Thursday, January 25, 2018

General Hospital – January 24, 2018 Episode Reflections

The Faison story is certainly bringing the interest and intrigue to General Hospital lately – a lot more so than say a certain love triangle that needs to be fixed immediately. Wednesday’s episode had me on the edge of my seat, sometimes a little caught off-guard, sometimes diving into it more, and actually real intrigued at certain aspects as we went along. I actually can’t wait for what’s to come Thursday and Friday now.

But first…..

You had to know that Sonny would figure out the messages were being intercepted, and they probably know it’s Anna doing it as she’s the only one who knows about them, besides Spinelli.

“When are you going to tell Anna that you love her?” I’m glad that Felicia is pressuring Finn because we need some #fanna action – it’d be a good distraction for Anna right now as she’s getting on my nerves, from what she did yesterday to her first scene today. But beyond that, I have been a fanna anyway due to their chemistry together. I hope Finn is going to do something soon.

“What can I do for you?” “A favor in Robin’s name – back off St. Claire.” Does she not realize that she’s never going to get anywhere?

“Does Nathan have a child?” “Not yet.” I could slap Oberect right now. She only had one job and she failed.

“Who are all these people having sex with Faison? Not that I’d want it any other way, but yikes!” Gotta love Maxie….

“You could’ve even order appetizers first. You went right for the crazy talk….” Well, let’s just face facts Finn. You need to do something and fast.

“You’re God after Anna, and she’s God after you. You’re both at this stand-off, not willing to say it. [….] “You need to do what she can’t – you need to be the brave one. Tell the woman that you love her.” Thank you, Felicia. Keep pressuring him.

“I don’t even know him. I care about what happens to him….” “Because?” Her flusteredness keeps making me believe that she knows more about this son.

“I’ve been there.” “St. Claire has obviously been pushed too far by Faison, and he wants to strike back – and that’s not a position I envy. Years go by, decades, and you think it’s over, and then there he is with his disgusting grin, telling you he loves you while torturing you the entire time. It’s a special kind of hell that I will never escape, and I imagine this person feels the same way.”  Shouldn’t that be extra motivation to find him, and kill him? Besides, if the son wants to terrorize back in return, perhaps connecting with him maybe be the best asset so everyone can work together. 

“Anna, we’re on the same side. We want to stop this psycho just as much as anybody else.”  “But to do that, we need Faison’s son.” That, or you could just go explore Spin island because every General Hospital mystery sends us to an island.

“Me and Anna don’t fit together…..” Ha! I wish I could play a video of his life in front of him.

“And you want to ask him (Faison’s son) why he kept you arrive?” “Yes.” I don’t blame Jason for his curiosity, actually. it’d be nice to know for the future and whether there’s anything to worry about. I mean, if someone risks their life for your own, then you’d want to understand why.

“Do you think this is about you?” “I didn’t know at the time, but Faison wanted to push me out – and the easiest way was to get rid of Jason.” So we have the reason for the motivation – therefore we don’t even need to talk to Faison, just his son.

“If you lure his son out, then he will kill him. Do you really want his blood on your hands after he kept you alive?” First of all, do you really think Jason will let such a thing happen? Second thing – it is clear that Faison and his son have crossed paths already. Faison would’ve had him dead already if he wanted.

“He took Robin away from us for years. No more. That bastard has to go.” When Sonny means business, normally it gets taken of and rather quickly. I see a short future for Faison.

“Anna has found a new love – Hamilton Finn. He has began to put you behind her.” Excuse me while I slap Oberect once again. She’s the worst person to have in this situation.

“Being a single parent, raising a kid alone, is not for the faint of heart.” It’s like their foreshadowing a future of Maxie raising her new child alone – because there has been rumors of Nathan’s character leaving the show.

“If whatever is in that canister doesn’t kill you, I will happily do the honors.” Now now Leisel, let’s try to be somewhat nice.

“I give you my word. I will do everything to protect him.” When Jason gives his word, you know it’s going to happen.   

“I’m waiting for you. We need to say everything that we haven’t been able to say. Come home.” I’m glad that we were starting to actually get somewhere. This text actually had me giggly.

For the record, I’m not going to visit Anna anytime soon with how these visits have been going lately. For Oberect, and now Finn.

How is Maxie already this far along in her pregnancy? Didn’t she just get pregnant?

I do not have much faith in Anna running the meeting with Faison’s son. Like Sonny mentioned, she’s on the break of going over the edge and has shown so much apprehension about involving the son. And now you want that running the meeting? I would rather have Jason doing it because frankly, his calm demeanor may be what’s needed to set the record straight quickly, and get to work on a Faison plan. Besides, Jason and the son already have a connection.

I almost had to chuckle through Finn’s discussion with Faison. His corks just play perfectly into Faison speaking of his obsession and reasoning. From teasing Faison’s looks, to the length of the obsession, he certainly scores some brownie points.

It was interesting in hearing Felicia mention how much they don’t get to see Georgie. It really shows how Maxie neglects his child totally it would seem, and makes you wonder about the mother-side that could be shown or not really reached with this child.

By the way, did you notice how much they focused on the family aspect for Maxie and Nathan? Did you notice how they focused on every single moment, emphasizing the small points, and then had Felicia even adding to the reasoning  with her own comments. All of that, combined with Felicia saying, “Count your blessings, baby girl….” to Maxie’s reaction of when Nathan got on the elevator – it all reads that Nathan may not make it through this storyline, which would fit the rumors. It’ll be interesting to see what happens, but we know how well they are at foreshadowing sometimes. By the way, seeing Nathan leave would suck as he is a good guy.

I had a feeling that Faison wouldn’t pull the trigger right then and there on Finn, rather waiting for when Anna got back. It adds another layer to his torturing of her, eliminating Finn. Also, considering his obsession, he could ask what makes Finn lovable whereas he is not lovable. Now if I was Anna, I would’ve pulled that trigger a long time ago and just ended Faison as soon as I entered the room.

 “When you take the shot…..”   “I won’t miss.”  Jason never misses his shot. Faison is about to meet his match for good. 

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