Friday, January 26, 2018

General Hospital – January 26, 2018 Episode Reflections

Yay for Lucas being back and yay for him and Brad adopting a son! It’s so great to see him back.

“I think Anna is too close to this whole thing.” Ya think?

“I’m just not in the habit of leaving people hostage to homicidal maniacs.” I don’t think anybody is.

“There’s other people that need protection from Faison, and I’m the best person for that.” I don’t know about that, as lately her thoughts have been very conflicted and questionable. I mean, look at the dialogue yesterday.

“Jason isn’t just some street thug. He has the best tech support on the planet, and he will find you, and he will show up, and he will kill you – which would be fine with me, and Nathan, too.” We know her admiration for the tech genius, as evident by her relationship with Spinelli. But beyond that, she makes a good point. He always finds his target one way or another.

The whole time during Lulu’s scene with Faison, I found my eyes locked on Peter instead, trying to read him, gather a clue to the theory that he is Faison’s son. “How can I run away from a sweet lady like you that is going to be make me a grandfath-” “You’ll never be anything to that child!” Why thank you Peter for the perfect clue. Of course you don’t want Faison having a connection to Nathan, Maxie, or the baby because you know exactly what that is like and don’t want to make someone else suffer.

Reflection 101. He should’ve been aware of that monitor. I guess he’s not the son – or maybe he is the son. Either way, nice job Faison on killing someone else.

Just like that, Nathan was shot. You’d think if we’re in the process of saying goodbye to his character there would be a deeper respect given.

“I’m on my way.” Of course Jason would be on his way immediately.

“I’ll wait here for the son.” Sorry, but he may not be coming given the circumstances at the Metro Court.

“That’s the third floor.” “What are you doing?” “Someone may need help.” If you truly wanted him to leave Carly, you should’ve just found another way to do so and kept your mouth shut. Now you’ve got Lucas in the midst of this, too.

Oh, so he actually didn’t shoot Peter. Peter missed getting hit with his dive. You think he would’ve moved faster than he did, though. I mean, we could’ve saved Nathan. Maybe we’ll have the son meeting after all.

I guess it’s a good thing that Lucas did go upstairs after all, too.

“The more you run from your problems, the more you follow them wherever you go, and they just get bigger.” That could explain her relationship with Julian in a nutshell. But yet, it still appears that she hasn’t been able to face that problem, either.

“That’s the thing. I don’t want to step back. I want to go all in.” Then tell Anna you love her and be done with it!

“You let her go.” “Why the hell would you do that? You’ll never make this shot.” Well, that’s to be questioned. I mean, has Jason ever missed his mark before? And it takes you back to earlier this week – “When you take the shot…” “….I won’t miss.” He didn’t miss! Once again, Jason saves Carly.

“I saw a glimpse of my future, a future that didn’t have her in it, and I didn’t like what I saw.” Tell her! Tell her! Tell her!

“Nice shot.” “You told me not to miss.” Precisely.

The glance from Peter to Faison, then from Peter to Jason. It’s like sympathy was at the relm here, sympathizing that they had both gone through at the hands of Faison and sympathizing the mixed emotions of the events that had simply taken place. Yes, Faison was an evil man, but he was Peter’s father and that bond is something that you can’t just take away. That glance could easily make the meeting all the more interesting.

Also, notice how he was getting out of there as quickly as possible, gloves and coat on? He was headed to where he was supposed to be having that so-called meeting more than likely.

Let me guess – Faison is going to live so we can see him again in a couple months when everyone gets bored.

Anna thinking back to a sexual moment with Faison makes me believe that she is the mother of Heinrect/Peter.

”Were you trying to kill Faison?” “If I was, I would’ve taken a head shot. This way, he’s alive and can at least talk for now.” I wouldn’t had given Faison a chance given his history, but I understand the desire to want answers. I mean, like I’ve said before, I’d want to know why I lost five years of my life, too.

“What if he dies before you can ask him your questions?” “Then I’ll have to live with that.” “Are you okay with that?” “Sonny and I were working with Anna on this, and I got to tell you, every time she said his name, you could see something in her eyes, and it was something worse than fear, and Anna is not the only one that has reeked havoc, destroyed lives, and it has to stop.” Thank you!

It’s nice how Peter now so casually shows up at the meeting spot…


“If Faison dies before he tells me, there’s someone else who knows…” Like the son, Peter/Henreict? Or even Dr. Klein for that matter.

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