Friday, March 30, 2018

General Hospital - March 29, 2018 Episode Reflections

This episode was interesting. The layers continue to be added to the story ahead of the total chaos that will probably strike eventually. Not too shabby a deal....

So Jason and Anna put together another great batch of scenes in regards to this search. So far, it seems that the secret is safe but Anna is going to slip if she keeps dropping these hints.

Jason is on to something in saying that "you're assuming Heinreck is innocent, when he could be just like his father." Just because he was the traitor and saved Jason doesn't mean he's innocent. I mean, he's playing the game now and hiding this secret. Of course, Jason hit it out of the park again in adding "how long would he have kept me there?" to humanity of needles, to drugging of Sam.

Last 30 seconds of this scene - just everything today. Jason's passion and angst and how intense he is with each line like a punch was perfect. It explains every reason why I can't look at Heinreck/Peter straightly.
Truthfully, Peter's line of "clean bill of health, my book, and best of father, you're dead" didn't sit well with me at the time. I feel Peter may be even more evil or attempting to be in search of revenge for his father's actions. That said, I'm glad Nina saw the book.

On that note, so I am set for fireworks when Maxie finds out that Peter is Heinreck, and even more set for Nina when she finds out that Valentine knew the truth all along. Oh wait - Nina will take him back like she has time and time before, despite him being a murderer.  So say, they'll probably be a fight - and then boom, back together in a week or a month? Also, you watch - like Nina has excuses for Valentine, I wonder if Maxie will drag Peter for a good bit and then have some excuse for him.

That said, you know it's only a matter of time until that happens based on the recent DNA results, and all the crazy hints being dropped across the canvas. Let's face it - when Griffin opened that envelope, I wanted him to stand on top of the hotel and shout it out to everyone. Or can we bring devious Ava back? She'd put the information on a big billboard.

That said, while we await for that, let me eat up the irony of most of these lines along the way.

You have Nina saying, "I'm telling you, that man has an agenda where Maxie is concerned." While it may not have started that way, the fact that Peter knows her connection and is still letting things foster says enough for me.

So Valentine wants to be partners with Lulu? Great way to lead her down the wrong path and make sure Peter's secret remains.... That said, I don't think that will work for Lulu because she's already onto it in saying, "maybe Heinreck assumed that we all thought he would escape but he remained to stay here..." along with "maybe he's here in Port Charles right under our noses."

So Maxie is still going on about Lulu, now telling Spinelli, "I need Nathan, and he's dead because of Lulu." Welp, actually there's one other person that's more to blame but hey, we won't go there. But give ya hint - he's been your best friend lately. Oh Peter....

My heart literally broke when Mike said to Sonny, "You should really meet my son. You would really like him...."

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