’d be here longer than this entry all together.

Oh, and the fact that he’s glad that Sam is with Drew instead of Jason – I can’t wait to laugh in his face when JaSam reunites together. Both him and Alexis can bond over that fact, actually.

Cue the emotions now, though. Both of them dreaming back to their wedding day together had all the feels swirling for me. But it proves something – Sam can’t stop thinking about Jason, and here is another example. Rather than getting dressed, she’s thinking back to the man that will always consume her heart.

Then showing Jason sitting at the bar, drinking a beer, emotions of his own – yep, I was ready to reach through the television screen and give him a hug.

But really, General Hospital played this so perfectly – maybe beyond what they even realize. They played their song you and me in the background for the entire sequence. Listen to the words, though.“Do I need to be invisible to just survive, or am I foolishly just wasting my time?” Invisible to just survive right now describes Sam as she tries to make herself ignore, not see, move away from every thought of Jason so she can continue living and making it through this family that she’s created with Drew. Then the question of wasting time is Jason, wondering if thinking about her and these feelings is really worth it, or is it time to face what’s happened and move on?

Sam and Drew planning their honeymoon was meh on my note. But I did catching Sam asking Drew, “Are you just doing this because of Faison?” Drew running scared wouldn’t surprise me, to be honest, or even using as an excuse to keep Jason out of the picture because he has to be blind as a bat to not see how Sam feels about Jason. Sam asking the question is intriguing just as equally, because does she go with him, or does she stay behind because she secretly wants to make sure Jason is okay?

I could’ve cared less for Oberect’s appearance, even if it led us to a possible real identity for Faison’s second son. But Anna visiting Sonny – I was set to look over most of that until Sonny explained that, “We’re going to use the son to get to him.” Anna then reacted in a big way with, “What?!? No!” I froze at this moment and it took me back to where she over-reacted in the previous mention of a son, trying to get both Sonny and Jason to stop looking for Faison. It’s like she knows something about the second son and wants to keep it hidden. I still wonder if she’s the mother, or if Alex (her twin) is the mother – as originally discussed back at that scene.

Poor Spencer and his pair of broken legs – Kevin and Laura are probably right as he’s going insane slowly. It’ll suck to see Laura out of the equation for six weeks, though, as I was really starting to follow her more with the mayoral race. But okay, she wants to do this because she wants to keep Spencer in France and away from Valentine. You can’t protect the kid forever as eventually, the pair are going to come face-to-face. So why bother now? Why not show him everything there is about Valentine and teach co-existence (keep your friends close, but enemies closer) so that way he is better prepared for the future?

That said, if we’re stuck with this situation, I hope Kevin does choose to run for mayor. I actually wanted the mayoral race to be between him and Ned originally when the campaigning thing began because it’ll make it a little interesting.

It was odd seeing Julian go to Sonny about the brick and food problem because those two working together is something you could never see happening. That said, Sonny may be the perfect person to rid of our Jim Harvey problem.

Oh, and nice way to have Faison enter down in knocking Oberect out.

January 22, 2018 Episode Reflections

“Faison wouldn’t hesitate to kill his son.” That’s true…..

“He may be innocent. It may explain why he let Jason live.” “Hinemen paid three people and Dr. Klein to kidnap Jason and take him back, shot up the metro court, and took Sam hostage.” Exactly why we need to find him, and make sure to end both him and Faison. Hence why I have never faulted Sonny or Jason for this from the beginning.

It’s no surprise that Jason went to the bridge in his moment of pause, and reflect. It’d fun to see Sam end up there with cold feet over the wedding.

“Sam and Drew are getting married. There’s still time to stop it.” Spinelli, I wish he would just listen to you – but Jason’s priority is Sam’s happiness, even at his own expense, even if Sam is lying to herself and he is beginning to see that. Hopefully this is the spilt tea that results in something, finally.

Drew and Sam planning the wedding in the penthouse makes my stomach flip-flop. There’s so many special #jasam memories, and the fact that Jason is eventually going to get it back (recall the divorce terms of six month period), do you really wanna live in a place where your ex-wife married your brother? Furthermore, does Sam want to compound her memories with Jason there with a wedding to Drew there?

“I wanted to wait for you, so we could find out together.” “You didn’t have to do that.” “But it’s your baby. I want you to be involved every step of the process.” “I can’t believe I missed the sonogram.” “You can hear it at the next appointment – trust me, there’s going to be lots of appointments.” “That’s fine by me.” Remember how Carly said that Michael better watch and not get drawn back into Nelle’s games and relationship? It’s happening, slowly. Given that Carly and Bobby walked up on them, let’s just hope that they say something afterwards to Michael to keep him in check.

“If he contacts again, don’t respond. Call me first and we’ll make a plan.” “I don’t think I can do that.” I don’t blame Sonny, due to the apprehension that Anna has shown about the contact and meeting from the beginning. If we followed her advice before, we wouldn’t be this far ahead.

“I’m not going to interrupt the wedding.” “Because she loves Drew.” “But you love her.” Exactly, and look at how hard it pains you to stand up on the bridge that night.

“Have you said that to her?” “I don’t want to make it harder for her.” “It would take a huge act of courage to lay your heart onto her. But you’re the bravest person that I know.” Thank you, Spinelli. Thank you for laying it out so easily and giving us one last ditch effort. Keep it going. He lived with them as they continued to grow closer and saw their love first hand. he knows what they mean to each other. This may be the tea that we need.

“Go do it, and stop Sam from making the biggest mistake of her life, one that will cause her a lot of grief!” It will, because now she’ll have to sign another set of divorce papers, explain to Danny what’s happening, before getting back together with Jason. You can also see the grief in continuing to have to lie to herself.

“Are we ready to start?” “The sooner the better.” Drew is afraid of being interrupted by someone – say Carly, or maybe even Jason.  

Sam’s eyes and nerves give off every vibe counter to a happy bride. #justsayin

Sonny never should’ve told the e-mail address to Anna knowing her apprehension.

“Now this is real and happening, I will support you and this baby.” “Thank you…” But I have a feeling that the tension between her and Nelle isn’t anywhere near being over, as evident by Nelle’s small snarky remarks. How soon until they’re having another fight again?

“I didn’t expect to win the race on a technicality.” “You have won’t anything yet….” Cocky

“You would give your life for Sam. You would do anything for Sam.” “She wants to be with Drew.” “No, I watched her at the police station. She knew the whole time. I mean, she absolutely loved you and knew you the best. She lied for his benefit, and I fear that it’s from that instinct that she’ll marry him tonight.” “Sam is doing what she thinks is right.” “She’s sacrificing her happiness out of loyalty, misguided loyalty, and that’s what she’s doing tonight.” This conversation was completely necessary. Thank you, Spinelli. Thank you for taking your own time to spill the tea. A lot of people have said it since that day in watching her reactions. It’s time she stops putting Drew’s happiness as priority, and thinks about herself.

“When I was thinking about our vows, I kept thinking about how much things have changed the past couple of months. And I realized – as much as things change, other things never change.”  Like your love for Jason and how he will always be a part of you, and always love you? Because yes, we saw your flashbacks to your wedding night with Jason.

“With you, I had a life that I never expected – one that is richer, and fuller, and more than I ever imagined. This is a life that I want to continue to share with you, always.” She can be safe, not worry, perfect family, no fear – it’s the comfort and security that she was missing with Jason. But is getting that worth giving up a big piece of your happiness and feeling pain every other moment? It seems to be for Sam right now.

Damn it! They’re married!! Oh well, we saw how quickly we can get a divorce if necessary.

“Sam told me that you were the first person that treated her with respect. You didn’t try to belittle her, but treated with her dignity. And she learned in that to respect herself.” Sam mentioned that to him. A thank you for always loving her and caring about her, and teaching her. 

“Drew came as he is, and he doesn’t know himself. If you don’t know yourself, you can’t give a lot yourself….” And the fact that he doesn’t seem to have a desire to find his true self sits odd with me. Wouldn’t you want to know your own history and background?  

“I saw him in the police station, seemingly expecting Sam to take care of him. There was little thought about her needs.” I mentioned that very point, too. That’s why Sam stepped up immediately, then, knowing that Drew couldn’t continue on without support – and loyalty and sympathy began the path right there. I remember how put off I was about that whole situation, and how it was Jason that reached out to her on the docks and said the simple words that it would be okay.

“Sam knows that you’ll always be true to yourself, and out of that truth, you can show unconditional love.” Thank you Spin.

“Sam is marrying Drew, because that’s her choice, and I’m going to honor it.” “But she’s making the wrong choice!” “Stop! I heard what you said and I appreciate it, but you have to leave it alone…”  Jason recognizes everything and knows every fact that has been spilt in his face by Carly, Sonny, and now Spinelli. He knows what they’re saying. But his number one rule that people make their own choices and you can’t run their lives is what is stopping him from doing anything right now. Hence how he talked about honoring her decision, etc, no matter how much it pains him.

But Jason, it’s time for a dose of reality. You can do what you’re doing, while going up to Sam and telling her what you think – saying you love her, saying how much you miss her, speaking of a future together – and then with all of that on the table, you can allow her to make a choice, a decision.
I like how Michael went to Jason before he went to Carly and Sonny. It shows the connection and bond that they’ll always have together.

 “I just don’t want the situation to drive a wedge in our family. I know that Nelle set out to cause pain with you and Mom.” That doesn’t mean that you give in to everything that she says in the process. 

“Nelle will show her true colors. It’s only a matter of when….” Precisely. We’re already seeing small signs of that happening.

You’d think that either Jordan or Anna would realize someone had fallen outside of the door, noticing a shape of a body imprinted in the snow.

As much as I would hate Ned as mayor, I don’t want Alexis to be even more. I sympathize with her values, but I cannot withstand seeing someone as unstable as her running a town.

Cue my emotional heartbreak mess at the final scene today. I just want to walk up behind Jason, wrap my arms around him, and just hold him, comfort him, assure him it will be okay – before talking the sense that I said earlier, too, but first and foremost the above.

But that flashback that he had to Sam saying, “I figured out why I sleep better at your house. It’s because I feel safe with you” just melted my heart. She always felt better, stronger in his arms and with him by her side. She was always so confident and self-assured. She never questioned his line of work, or living a dangerous life – she was always willing to throw herself at that life, too.

The more that Jason reflects back, the more he realizes what everybody is saying – and the more it breaks his heart. At what point does he finally do something about it? 

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General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

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