Wednesday, March 7, 2018

General Hospital - March 7, 2018 Episode Reflections

So for the record, today's @GeneralHospital was everything that a #jasam fan could ask for, and then some. If we thought Monday and Tuesday were good, it did nothing to compare to today. 

Let's just say this - it took an earthquake to shake her out of her #dream that she was having - more like a nightmare being away from her true love.

Seeing Jason and Sam work together to get to safety is everything. Jason coaching her, telling her what she needs to do, reaching to grab her to safety. I mean, her simply asking, "What are we supposed to do?" says enough. Like always, she puts her trust and safety into his hands.
Jason is right in saying, "Come on Sam, you're strong, you don't panic" because you never saw that side of her with him. It was always ying and yang, Of course, she answered that back perfectly in saying he had never seen her panic "because I've never panicked when I was with you." She could always trust and know that she was safe no matter what, because he'd take care of her - just like now.

Jason and Sam jumping out of the trailer, holding hands, is everything - just as good as Jason laying on Sam protecting her is soap perfection. Oh, and did anyone notice that longing look from her eyes to his? She's having that moment!!!!! I said it would probably take a life or death event to shake Sam to the core and make her damn well realize that she needs to act on her feelings, and here we are. You can send my commission check in the mail, General Hospital.
So by the way, that confession from Sam was everything! That was everything that we've been waiting for. The #JaSamReunion2018 is here and I'm on the train ready to lead into station. That was just amazing. Thank you, Sam.

Her starting off by saying, "I need to tell you something. I knew it was you. Jason I knew it was you that night on the pier, and when you came into my hospital room that next day. I knew it was you, you didn’t even have to say anything and my eyes were closed and I knew it was you and I couldn’t"  was perfect. It proves that Carly was right all along.

Then she goes, "I told you to keep your distance, but I didn't mean that. Everyday I hoped I ran into you" and they certainly have spent a lot of time together since then. But her finishing that speech of by saying, "I don't care if I'm not supposed to be saying this, but I love you. I never stopped loving you" was everything.

Her being honest with her feelings was honestly refreshing after all the coddling that she'd done for Drew over the past several months. It'll be nice to see her be totally honest with him, too, as it shows she's ready to move forward - like she told Jason about Franco.

But really, she's been close to straight up honest whenever she sees Jason about her feelings so far, versus having to keep them guarded due to fear of Drew lashing out of his own anger. Isn't it just great?
Jason saying, "I love you, and I didn't say it until now because I didn't want to pressure you" was perfectly fitting. It goes by his code. He doesn't want to push anyone to make any decisions, letting everybody do what they want to live their life. He learned that the hard way back in 2006/2007 era. Really, that's love right there. The ability to sacrifice your own happiness because all you want is for your true love to be happy. But also, he knew that she'd come around eventually because let's face it, you can't deny him forever.

His way of accepting her apology was perfect with, "You didn't do this. It was done to all of us - and there is no clean way out. But no matter what, I know that you love me. Sam, I love you. That's all it is. That's enough." Just beautiful and soapy. Cue the teary emotions right here.

And while the dialogue was perfect, you also have to give credit for character positioning by both Steve Burton and Kelly Monaco. Their positions together, in perfect hold, eyes focused - that just made this scene that much better. The words from both of their mouths may have been everything, but the small movements and hands just made it convene together perfectly.

By the way, this right here is why you can never make me ever go against Jason Morgan, and why that man has captured my soap heart for years. Thank you Steve Burton for coming home, and thank you for bringing that endearing love back again.

FYI - you cannot deny the full reunion is coming now, either. I mean, Sam admitted that she made mistakes in staying with Drew, and that she still loves Jason and has always loved him, and the fact that she wanted to see him as much as humanly possible despite creating distance. What else can I say that spells true love and a reunion? But those that may say she was caught up in the moment and having her life saved that she spewed words that she'll regret later - that's the farthest thing from the truth because the signs have always been there, and those quotes reaffirm any doubts.

However, if you still don't believe this, that's fine. Live in your delusional #dream world while the rest of us wake up from the nightmare. They'll wake up eventually when we have #jasam making love in the best fashion possible, as we know they make great scenes as that.

Okay, on to the rest of the show now.....

I was honestly surprised that Kim and Dante just left Drew now in the freezer trapped. You'd think there'd be some gratefulness considering everything that he did to save her son. But no, instead, it was like total focus on her own son. I mean, I get it because the danger he is in and such - but what about being thankful, grateful, and returning that favor?

I mean, she even went as far to express her gratitude to Oscar in saying, "Tonight you needed your father and he was there. If I made different choices, he could've always been there....." But yet you seem so worried about the fact that you left him pinned under a freezer door. I mean, when she said, "I'm going to go for a walk, stretch my legs...." I was thinking that maybe she'd go check on the man that helped save her son's life.

Really, Julian was set to do more than she was willing to do in offering to go help, and asking where he was. I mean, you think she would've given the information especially in saying, "I don't know if they're going to make it in time" but instead you give him reason to stay there instead.
At least Dante went back after - but did he really have to take Franco with him? With that in mind, I was surprised how Franco just stood back there. Franco should be thankful he's damn alive. You think that'd give him damn reason to do more for Drew than what he is right now. But instead, like an ungrateful ass, he just stands there saying, "How about we call the fire department?" His life wasn't worth saving.

Now I know it probably would've been easier to just let Drew die, but as much as I despise Drew at times, I am glad that Dante went back for him. Besides, I want Drew's reaction when he sees the #JaSamReunion2018 happen. It wasn't lost on me either that they didn't have a cubicle free for Drew. That shows his relevance to just leave him in the hall.

Moving on, I also felt that Kim was being a little forceful too right now about Jocelyn seeing Oscar considering the pair were froze together to begin everything. Where's the compassion?

On the flip side, I love Oscar as it was nice to hear him ask, "Can you go check on him? I really want to make sure he's okay?" Glad that Oscar showed more love for Drew than Kim was able to.

I'm glad that Jim got called out for his "frackling" and I can't wait until he's fully exposed. It's always fun in watching him try to cover-up for being in the cause in saying, "All of my heavy equipment is at your disposal." He wants to always seem like Mr. Perfect when he's a total ass. I mean, I can't recall who exactly said it (I think Jordan surprisingly) in saying, "You can't cause an earthquake unless you go deeper than that, fracking...." Now recall, that goes with those plans that Curtis stole that didn't look right. This writes itself.

Of course Julian helped save Molly. It's the beginning of the next chapter in the #julexis arc. I mean, you could tell in Alexis saying, "Actually, it was a big deal to me. TJ wouldn't have been able to get her out without your help, so thank you...." It'll be enough for #julexis to reunite eventually, you watch.

I almost puked when Franco said, "I need a shower. Feel free to join me." Doesn't Franco realize that Elizabeth has a job to do? And when they did give that shower scene? You could say those puking reactions were really coming true 100%.


So Sam told Drew that she was with Jason during the earthquake. I hope she divulges every single detail for him, too. 

"Your mother has good instincts. If I was you, I would trust them." Otherwise - stop loving, Nelle. 

....for the record, I hope that the Jason and Sam kiss is tomorrow because I won't be able to watch Friday's episode until probably Saturday night due to @MotoramaShow and work. (fair warning)  But I would like to see it play out by sealing with a kiss, talk about their love a little more, and then agree that they should be checked out given the "fall" from the jump. Hence ending up at the hospital face-to-face with Drew.

Special thanks to @JMQFF for the clips and GIFs used in this blog post. Thanks to @CBS_soaps for the photo. 

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