Wednesday, January 10, 2018

General Hospital - January 9 and 10, 2018 Episode Reflections

The Search for Faison Food for Thought: Like we all said, there was a reason for Jason being kidnapped, and switched with his brother in the first place. Do you really think the person is gonna give up after one failed attempted? Nope. Hence the need for answers. 

The relationships that take fighting for them on both sides are always the ones that are most worth it in soap land #jasam #fanna 

January 9, 2018 Episode Reflections

Welp, that was a heartbreaking @GeneralHospital episode overall - but it had some good moments to it as shocking has it that both Carly and Alexis can spill some good tea. I still see a bright future ahead, too. 

#JaSam #Stelly #JasamReunion2018

"Is there something wrong?" We're not going to ask how you are, how's life, how's Danny - nope, Jason goes right to that. Why? Because he knows Sam always comes running to him when she has a problem, whether together or not. Refer to previous day reflections for my response.

"It's not life or death, there's just something wrong..." I don't see nothing wrong about Sam and Jason being married. 

"I need a divorce." Jason's look after she says is like wtf? Can't blame the guy. I mean, you kiss him on the boat, show all signs of loving him (no need to repeat - that's listed in previous blog, too) and then do this? 

"So you want a divorce?" His substle reaction was just enough to know how much it hurt him. The simple pause, look in the eyes, ways he just wants to avoid further conversation. Can I please just give him a big hug?

"It really means a lot to me, to my family..." Oh Sam, we know it's just a way to try and stuff it back at people who say you belong with Jason - which is true via evidence shown - versus with Drew and to feed Drew's bruised ego.

"I get it. Just draw up the paperwork, send it to Diane, and I will sign it." Of course he gets it because he always understood his girl's motives. Glad that he's not just simply bending over backwards and being smart with a look over from Diane first.

"There needs to be something that we agree to before the lawyers are brought in." Sweetheart, you lost opportunity for total say on that with every action you've taken since his return (except the kiss). But don't worry, you have a charmer and will get your way.

"I'm not going to fight you on anything." Of course. His number one concern is her happiness and making things as easy on her, even at the expense of himself. That includes giving up his house already. Why is it that she can't see the devotion, and accept in return? You know, if maybe he would fight for her - just like she told him to fight for his life (she is part of his life after all), and maybe express these damn hidden emotions that I've been asking for now months - then maybe we'll get somewhere. 
"There's seven legal reasons...adultery, imprisonment...." "None of those are us." "Then what is?" Shouldn't you know the reason, Sam? After all, you're the one asking for the divorce. Also, notice how she was totally strong, sticking by her script, asking what she wanted - but paused as he came over right beside her, barely touching her? Add that to the 100s of reasons why there will be a #JaSamReunion2018. She's barely able to do this.

Least Sam showed a bit of compassion finally for Jason in expressing some sadness on the situation at his end. Doesn't make up for months of cold behavior, though.

"When we got married, neither of us could've known what was ahead." But you vowed to love forever and always, death do us part, etc etc etc. That doesn't just simply change, Sam. We saw the signs...

"Would you change it, if you had known?" "No." "Neither would I." Compassion, respect, love, memories. We can get back to that feeling, again. 

"When I said those vows, I said them because I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, and I wanted to make you happy, and I still do. So if divorcing you will make you happy, then I will."  There goes the tears..... I mean, we get divorce will make Sam happy (in theory, but I've discussed hidden motives enough) - but that shouldn't be enough. What about you, Jason? What about how much she means to you, missing her, longing for her, wanting to hold her, the bond from forever? Speak my man!

"At least we didnt break our promises to each other. We just didn't keep them in the way we expected." Jason's one thing to hold on to in all this is how much he loves her, how much he cares, and the fact that she always runs to him. It gives hope for a future. 

"I need to know something. You made me really happy that night and you made me whole - or got me to a place that I became whole, and I don't think I could ever repay you for that." Thank you, Sam. It was nice to hear a compliment for once.

"Just live. Be a mom and a wife, and find joy in all that." That means also to stop faking your own emotions to protect Drew or find your fake security rather than chasing the love you want and desire. 

"I'm glad that you're getting to live the life that we both know that I couldn't give you." Whose to say that isn't exactly possible when not given the right chance? Do we need to go back to 2011 when they found Danny and repeat his words? 

"Irreconcilable differences. Because I love you and you love him." Tissues, please. Tissues. He finally said the words 'I love you' to her. And anybody notice how Sam looked like she was going to be sick to her stomach as he walked out? Showing regret...

"What'd you guys do? Sit in the office across from each other and not speak?" That would've been better than hearing the divorce word

"Sam asked me for a divorce." The look of shock on Carly's face....

"I know what Sam is doing. She's rushing into a marriage with Drew to avoid your feelings for you." Continue spilling the tea, Carly. You've done a good job at it the past two weeks and continue to do so. Don't stop now. Everybody else sees it 

"I already told you - I love Sam, I will always love Sam, & I want her to have a nice safe & stable life. She can have that with him - not me." How do you know, Jason? How about giving it a try before throwing away what means the most to you?

"She may have a safe and stable life, but she won't have you. That's the one thing Drew can't offer her. That's the one thing that Sam wants." What's better? Being safe & living a lie, or living your life like its your own bc u only live once? I know what I'd choose.

"You think I want this for you and yes, I do. But I know you will be fine no matter what. I'm worried about Sam and Drew - and Drew can never forgive a woman who loves someone else." Drew is bound to figure it out just others. We all see the signs and he got a preview.

"You keep saying that, but Sam says she loves Drew." "Yeah, the same way that I loved Jax. But in the end, he could never be with me because my heart belonged to Sonny." Perfect comparison. Perfect spilt tea, Carly. Keep going

"You're not as toxic as you might think. Sam was fine with who you were before. Your work, your ties to Sonny, every part of it."  "She didn't have any kids." "The night you went away - wasn't Danny with Sam? And you guys were happy." "Yea..." I love Carly, but she brings up a every strong point - Sam was willing to accept then when they began trying for kids, and having a child together. I mean, they were also gonna be totally fine originally raising a daughter together right from the beginning, too, when Sam was pregnant with Sonny's child when they initially got together. 
She's just not showing that now due to fear and not wanting to let Drew down because she knows like Carly that Jason will be okay 

"And you guys were happy." "Yea..." "And you were going to figure out a future together." "Not if Sam doesn't want to." Open up your eyes, Jason. The signs are all around you that she still craves for you.

"So Jason and I still are married, and we kissed the other night." "What? Huh? And?" Yeah that was my reaction to Sam just spitting the kiss in there. She can't stay focused on divorce because her heart wants otherwise.

"It (the kiss) was like being transported back in time - but I don't want to go back. That person doesn't exist anymore. We both have to let go." That person exists. She just needs to be found again underneath this act that you're pulling Sam. Really, I think it's part of her trying to convince herself that she needs to stick with Drew and this life - and the whole freedom she had with Jason when her greatest fear came true. 

"Okay - but only if you're letting go for the right reasons." Alexis on the divorce. Alexis not just reaching for the cutters and helping Sam divorce Jason, but actually sit and make her reconsider? Is this real life? But okay, maybe Alexis wants Sam to address these Jason feelings and such and make sure it's for the right reasons to give herself leverage later when she goes back to Julian.

"There's a lot of emotions when people break up - and are sometimes ridiculously confusing. Emotions are running high and if you marry Drew out of reaction to Jason, Drew is going to pick up on that. That's going to be a big problem." Never thought i'd see Alexis spill tea.

"I'm not saying that you should go back to Jason - because that's not a good idea, either." Now that's the Alexis we know - but same how she shouldn't go back to Julian

"Don't do anything right now in this second because Jason is an inescapable part of your life, and you need to make peace with that even before you even think of marrying Drew."  So we're not going to get a 24 hour special wedding? Thanks for tea, Alexis

"Jason was my first love. That's never gonna change - I'm always gonna love him. Love is always going to be there; I'm just not going to act on it." And deprive your life of the happiness you deserve with the man who owns your heart. It's just sad....

"Over time, you will wake up and not think about this. It will get better." Just like you're forgetting about Julian there, Alexis? Yeah, we see the hints.

Some have to wonder if the divorce and hole Sam is digging is too much. What if Jason actually starts to move on with someone else? But really, maybe seeing him begin to find happiness with someone other than herself is what we need to make her wake up though.

Also, there was not as much dialogue and reflection as one would've thought for a relationship dating back 14 years together. But there's a reason for it, too. Sam's afraid to talk about it due to fear of falling back for him - and he won't talk about it because he wants to make things easy on her so she's happy. Besides, no closure leads a door open for #JaSamReunion2018 later on this year. 

By the way, I've said it before and I'll say it again - Steve Burton is an amazing actor. He's doing an amazing job right now (as always). I mean, look at the scenes from January 9 and the small things that he did - smile, pauses, deep breath, eye blink, etc. It's always been about the little things when it came to how @1SteveBurton portrayed Jason, but it's always been perfection.

I also never in a million years believe this is the end of the road for #jasam and the previous month of reflections will show that. You can also see it in the words from the executive producer, too.
......That moment you've been stuck on thoughts of Sam and her love for Jason, and then listen to "Let it Go." Let's just say that I may be dedicating this song to Sam down the road ;)

"Couldn't keep it in;
Heaven knows I've tried

Don't let them in,
don't let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel
don't let them know
Well now they know

Let it go let it go

Can't hold it back anymore"

You have to admit that it does relate to her Drew and Jason situation. She's trying to be perfect right now and keep that love up for Drew despite everybody pressuring her from all ends knowing the truth but eventually it's going to crack and boom, we've got #JaSamReunion2018 


"My eyes are open. I know exactly who Nelle is." Took ya a little too long there Michael.

"Nelle is playing a game - but what she doesn't know, is so am I." Spoken like a true Corenthos. It's about time he grows up. 

"What I have to do is play along with it, and make Nelle think she's winning me over." "As long as she doesn't win you over." "You think I'm going to let that happen?"  Well, you did let her play you long enough even after drugging your father to get pregnant.

"Michael, you tell me that you're trying to play her and that scares me. It's not like you. I'm the one who plays people and you didn't inherit that gene." Hate to say it but Carly  is right. That's why she's  always having to help him out of messes.

"My fear is the more time you spend with Nelle, the more you fall in love with that baby, the more vulnerable you will be for her." Carly has been the queen of tea spilling lately.

"I was that baby. I was the one stuck in that endless tug-a-war. You don't go through something like that and learn. The only person that I care about in this whole mess is my child." Doesn't want to repeat his childhood so plans to be even better than they were. Good luck. We all know how things quickly get twisted in Port Charles when it comes to kids and intentions. 


"Why would I ever ask you for your help?" "Because it makes sense."  He knows she's drawn to him even with all of her other ways. Hence why hanging in his establishment knowing he'll be there instead of picking somewhere else to go. If you want to truly avoid Julian, find a place to hang out that he's not always at - like Kelly's or the other bar they used to go to. 

"Don't think you're getting something in return for this. We're never getting back together, ever." So, what's the bets on the wait time? I mean, I'd rather see Alexis continue to railroad Julian but we know she won't forever.

#Friz #NoFriz #FreeLiz

"Why won't you leave me alone?" Because maybe the picture wants you to face your past, face what happened, face the things you did - rather than try and move on like nothing ever happened with Elizabeth, Aiden, Cameron, and esp Jake. 

Glad that Franco is having a "I did something really mean before the tumor" moment. I mean, you'd think he'd realize that he had evil issues tumor or no tumor when he locked mommy in a dog crate. And assuming Liz that will forgive him? That's just lovely, Franco. I mean, it shows the shallow level of propping that they've gone to with her character for the sake of trying to redeem their rapist stalking freako.

"I would think twice before putting this painting, and these emotions in storage. It's amazing what you can do when you face them head on." Sorry Kevin, it seems Franco knows nothing about that as he has continued to avoid some real truths for a long time.

Franco avoiding  wedding discussion? Hm, are the words from Kevin beginning to taunt you?

Port Charles Mayor

"You would literally be the prefect candidate." Ned as mayor? Nope. Too much power that it would go to his head. 

Laura may keep saying that she's not mayor material, she shouldn't be mayor - but her speech in asking for how the vision will benefit the families to Jim's face is awful mayor like. With her intentions set to run, though, my vote goes to her. 

PREVIEWS FOR January 10th:

"You wanna tell me what you're doing here?" Scared more secrets will be revealed, Franco? #freeLiz #nofriz #GH 

"We can say a proper goodbye to our partnership." and a true hello to the beginning of love #fanna

I'm all for #fanna kisses, but thoughts of an interruption suck. Valentine being the culprit is a good prediction, too. He may have something to say after the visit from Jordan. She seems a little suspicious now after visiting Finn ...and the fact that Valentine supposedly visited him before he confessed. I say that Finn did what he said, and then Valentine moved the body to try and make it look like an overdose because he didn't want anyone in the investigation to be compromised. Recall, nobody knows the exact past that he has with Cassandra. And recall, Claudette came up in one of those small Cassandra conversations in helping make her go away, I somewhat recall.  So if they look into that, they find Claudette and boom - big trouble for him.

Besides, Valentine also has this strange thing with always interrupting important moments for Anna. Recall they had a past relationship and as much as he says it doesn't matter due to having moved on from her breaking his heart and set on Nina, he's not afraid to mess with her life at times.

Daily Drew Frustration

January 10, 2018 Reflections

So today's episode of @GeneralHospital was good. #fanna found some nice ground, and I actually more entertained than I thought I'd be with the storyline. 


"We can say a proper farewell to our partnership" and probably kick off their new beginning together in love.

"We've been dating for so long but didn't get to know each other." I'd like to see that happen because the chemistry is there

"It matters because the wrong man is in jail" Didn't we know that already? Weren't we satisfied with the fallout? Can we just get back to kindling together? 

"I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere..." Glad Anna is reciprocating the feelings in words now. 

"I have to do this." "why do you have to do it now?" "I'll be back. I promise." Finn wants to continue what they started

"I'm worried about you. Call me back." awww Finn is checking in on Anna... 

"Do you think Finn put Cassandra in a coma?" "It doesn't matter now." She deserved it regardless.

"It's one thing when danger is in the air and pulses are racing. But when things settle down, you realize how much you don't know about each other." Oh but their chemistry goes beyond that statement as evident by how they started working together. I can't wait for the wedding. I hope Jordan's words don't scare him off as I want to see them grow closer and then Finn pop the question. Truthfully, Jordan needs to mind her own business as she's wrong a lot and always stuck on pointless deals. It's why usually no good Police work gets done.
"Roxy and I are going back to normal - whatever normal is." you won't be able to stay away for forever.

Valentine and Cassandra

It seems Valentine is getting sloppier with each passing second. He should've known to keep his distance especially if forming up a false story. I wonder if Cassandra's assistant Eric helped Valentine get rid of Claudette.

"Maybe someone paid him" paid him to say he did this, along with getting rid of someone else? I wouldn't put it past Valentine

"You were worthy every penny" see, I knew Eric was connected to Claudette

So Valentine took the computer to remove all evidence linking to Claudette

"it was a pleasure doing business with you." Of course because it allowed Valentine to cover his tracks. 

"What if the nightmare is just beginning?"  So Finn didn't stab her. Valentine didn't move her. Eric wasn't involved. Nina did it all and Valentine covered for her, taking the laptop evidence in the process. Gotta admit that this is a good twist

So Valentine swept the place clean, dragged off Cassandra and then framed Eric because he would accept it due to accepting profit for getting rid of Claudette. Then you steal the laptop to erase any connections. So how long will it take for the truth to come out to everyone in what happened that night?

#Friz #NoFriz #FreeLiz 

"You said you knew me as a kid, but I don't remember you. Why would you show up now? Did my mother send you?" That wouldn't surprise considering his mother continues to twist and torment things. But there's also theory of being in your head and a chance meeting.

"You changed your name, you changed where you lived, now why don't you change the trifecta in where you live?" But none of this will change who Franco truly is
#Jasam Reflection....

A lot of people are waiting for what I've been begging for - Jason to just burst with emotion. But from what I've seen so far, I think we're going to continue like we have so far - fine on the outside, but battling with it internally (like the small pauses he took before certain words and such on Tuesday). Then perhaps have it come to a head and burst out - say if something dramatic happens.

January 11, 2017 Preview

Aw yes can't wait for what's to come. A Diane sighting and Sam having second thoughts? Perfect. Intrigued on Maxie's visit to see Peter which we know is about her concerns on Lulu looking for Faison.

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General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

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