Thursday, March 8, 2018

General Hospital - March 8, 2018 Episode Reflections (and then some)

It was so hard to just wrap my head around the episode with Jason and Sam apart, and Dream back together after the confessions from Wednesday. I just want to keep going back and watching that over and over, and counting the days in anticipation for the true reunion together.

I mean, reflecting back a little, it was magical on all levels - from the words spoken to the actions taken. As soon as their eyes locked together after they realized they were okay, you could tell that she had a realization immediately. Like, "What if it that had been the end and I never got to tell you how I truly feel?"

I laugh at some saying the scene was forced, too. I call the complete opposite. I saw Steve Burton and Kelly Monaco rekindling the chemistry and magic that made them the best soap couple from the beginning. Just look into their eyes and simple hand motions. No words needed. Really, those who may not agree are just denying that they were forced to watch their boy be pinned down by a freezer door, and feel awkward about their little itty bitty navy seal being saved by a serial crazy person.

Okay, I've been mean enough to Drew between yesterday and today, I'll move forward....

March 8 Episode

As soon as Sam said she went out with Jason, it's like Drew's whole demeanor changed. Almost like he knows before she says it. But really? That's it? We're just going to confess our love and go back to our usual lives? 
It was interesting how at first Sam didn't even mention Franco, or the trailer. How long is confessing what happened going to take? A relationship with secrets is so lovely. But really, it took Drew recounting the tale of how Franco saved him for Sam's first mention of the freak with her saying, "Wow, there's such thing as karma. Franco wouldn't been there to save you if Jason and I hadn't saved him." Anybody notice the WTF look on Drew's face afterwards?

I could've spit when Sam said, "You know, it's actually crazy. Its like the first time I'm actually grateful for Franco." But let's be honest, she should've went on to add, "Not only did he save your life Drew, but he let me see just how much I love Jason and want to be with him" because seriously, I want to see that man's face when she speaks of confessions. Hearing Sam be 'grateful' for Franco though is actually disgusting. Great show continuing to prop the rapist.
Should I laugh at Drew saying, "All my wishes have come true because I have everything that I want." I cant wait until it's ripped away. I mean, Drew's comment, "I think we do a good job of taking care of each other" is just as laughable, though. Then where's Sam's voice in the relationship? Why does she have to always be guarded with her feelings? Why is she lying to you right now about how she truly feels?

When Sam said, "When we get home, we really need to talk," you can say that the anticipation for tomorrow just kicked up a notch. Really, she probably is set to go about revelaing it as she couldn't stand seeing Jason walk away, again.
It was great to hear Carly say, "I've seen Nelle's true colors. No attack of Braxton Hicks is going to change that." I was a little worried about the whole demeanor changing after she coached her. That said, I hope Carly sticks by those words because we know Nelle. She'll make you feel comfortable and then attack again.

I laughed at Jason asking, "If Nelle could go back and change everything, would she?" But then I laughed harder when Michael replied, "I think she would." Even though he's putting that wall up, that door of opportunity needs to be closed. Why can't he get that she will drop kick it open and take advantage? Why can't they find out that she was behind those phone calls?

Jason is right that Carly has "has good instincts, and you should trust them." I hope Michael does because I don't need this #melle door opening bigger than it is. After all, Carly proved those instincts  with her thoughts on #jasam right? But now Jason turning that into advice for Michael in saying, "Go with your instincts, and don't let anyone talk you out of those" scares me because sometimes he wants to open the door to Nelle and she doesn't deserve that opportunity.

But really, I will give him credit - his face in learning that Nelle is moving into the Quartermaines is everything. The instincts are on full charge.

Nice job Michael in dropping, "She's been saying all along that you and Sam belong together, so maybe she's on to something." I think so, too. We just need Drew to wake up and learn the truth.

But for now, Jason is just going to continue waiting, continuing to not push the envelope. And that's fine because he knows when Sam does come around and tell the truth, the #JaSamReunion2018 will be worth everything. Let's hope sooner than later please.
I'm actually shocked that Sonny would want to send his father back to Brooklyn after the diagnosis. That said, Carly's scenes with Sonny are everything, today. Love the tender touch to their relationship in how Carly is doing everything she can for him. Really, Mike was absolutely spot on with his emotions, too. These scenes right here captured everything.

Sure, Peter may be concerned about Maxie and the baby - but let's face it. He's probably been thinking about it more than that. We know you're worried that you got the genes.

I took a nice deep breath when Maxie said, "After he did God knows right to Jason and Drew, maybe he has it. Wouldn't that be justice?" I hope Maxie keeps pushing these buttons and forces an outburst from Peter to reveal the truth. I can't wait until he does and see Maxie's reaction. I mean, she's drawing closer in wondering at times about his questions as she even asked, "Why does it matter to you?" Truthfully, I think Peter wants to know whether Maxie's baby has it or not to try and give him a clue to his own future.

By the way, thank you for the confirmation once again by #GH that Peter is her son. We get it, show. We don't need the constant hints. Let's get the story moving along. And for the record, Anna, they probably let the baby go due to Faison. He could be very threatening after all.

So Andre is obviously right in saying that Valentine didn't "want you to find your son." But based on what we know so far, Valentine's involvement in this is like wtf? Why stick him in the Faison situation?

Moving Forward..... 

I actually wonder if she's going to reveal that she's been lying all along in knowing that Jason was Jason from day 1, or whether she's going just start with the love connection when she does tell Drew about what happened - if she even does to begin with.

Personally when they have the discussion, I think she tells Drew about most of what happened including the fact that she and Jason talked. She could even admit that perhaps she has feelings, and isn't sure what to do moving forward. Then we enter the phase of Drew overtrying for her affection, growing jealous of Jason.

I mean, I just want that discussion but let's face it - Drew's head is going to explode when he finds out his #dream is over and it'll be perfect.

And if those two don't reunite soon enough, let's take bets that she spends quite a bit of time at his new place, getting to know his couch, saying that she needs to either drop or pick up Danny.

I actually see this happening, too, as a reunion doesn't seem immediate with Jason saying, "But no matter what, I know that you love me. Sam, I love you. That's all it is. That's enough." It's like they're both set to wait until they settle what's going on with Franco for Drew, and get his memories back so he has some foundation before they shatter his world. I mean Sam even admits something in relation to this by saying, "I couldn't say anything cause I couldn't hurt him." But how much longer are you going to avoid hurting Drew and give up your own happiness? How much longer are you going to make Jason wait for what he's been longing for?

Then The Previews....

Of course, all of that came out before the previews - which have Drew and Sam more than likely being stopped on the way home by Jim Harvey. Imagine that right? Another reason for this to be dragged out further. Kill me now. 

Let's see - after this discussion, there's probably going to be some reason why it doesn't come out. Porbably Sam will feel bad for Drew's childhood admission, not wanting to shatter his world further, and probably will continue babying him just like she said she originally lied due to his own happiness. Continued sacrifice happens until the disco ball is found. 

It's almost like a responsibility for being a cause of this and guilt make her then say to Drew, "I love him, but I love you, too, and I'm not sure who I love more. But I want to be here for you..." and carry that love forward more, creating further angst?

Then of course, she can go back to Jason and say, "I love you, I want a life with you, but what about Drew? Where does he go from here?" Of course, Jason may say something like, "He can take care of himself.." since he has before, creating Sam to ask, "Are you sure? I mean, maybe we should help him locate his past, or something....." Then it's sets up drama in #jasam looking 4 answers. Sam wants it as therapy for his guilt, and Jason - he will want it to make her feel better, because we've already caught his drift about his brother a couple times.

Future Spoiler

It'll be interesting to see how far it is dragged out, as the spoilers for the coming weeks are interesting. March 19 is spoiled by Sam "making a discovery." Does Sam discover that Peter is indeed Faison's son, or find the disco ball in Peter's office?

Of course then March 20 says "Sam catches a break" followed by Drew's "instincts going into overdrive" the next day. Thinking Sam discovers something in relation with Peter (his connection or the ball), or catches some time with Jason that is uninterrupted once again. Maybe the break could be away from both men, or discovering something with Drew's past. Drew then suspects #jasam connection.

For the record, I'm 100% set on them finding that damn disco ball and implanting those memories back into Drew's head. I've heard enough about it. I'm all for #jasam getting to move on with their lives. I'm ready for their new adventures, raising Danny together, and whatever is in their future. But knowing #GH, they're going to want to drag this out as long as possible so it probably won't be that simple.

Another Spoiler....

So if you've read the magazines, it's revealed that someone else finds out about the Jason love fest before Sam has a chance to tell Drew herself, putting another wrench into something.

Immediately, we all think of Carly because let's face it - Jason tells her practically everything. Now, watch Carly open up about it to the wrong way and boom, here we go. But of course if that happens, Sam will simply say she chooses Drew just to piss Carly off in her ways. 

Really, it'd be interesting if they chose someone other than Carly to get a hold of the information for a change.

....and then comes the other spoiler thought, in people hearing that Elizabeth spills all the beans after she is told the truth.  

Really, Elizabeth's love life is a mess and center of discussion (and rightfully so because it is screwed up). Maybe she says something to try and get everyone off of her back, and maybe with heartbreak for Franco and leaving her, she reverts back to #Lake memories and wants rekindle. Okay, okay, that's just me trying to break up Friz haha But actually, remember how Elizabeth regretted everything about the Drew/Jason situation before? Could that prompt now?

Do I really blame dragging this out further? Nope, because I get where the show is coming from. The writers want to play off both fan bases and the ratings that they believe will come out of it. But as they always say - the relationships that come with the most work are the ones that last the longest on soaps and are worth it in the end. Look at #carson before, and now look at #jasam now.

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