Friday, March 16, 2018

General Hospital - March 15&16, 2018 Episode Reflections

March 15, 2018

So interesting episode of @GeneralHospital, to be honest. I find new reasons to hate certain people and just sit here and hope that Friday is better. That said, Sam certainly has found her voice.

You just have to love everybody that says there's so much great love between Sam and Drew. On top of her revealing that she's hid her Jason feelings for months now, he goes ahead and doesn't say crap over the phone - on top of hanging up on her. I mean, he could've revealed something about where he was, what he was doing during that phone call - but chose to go the secret route. Probably regretting that in now not having any trace as to where he has been hidden. 

I laugh at those who say that Sam didn't need to add "I love you" at the end of her message, either, but we all know that Drew is the type that needs coddling and continued self-assurance, as we've seen multiple times. But okay, there's the argument that she's giving him assurance and a future when really what is there after her Jason confession? But it fits the story more than one way as it shows that inner battle of emotions, trying to do what's right by everybody, and even still loving him partially as she did say to Jason that she still loves Drew, too.

Sam is right that if Jason was in a similar situation as Drew, she wouldn't be worried. That's because Jason is a man that can take care of himself no matter the situation. 

So I just love how Sam blurted to her mom, "I've been thinking a lot about Jason and Drew, and I realize that I haven't been honest with either of them - or myself." It was one thing to hear Sam tell Jason that, but it's another to watch her say it out-loud to her mother. It's perfect confirmation.

I was ready to blurt out my drink when Alexis asked, "You didn't sleep with him, did you?" The whole fan base wishes she did. That said, I wasn't surprised by her follow-up with, "May I remind you that you're the mother of two young children, and this only happens when you're with Jason?" Alexis has always been concerned about #jasam and not a fan. As frustrated as I may be in her words at times, it's nice to see #GH writers continuing to stick to the history of #jasam in who was a fan, who wasn't, and how this shakes out.
But Sam was perfect in standing her ground with her mom in keeping it going by saying, "That's when I had to tell Jason the truth - that I still love him, and I always will." Can she repeat that 10 times over, please actually? Really, Alexis revealed that she knew there were feelings there in asking, "Whatever happened to not acting on your feelings for Jason?"

If you go back in time, though, there's been signs of Alexis seeing it from the beginning.

  • Feb 8 - Alexis saying, "Maybe just to be safe, you should keep your distance" 
  • Divorce discussion - "Okay - but only if you're letting go for the right reasons."
  • Sam to Alexis on Jan 11 - "Do you understand how frustrating you are? You're sending me mix signals. You are telling me to stay away from Jason, but next you're shedding doubts."

Her own theory has always shown through, though, in how she's tried to always push Sam one way or another. Hence why she was perfectly fine doing the divorce work, and why she tried to push that harder than necessary during those proceedings with certain comments, and why she told Drew that she'd do anything to help him when the truth was revealed.

But again, Sam was perfect in her response with, "What? Not telling the truth? That's not how I want to live my life." A mother that wants her daughter to lie about her feelings so she doesn't be with the one person whom is her heart & soul. So sweet...

Sam obviously hit back to that double love stride, too, in saying, "The truth is I'm in love with both of them and I've tried to shut my feelings off for Jason and I can't do that. And even if I've tried shutting my feelings off for Drew, I can't because I love him, too." Hence Jason wants to give her space so she can sort this out.

But really, I think it's Jason whom she loves, and loves alone - just based on the nightmare, mess, catering to other people dialogue from the past week. I think it's more despite wanting to be with Jason, she wants the best for Drew as a friend. Hence having sacrificed her own happiness this long for his sake. It's what makes #jasam perfect - they are willing to sacrifice their own happiness for someone else.

It's also great to hear that Sam wants to be honest with Drew and tell him, but I will admit in laughing when Alexis asked, "How do you think he will react?" While Jason was a MAN and is giving her space & time, Drew will probably push his feelings on her and whine....

Of course, it was also classic in hearing Alexis ask, "Sweetie, don't you think you should take more time to think about it?" Alexis is afraid that Drew will run, knowing the #jasam history in having the memories. Hence trying to delay.

With everything put together, certainly speaking to her mom about Jason was the wrong move because obviously Alexis will turn down every chance of them reuniting. But something to consider - in a strange way, could she be spewing it off to find some justification for the "mess" and "nightmare" she created in sticking with Drew?

But like everything, I never take a grain of salt into what Alexis says. Recall this is the same woman who wants to get back with the man who put a knife to her throat. I almost want to see them compromise - "You let me be with Jason, and I'll let you be with Alexis. and we'll focus on everything but our love lives together."

That said, I don't fault Sam for what she said at all. I don't think she meant to go all indulgent about it. Alexis stopped by for another reason, Sam started talking about Drew's disappearance and it just came out - simply meaning that she can't hide it anymore that she loves Jason. 

I ask the same thing as Jim - "Why couldn't Bobby and Andy leave the past where it belongs?" I mean, it's really an annoying storyline if I have to be honest and we all know why they're doing it and it won't work for the 2345th time - redemption is not possible. We get it - they won't stop the reforming until the Sam fans and Jason fans agree with it. The problem is that'll never happen because there's no going back from what he did then. Secondly, using a moment from a three-year-old memory is ridiculous as they wouldn't remember anyway. I mean, I don't even remember being three.

Even Franco recognizes this fact when he said, "This whole story of me pushing you down the stairs is nonsense." Then why have we been annoyed with this story for months now, Franco? 

That said, Jim. why couldn't you not torture them as kids? But really, he's actually giving me satisfaction right now. I actually am smiling in watching Franco be kidnapped. It's like great karma in a way.... 

I honestly laughed when Kim said, "Of course the earth had to open up and swallow your wedding day...."  Maybe it's a sign.....  On the flip side, I laughed harder when she said, "I will always care about Drew, but he's proven very well easily to take care of himself." Now on the flip side, Kim saying that "Drew and I could talk about anything, except most of his childhood" is a clue towards the other storyline. It follows the lines of victim in child abuse, because obviously you wouldn't want to talk about it.

Am I supposed to be surprised that Liz went running after Franco after Epiphany told her he missed his appointments? Because I'm certainly not.... 

So Jordan seems to finally taking her job as police commissioner and doing it. I mean, her saying, "While we're building this case, we watch him (Harvey) as a hawk," we can admit that'd be a first. When was the last time the police solved a case in this town? That's why I laughed when Curtis said, "You bring bad guys to justice." When has Jordan gone through with a proper arrest and actually put someone bad away without the mob doing it for her? 

I just wanted to smack Peter when he said, "There's no need to apologize. Maxie, I understand what you're going through - more than you know." I mean, if he really feels sympathy, then why put her through the hell of being with him with a secret looming? I mean, how about you just reveal that crap? I mean, the longer you hide this secret the deeper the fall will be for you Peter. 

Dante was right in his advice to Lulu with "the first step is to wait." Time heals most wounds, especially when the Peter-truth comes out eventually. But I get Lulu's frustration in saying, "this friendship means too much." Dante really became the hero of the episode, too, in his comments for Peter. It's nice to know someone will tell Peter what he needs to hear.....

So I almost laugh at Maxie telling Lulu, "You don't get to bury my husband in the ground, and act like we're besties." Maxie's comments continue to hit every stride for Lulu. I just wish Peter could get an equal dish instead of being her "buddy" right now.  Oh the fun when the truth comes out....

Lulu's constant persuasion almost became annoying, especially when she asked, "Please let me be with you when the test results come in so you're not alone...."  When will Lulu get it through her head that Maxie needs distance right now? Time heals wounds, and constant persuasion just digs the hole deeper. That said, Maxie knows that Lulu wrote the story - but yet she'l hang out with Peter after he approved it and originally gave Lulu the idea? Something doesn't add up about this relationship even with the secret removed.

Things you'd never thought you'd hear on @GeneralHospital - Sam asking Elizabeth where Franco is. Don't tell me she'll have to save his ass twice now.

Why would you tell Jim that you're going to blow him up, Ned? I'd play along, get more evidence, and use it to set everything up together. But tell him what you're going to do? You're setting yourself up to join Drew and Franco.

March 16, 2018 

So today's @GeneralHospital episode was dead for a Friday - seriously. But I still award a gold star to Stella and to Mike....oh and maybe Griffin in the last minute or so.

I wish Liz would've thrown more shade at Sam with regards to her Drew comments. It would've allowed us to move closer to that #JaSamReunion2018 with more thoughts on the table. 

I laugh at Liz saying, "Chances are Franco and Drew are together, and I am going to go find them." Are we sure that Elizabeth can do this on her own? I mean, I guess not since they ended up at the police station. I'm just waiting for Sam to call Jason for help.... That said, their police station trip allowed me to find another reason to fire Jordan. Even though Jordan knows that Jim Harvey is dangerous, knows the Drew/Franco connection, and knows they may be in danger - we're not going to do a single think about it. Great police work, huh?

You'd think that Griffin would put the clues together in someone randomly showing up looking for a test for something that someone else recently died off, and speaking of not knowing the parents. I mean, it's ridiculous how long it took someone other than Jason is intrigued about Peter's presence  on the night of Nathan's death.

By the way, did @GeneralHospital get a new make-up department? It seems like it looking at Ava and Nelle. That said, Ava is right in her advice for Nelle in saying, "If your plan fails for whatever reason, she - Carly - will come after you, no holds bar." I can't wait for that to happen actually. it'd be great karma/revenge for Nelle considering...... But then again, Nelle cannot understand that common sense because let's face it, she's bat shit crazy. I mean, why wouldn't Nelle just use ketchup or something else, rather than her own blood? 

Mike and Sonny with all the feels today, but it could've been stronger. They missed that Sonny has been there, letting go of control and everything, in fear of his own sanity. Anybody recall when Jason took control of the mob for awhile? They could've let Sonny express that in relation.

Stella's words about Alzheimer is right on. Great job by #GH on the continued great hard work.

So Michael asked Francesca on a date? Good boy..... 

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