Thursday, April 26, 2018

General Hospital - April 23, 2018 Episode Reflections

"You can't just access a vault in a safe deposit box." "No, but you're going to do it for me." There goes Sam taking charge once again. And oh Jason, so good at taking orders, probably liking that his badass Queen is back.

"Some kind of touch pad and keypad..." "No no no - if you touch that, we are dead." Wanna take bets what they really wanna know is in that box? Glad Jason didn't touch it...  That said, cue how he went into instant protective mode over Sam as soon as Spinelli said that, too.

So there's a photo of Anna in the safe deposit box. If this is Caesar's box, did he leave that for Heinreck to know who mommy is? That said, given Anna's behavior, you'd be hoping that'd set off some alarms for Jason.

Also, the Cassadine family crest is on the safety deposit box. I see Valentine getting discovered asap given what he has shared with Anna.

Nicely done by Sam and Spinelli in covering their tracks. Love the arm-in-arm leaving the office. That was a well executed mission. But I don't know if I would've revealed the contents to Anna and Robert considering the secrets that Anna has and the fact she doesn't want Jason finding Heinreck.

Speaking of Anna, thank you for Robert for finally making Anna crack. It was actually getting a little annoying seeing the same thing over and over and over with Anna's secret. That said, when he commented in saying, "I'll agree to help you - as long as Heinreck never finds out your his mom," I was willing to chuckle. After all, we know how all secrets go....

Fact of the matter, Ava with her stunt for Avery makes her the biggest bitch that we've seen.

"Are you sure this is how you want to handle this?" "I'm protecting the welfare of my child. Aren't you with me on this?" Given her determination, Griffin should be beginning to see what we already know.

Ava knew as soon as she accused Mike that Sonny would do anything to keep daddy out of lock up or jail. She knew it'd get her time with Avery. That's what you call a manipulative bitch, but Griffin is too blind to see that. I mean, you could tell when he said, "You're obviously struggling with this, but I don't see why."

That said, Avery gets the last laugh today with her goodbye for Sonny and Carly. I mean, the look on Ava's face was everything.

So I sort of chuckled when Valentine said, "There's no chance of that. Nina is on to you..." Really, wouldn't that be for Valentine too as it's eventually going to come out that he was involved as well. That said, I'm just going to pretend Nina never did a dinner party because I'm not feeling anything there.

By the way, I'm getting sick of Nelle's repetitive line with "all I want, all I'm trying to do is give our baby the best life they can." But meanwhile I'm spending every waking minute torturing the hell out of Carly.

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