Wednesday, January 31, 2018

General Hospital - January 29-30, 2018 Episode Reflections

Good, bad, great, and ugly - @GeneralHospital has been great this week as fall-out continues from Faison. Certainly, we r not done with the fun as u can see hints/twists being dropped. Can't wait to see what's to come.

Remember when I talked about the reasons I fell in love with General Hospital, and how it's different than other soaps with it's drama? This is right up that alley, and I hope it's just the tip of the iceberg in an exciting year. 

Monday January 29, 2018 Episode Reflections

I have to say - it was a great episode on a couple different fronts. Maxie can break your heart, and Jason is amazing as always. Oh, and a bit of #fanna love to boot too.

So Jason is right in saying that "knowing doesn't change anything. It doesn't get the time that I lost back," but curiosity should be the window of cause here. If someone did something to you for five straight years, you'd want to know why. It's all about putting your mind at ease and having an understanding. Besides, it will probably also help him close the door on his love for Sam more with her having "moved on" with Drew. And let's face it, if he hadn't been able to get the answers from Faison on Tuesday, he's right in saying that "there's somebody else that knows," with the son's already known involvement. But I guess that's a mute point now anyway. 

Maxie totally broke my heart throughout her entire worry for Nathan, so shout-out to Kirsten Storms on a great job. I almost wanted to cry in hearing her say, "Nathan is going to be fine, I know it."  

I also felt it when Maxie was going on about Faison in saying,"Why is Faison still alive? Why did Jason let him live? I have no compassion for him, just like he had no compassion when he hurt Robin, Nathan, and everybody else." Trust me, Jason doesn't have compassion for the man considering what he did. Would you have compassion for someone locking you away for five years? Once calmness sets in, she'll begin to see that need for answers. 

Also, on that note, gotta give Anna credit for her words in saying, "I wish you killed him. After all the years, he ran into the one person that could put a bullet in him."  She's right - he doesn't miss his mark. 

Really, seeing Anna show a sign of weakness is something of interest, too, considering she's supposed to be the strong agent. Like she said, "I've always tried to be my best for her, be an example of honor and ethics and principals. I haven't always been very honorable. That's how Faison got a hold of me in the first place, and compromise me. [...] If I wanted to be the good person I wanted to be for her, I couldn't go out there and put a gun to Faison's head like I really wanted to." But really, if you think about it here, it'd still be good principal if she was to kill Faison due to protecting those she loves. I just wish she would've voiced these concerns to Finn instead of Jason, but regardless, it was nice to see. 

"He always comes back." "Not this time." "What do you mean?" "Faison is done." "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that, just like I won't be surprised if you follow through."  This doesn't surprise me one bit. We can easily make Faison just disappear. How many times has Jason done that before? Oh, and notice how he had the same conversation with Anna, before going to see Maxie? "What I need for you to make sure Faison doesn't hurt anyone again like he hurt Nathan." Jason isn't going to let that happen, and watch everyone just pretend nothing heard. Considering everybody in town wants him dead, they will all say that he was with them instead of in Faison's room. I mean, isn't that why he visited with Carly, Anna, Maxie, etc before entering?
Speaking of Jason and Maxie, can I just say chemistry 101? Their conversation together was just perfection. He had the perfect words for her with the questions she asked. "How many times have you been shot?" "A few times.." "Does it really help to have people there, to feel their love?" "I can feel it, and I believe Nathan can too." I love their friendship!! Then telling her, "I want you to know I am here for you." was just awww for me. If #jasam is truly done, which I don't believe it is to be honest, #jaxie could be fun. Although, combining Jason and Maxie together would create quite a few laughs. Poor Jason and some of her ways and annoyances for that would be worth the TV time.

Oh, and the supposed son and Anna meeting? Heinrect/Peter was a total chicken. You'd think there'd be some more bravery considering he stood up to Faison and helped free Jason. But I can see being skeptical if Anna is his mother, and knowing what could come in the truth being revealed. By the way, it'd make sense if Anna was his mother based upon her continuous freak out reactions each time Sonny and Jason mentioned him initially, and based on the choice of wording she was going to use for the meeting. Actually, I had this theory from day 1. Never should've shifted it. (see previous entries for proof)

There's good reason why Peter doesn't want anyone to see his IPad. They'll see the e-mails, esp if there's one coming from Jason and Anna now due to no meeting.  If I was Carly, esp skeptical on his behavior and not answering where he went - like usual Carly, I'd take a peak. This is one time that I wish she'd be true to herself, rather than working towards a better person. I mean, there were even more clues given, too. "That's what I don't get. Why would Faison go to crimson?"

"I don't know why, but this whole thing feels off."  
"It has to be Maxie. There's nobody else at Crimson that Faison wants."  
Once it comes out that Peter is Faison's son, hence reason for asking Lulu about the story initially, shit is gonna fly....

"If Faison wanted to go after Maxie, why didn't he just go to her apt? Why did he come to the most secure building?" 

"What else is at Crimson that Faison would want?" 

"Well that's what worries me because I have no idea." 

Think about the writer, the e-mails, publisher - enough clues and you should begin to wonder if someone like Peter fits the bill, and put the pieces together. I mean, how long has it taken for the fans to figure it out? Not too long, if you remember. 

"I see a lot of comped hotel bills." 
"Faison is the gift that keeps on giving." Sonny's sarcasm at this time is a welcome relief.

"He was talking about taking Maxie because that baby is his grandchild. I had to do something." Peter also meant to add, "I've been in that child's shoes at the hands of Faison. I know what his terror is like, and didn't want to see someone else suffer at his hands."

So Peter was wearing a bullet proof vest. It makes sense because of the meeting that he was supposed to go to later on that night, and the fact that he knew his father was in town and after him. 

I can never find myself offering any sympathy to Oberect, because she keeps giving me reasons to just scream. I mean, she didn't even say thank you to Lulu for helping her find a way out? 

I should've mentioned this earlier, but I wanted to keep the Jason/Faison stuff together since that's pure focus in a lot of this madness right now - well, and Nathan, too, obviously. But getting back to Anna voicing her concerns about Faison to Finn. Finn already knows how he acts around her due to bearing witness, and seeing how it affects her. He also wants to be there for her in saying, "You don't have to act like it's not difficult to deal with this guy."  

"That bullet hit him in the exact spot that it will do the most damage, without directly killing him. When you go to question him, bring a witness so they can say you didn't do it." Great shooting as always, Mr. Morgan, and love how Finn continues to take care of her.

Really, it'd be great to see her accept and fanna start to grow. But hey, that would be out of character for Anna, if you consider the pain she has endured with losing Duke and being tormented by Faison. Admittedly, I will probably be impatient at times with this - but I have to remember. "Slow burn is worth it" has proven true so many times. Look at #carson and #jasam, and now #fanna. 

By the way, Faison mentioning Cassadine to Anna - it didn't really ring much of a bell for me. Anything evil related with Cassadines goes back to Helana, or goes back to Valentine. #GH is just making Faison mention Cassadine to try and throw people off of Peter - like they usually do in these situations. Then again, Valentine has a very interesting, intriguing past.

Question of the Day: Who is to blame for the story? 

Certainly, Nathan should shoulder some of the blame as he agreed to the interview. Certainly, Lulu should shoulder some as she conducted the interview and ran it. But the biggest blame? Enter Peter.

Peter put idea of a story on Faison in her head. She went to him, wanting to do another big story to back up her first on the ballots and he said, "Why not do something on the world's worst criminal?" He sent her down the path to what she did so he should shoulder some blame. 

He's Faison's son. He's the traitor. The evidence is lurking from multiple directions. So therefore, he wanted to go after Faison in his own ways. He got the perfect spot to spy in town, and then used an employee to not get close himself. If you put it that way, really, he deserves a big smack on the head.

Sidenote: Drew

It's actually been nice to not deal with Drew lately. But now that he is back, I better not hear any whining from him in not getting to deal with Faison. Besides, it was Drew that ran away with Sam and the kids for a "honeymoon" despite Jason coming to him with an update and expressing that things were moving along. And yes, I still don't like the guy. I'm sorry but that will continue for the near future - well, there is a way it could end. If he would just acknowledge some of the pain from Jason and Sam, then maybe some benefit of doubt would be given to #dream from #jasam fans. Instead, it's all been selfish motive for Drew. And yes, you can point out that one scene where he did, but that's one scene. It doesn't outweigh all of the other BS for months.

Tuesday January 30, 2018 Episode Reflections

Loving the Jason and Faison scenes. It's nice to get some answers to this storyline.

Peter/Heinreck betrayed his father out of jealousy, according to Faison. Peter wanted to be his dad's focus of attention. Peter did not believe in his dad's reasons. But Faison is right - Jason owes his life to this son. Jason has acknowledged that, too, if you recall discussions surrounding when they'd meet up. But really, I would like to hear the reasons that Jason was kept alive from Peter himself. It'd be also interesting to get Jason's take on how Peter has been hidden in plain sight.

"Heinreck is probably hiding in plain sight. I will tell you for a price." You're not in a spot to bargain right now, Faison. Besides, Jason won't accept the terms. He knows what Faison wants to do with traitor. But Drew? He may be more than willing to accept the terms. By the way, it doesn't surprise me that Jason is stronger than Drew in Faison's words. We've seen that numerous times already. 

"Your brother may know more than he realizes." / "He says Heinreck is hiding in plain sight." / "We need to find Heinreck." "Where do you want to start?" "With you. He implied you may know him." How long are we gonna drop clues before it's revealed that Peter is Heinreck?
Maxie is breaking my heart today talking about how much she loves Nathan and how much she means to him, and having to raise the baby alone

The last scene between Maxie and Nathan broke my heart. That scene was beyond beautiful. Typical, but beautiful.

I know some people are mad at Ryan for leaving General Hospital and his role as Nathan, but maybe its time to move on. Some actors like to do something for so long, and then move on to something else without going back. If you read his #askGH, it seems like he wants to be doing movies full-time rather than soaps, daily shows, etc. But I will say -  if they knew that he was leaving, making her pregnant was certainly not the right way to go on about this - even if it set up this perfect Faison storyline. We could've done Faison another way. That said, Kristen is probably going to kill this storyline, and hopefully we can get some more #saxie #jaxie and #maxpin scenes out of this.

And I know there's also the thought of why not recast Nathan? Well, didn't we learn any lessons about damages of re-casting from Jason sitaution? And to put Nathan in a livelong coma, that'd be a disservice to Maxie Jones (Kristen Storms) as she'd be stuck longing for him to return while trying to raise her baby, rather than making a punch in the General Hospital atmosphere with a heartbroken performance. 

"The only way for you to control the story is to own it." Perhaps you should take your own advice, Peter. He only wants #dream #killy to do something to take the heat off of himself.

It's also nice to see Drew acknowledge wanting answers from Faison and about his past. Maybe this was the eye opener we needed.

"No matter how much I talk myself out of it, I want to be with you." "Well, I don't want to be with you." "You're lying." "It could get you killed." "I've spent years looking death in the face. It's tired of me." Thank you, Finn. Keep working at it and convince her #fanna

Who wants to live that way? Denying what you feel?" Finn should pass this advice on to someone else, too. #fanna #jasam 

So Finn appears to be giving up on Anna. Personally, I think it's more like "Okay, you won't agree? Let's see if you can stand this life apart." and she probably won't be able to. 

"Nobody says this but when a cop is shot, you are thankful it wasn't your husband." Well truthful in statement this gone goes further than that.


"I hear you got the girl. Are you here to thank me?" Interesting way of words...

"You can't trust a word he says." Peter knows that Faison is a bucket of lies due to his own life. But he's also scared of the truth coming out.

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