Sunday, February 18, 2018

General Hospital - February 15&16 Episode Reflections

Life has been busy, so apologies for the delay on posting this. But here they are, regardless....

February 15, 2018

Well it was nice to see Nelle do the right thing in calling Michael about his grandpa, I could see Nelle using this to her advantage of the Mike situation. I mean, she's used all routes previously, right? 

That said, I am glad Carly realizes just how much of a threat Nelle is and is speaking to Diane about it. It'll make things obvious if something happens and able to find Carly.

Getting back to Mike, on two occasions Mike believed that Courtney was still alive. He forgot the children. He is now reverted back to his previous job. Its like he's stuck in the past.  

Now on the topic of Grava, I think Ava is going a little too far with her Griffin accusations, considering everything he's done for her.

I hope Finn stays with Anna over Alexis, just because I can't stand Alexis half of the time and the #fanna chemistry is everything. But oh Finn in saying, "I don't think Anna cares what we get up to tomorrow night." You could be further from the truth, Finn.

February 16, 2018 

Carly is right that "Sam may have married Drew with the best possible intentions, but it's making it bad for everyone." But really, that's okay because Drew should self-implode. I mean, we're seeing signs given his conversation with Jason earlier this week. On that note, I will say - it is nice to see Jason recognizing Drew's jealousy over his time with Sam and Danny. But blaming it on the withhold of Heinreck information? Little wrong there.

Jason saying, "He took 5 yrs of my life and I killed him. It's over with." just speaks to the frustration that he has endured with the situation. But I'm glad that Carly countered it with, "It's not over. [....] Whatever Faison set up to hurt you, it's not just going to go away." Carly is right. What if something lingers and a threat is still there? Jason, knowing him, would want to handle it.


Faison's gift for Britt in his will was "interesting...." ha!

"I leave to Drew what he wants most - a way to restore his memories." O yeah, he really wants that as we've seen. I mean, it's not like he has followed that desire closely. But of course that comes with a twist, clearly. "These will only be delivered to one party, upon the death of the other." Faison has a reputation as a villain, and clearly that has continued even beyond death.

Well, in a duel between Jason and Drew, we know who would win - but really? Faison went this far now? But wait - doesn't Faison know that Jason would kill Drew? I mean, he said that Jason was the stronger one of the pair in the hospital

So really, they each have to ask themselves, "Is the information worth killing your brother?" Clearly not, but then again, we never know.... 

So Drew repeats the words, "For one of us to get what we want, the other has to die." Really, I would've kept my mouth shut. The glance back from Jason means you try anything, you're done. And poor Sam scared at the though because she wonders if Drew will now try something.
By the way, anybody notice the countless glances between Jason and Sam as Drew looked on?

I can't stand Nelle for multiple reasons, and today just added to that. Her going on to Monica in saying, "Carly seems fixated on getting rid of me" was ridiculous. It's more like the other way around, Nelle. And she goes on and on here, adding, "It's Carly. She just keeps making huge accusations against me. I try to be the bigger person, but she just keeps...." Can I smack her?

That said, her plan is destined to backfire large when Michael realizes what she's doing to Carly. I mean, let's face it - Nelle hasn't properly thought a plan through to date. 

The biggest laugh was Nelle saying, "I've tried so hard to try and move forward to make amends with her...." By continuing to torment her? By continuing to antagonize her? I can't wait for this to backfire so I can laugh in Nelle's face.

Everybody can see what Nelle is doing, even before she said, "This has helped me more than you'll ever know...." It falls in line with the plan - which will be seen through eventually.

So of course Monica would waltz right over to Carly's and yell at her with, "I'm not going to have your adverse hostility play a role in her pregnancy." But Carly is right in asking, "What are you talking about?" as she hasn't done much - besides their couple of discussions. But Monica yelling back, "Lay off Nelle!" has me really am laughing now. I can't wait until Monica and Carly figure it all out. 

"You weren't the one getting poked and prodded like a lab rat." I sympathize with Mike. Everybody gets that feeling after a doctor's appointment.

So Ava saying, "He's always going to be obligated to be self-lish, even when it makes him selfish. I am beginning to wonder if this will even work...." was like a WTF moment. So doing his job, making sure your daughter wasn't too far off, is a crime now?

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General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

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