Friday, March 30, 2018

General Hospital - March 30, 2018 Episode Reflections

Let's just say that this was a great episode as the flashbacks were everything. Great job by all those involved!

Over the years, Maurice Benard has delivered some of the most memorable lines, and the opener for this episode didn't disappoint - "I've been thinking a lot about memories - how our personalities, loyals, souls, their response to what came before. We're the sum total of the connections we've made, and the people we've lost. Memories are the building blocks are our identity." 

So no short in excitement in seeing the Metro Court turned into Luke's for the night. I had a feeling when Sonny said he was doing something for his dad that it would be something like that. But it's perfect - great connection to the storyline and great therapy for Mike, but also a great way to rekindle the past memories.

Of note - I will say the way they're talking to set up the flashbacks seems a bit awkward at times, but they're all so great flashbacks that you just let it go....

That said, nothing like a sharp dressed man, though. Sonny, Michael, Dante and Mike looked pretty good walking in all dressed up together. 

Can I just admit here that I miss seeing Luke Spencer? 

When Carly said, "Look around - there's a lot of memories here," it was like a no kidding moment as you could see where the episode was going. It was perfect having the first flashback all the way back to the black and white days.

Mike is right that "Lucy Cole, everything about you is memorable...." She's certainly had some moments. The Nurse's Ball has always been a very special part about @GeneralHospital each and every year. Lucy's hardwork each year certainly showed. I can't wait to this year's edition - maybe a bit of a throwback mixed in to honor #GH history. That said, can we have Lucy back on, along with Luke? 

I laughed a little when Mike referred to Brenda, but he's right "she takes awhile to get ready, but she always make a helluva entrance." That's one way of putting Brenda's antics during her time. Cue the pink room anyone?

It was great seeing the Lila flashback! I always liked her charm for her entire life on General Hospital.

I couldn't argue with Monica saying, "U know the old saying you can't do with, you can't do without? That was me & Alan. Nobody could make me laughter and after all the times I said I could never lie eyes on him again, I miss him everyday." Their relationship was certainly unique as much as Alan annoyed me.

The Robin flashback was great, too. She hasn't changed much over the years....
Awwww baby Michael. That moment with Jason holding Michael will always be etched in my memory.

The Stone memory really caused the waterworks to begin to drip watching this episode. Sonny saying, "He's been gone longer than we've lived" just makes it hit home further.

So it was great seeing Ned rekindle the Eddie days and let's just say that the man still has a great voice. Oh, and the Eddie's Angel flashback to Ned and Alexis honestly made me laugh.

Mac and Kevin shaving their legs? Yeah, that's an image you can never get out of your head now. But let's face it - they certainly made "interesting" woman.

That scene when Sonny shot Dante - that hits the feels immediately..... And Dante you may say that "now I have an excuse to like you," but we don't excuses to like Sonny.
"Michael lets me tell him the story, and I know I didn't let me tell you anything and I'm sorry about that." "Let me tell you a story - I remember a time when I was in really bad trouble and my son who everybody thought had turned his back on me came to my rescue." "Of all the places to realize my son loved me...." "Of course I love you, you're my mom."  Monica and Jason really hit the heart strings, too. With everything they've endured, the simple "I love you" meant way too much.

#Carson once again totally slayed it today. The flashback may not have been everything, but their dialogue together day was perfection - "You’re a hard man to love Sonny. But nothing worth having is ever easy. And I do love you. I really love you." It's amazing how they've survived the ups and downs and came out strong in the end. Love always wins, right? They were always meant for each other.

It was great seeing Jason and Carly dancing together, but Jason and Anna? Meh.... Recall in the past, he'd dance with Sam and only in private. So yes, it is odd to see him dancing at all. With Carly, I could understand given their history. But the Anna dance threw me off. Guess it could be chalked up to growth over time, as evident in savoring moments discussion with Monica.

But the real sweller was watching Carly and Sonny close the night together.

Mike's last line - "For a cocky SOB, you don't give yourself enough credit. You're a good son. I'm proud of you."  - was just the perfect sum up for everything. Cue the waterworks again.

"To a hell of a night. May tomorrow be even better...." Here's to many more awesome memories from @GeneralHospital in the years to come. Thank you for the history to date.

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