Wednesday, March 7, 2018

General Hospital - March 5&6, 2018 Episode Reflections

March 5, 2018

For the first episode after the earthquake, it was quieter than normal. But it was still not too bad.

The way that Jason automatically went into protective mode for her was just beautiful.

So Sam asking Jason, "Can you take me to town on your bike?" was something that we all knew the answer before anything was stated. Sam knows that Jason will say yes as he'd always do anything for her, even if he countered it at first.

The best though was when Sam said, "I have to get to the Floating Rib. I have to make sure Drew is okay," and Jason responded, "Drew can take care of himself." πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ But of course, he did give in for the reasons stated above. That said, does Sam leaving her kids to check on her grown husband seem right to anybody? It just seems strange.... 
Jason's perfect responses continued as he was right in saying, "Yeah I do," when Sam told him that he didn't have to go with her. It's obvious that Jason wants to do whatever to keep her safe. 

I actually laughed at Liz staying at the church, and then said, "What the fuck?" I mean, I know that she knows her boys are with Bobbie in an area supposedly not hit that hard - but you think she'd want to at least check on them to be certain. I mean, her boys are supposed to be her whole world right?

And of course they had to play a #friz montage during the earthquake. Excuse me while I 🀒🀒🀒.
You'd think Sonny would've put one of his guards on Mike so he couldn't just run around town.

Really, I had a lot of WTF moments during this episode. I mean, you have Jordan babying Curtis at the hospital rather than doing her own business at the police station? 

March 6, 2018 

So @GeneralHospital was actually pretty good today. The reasoning for what happened was actually explained in most ways.

I almost screamed when Franco said, "You can't leave me here, because that'd be against your code." I mean, it's like he's twisting his thoughts in his head all over again - just like all those years. And really, given what you did to him for years, Franco, it'd be a good time to go against his code.

That said, I could just repeat the scene over and over where Jason ragged on Franco. I mean, that's been a long, long time coming, in having someone that threatening throwing back in his face what he did - especially with that much force, power, rage, and anger behind those words. It made me take a step back listening to it. Jason finishing it off with, "They will never forget what you did to them. I told you that you would pay" was perfect.

I still remember his screams from when he was locked in the room forced to watch the video - haunting in themselves. And then how he held her, comforted her, wanting to make her feel better. To see those emotions relayed back again on his face were everything....

As much as I want to see him move on (continue reading to see where this goes), I would be all here for payback considering the force of what he did.
So when it was spoiled that Jason and Sam would save Franco, the anger was evident and of course, trying to reason how the hell this was possible was discussed. SEE PREVIOUS ENTRY FOR THOUGHT PROCESS. Now having seen it play out, I can actually appreciate Jason doing what he did - only because of the way Sam put it. Her stating, "I would rather see Franco live, then keep a secret about how he died" was perfect. Could you imagine Jason having to look Jake in the eye afterwards if something happened? 

Sam even touched upon that in saying, "What would Jake say if he disappeared or died? Jake will be old enough one day to understand, and it will be his choice to choose what he does with it."  Really, I can't wait to the day that Jake finds out everything, and I hope he turns his back on Franco and Liz right away.

That said, Jason's stare at Franco was everything after he did save him. We are far from over - possibly.
The advice from Sam to Jason was perfect in, "you can get stuck in the past, or you can choose to move on and live the best life that you can" surrounding Franco. But let's face it - it's hard to move on when that person is there reminding you everyday of what happened, and the fact of length of what happened. Now if Sam was able to be there and help Jason move forward, that would be nice to watch. 
....and there's the aftershock. Excuse my #jasam heart while it beats a little faster until tomorrow afternoon.
.....I will say, I didn't realize how much this touched back to five years ago until this tweet - but once again, General Hospital finds another way to touch upon our Jasam hearts.
Beautiful scene with Elizabeth and Mike. Why can't they give her more stuff like that, versus being with Franco in a love that doesn't make sense? That said, I can't believe that Elizabeth stayed waiting in the church for Franco that long. Also, for the record, if my man walked in late for my wedding, I'd be demanding an answer and explanation and reasons rather than immediately sharing in kisses.

Carly actually demanding that Nelle gets checked out is a surprise - maybe having them spend that time together was actually a breakthrough. Of course, we know how Nelle works and this won't last for certain. 

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General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

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