Wednesday, May 2, 2018

General Hospital - April 26, 2018 Episode Reflections

So was pretty good. The #Saxie scenes were everything (as always), and there's more layers added elsewhere.

"We got bumped to an earlier flight." "We?" Let's face it - Alexis half-expected her to go on about Jason. But I love how Sam didn't want to detail too much about the trip to her mom. It's like she's afraid that she'll gush about Jason too much and everybody will know where her heart is headed - even if she's "not ready" yet.

"So it's you....and Jason....." "And Spinelli." Maxie is already putting the pieces together, too.

"People who would never sell out me for their you, and Peter." "Peter? As in Peter August?"  Can we get Sam more suspicious of her employee? It'd go great with Jason's uncertainty so far. I mean, even the small revelation with, "there is clearly more to this Peter August than we thought." It'll be great to see when she learns that she hired the guy who blew her freaking life apart with storing Jason away for five years.

I wanted to smack Maxie when she said, "Yes, I miss the idea of having a best friend." Um hello - you're staring at your best friend right now Maxie. Anybody remember their fun times together? That said, Sam continues on with good advice for her friend in saying, "there's a difference between a screw up and malicious intent" in relation to Lulu. Are you speaking from experience there Sam? I mean, we know you made some mistakes in relation to your love life. That said, for wanting to avoid everything about her and all, Maxie played instant concern in seeing Lulu's foot.

So let's just repeat Sam in saying, "Aurora was Drew's dream - not mine. He wanted that for us together as a family, and clearly we're not there." Now if just trying to find herself, she'd be taking leave of absence. But totally stepping away says something else. And she confirmed that herself by saying, "When I was in Switzerland, I realized I don't want to be in fancy clothes behind a desk. I have a PI and I'm pretty damn good at it. That's what I want to focus on." We all could've seen that as she did a badass job. Hence why she wanted to continue looking into Heinrech.
Sam was also right in saying, "Anything we did take we'll be able to put to good use, and I will be able to sleep at night." Sam having answers about Heinrech and Caesar will make her feel better - because she'll get the answers to the pain that she was put through in having to be apart from Jason.
"I still haven't responded to the last e-mail. There's so much up in the air..." "Maybe a face-to-face meeting is a little too drastic." "Maybe...." It's working right into Peter's favor - sadly.

I roll my eyes in the constant remarks from Lulu, espically to Peter in saying stuff like "he wants the world to know that he was Faison's victim, not his puppet" or "you keep an open mind. You seem to know what drives a man like Heinrech." But for all intense purposes, Peter is playing his cards right with Lulu in relation to Heinrech and what he wants perceived. But is it really going to earn understanding and no bullet later? I don't know about going that far yet until I hear why he kept Jason for five years....

Instead, here we go with Lulu saying, "I just want to keep an open mind. I don't want to say if Heinrech is a villian or a hero - but he's probably like everyone else, somewhere in the middle." I'm also not buying her in saying, "No matter how bad Heinrech is, it isn't his fault. He didn't have a chance." But he did have a chance to reveal the truth and reasons and not play this secret game now, and he didn't do that. So therefore, there's no benefit of doubt in my mind.


Nina is a bit self centered in telling Curtis, "When we have a chance and all this is done, I would love to have a chance to talk about marriage."

That said, I love how Valentine walked up into the conversation and seemed to be getting riled up for no reason here. He may blow his own cover. Even Nina suspected it in saying, "Why are you so interested in protecting Peter over Maxie?"  And for the record, Valentine's deterrents like, "I'm not going to fight you on this. I think you're looking for trouble where this isn't any" aren't going to work.

That said, I hope Curtis and Nina break the request from Valentine in saying, "If Curtis finds out anything that makes Peter whom he doesn't seem, then I want to know about it." We all know he wants to know so he can cover it up. Like Nina said, "I think in this case, the less you know the better...."

So of course Valentine calls Peter and tells him, "You need to call me. You have more trouble than you think you have." But really, I think it's the opposite Valentine as you now have to answer to Robert.

And then you have Nina helping Curtis. If Nina was setting up the office for Curtis to enter, why not just leave the dang door open for Curtis? I admit at first when the door opened, I thought it was Peter about to catch Curtis. But nope, it's Sam instead. Because of course, she had something to take care of - like announcing her Aurora departure. And I'm here for her asking, "Is there something about Peter that we don't know?"


"We did one thing, right?" "We did a lot of things right..." Oh Anna and her regrets.

So the bureau has the box? I would've preferred that to stay in Jason and Spinelli's hands. Spinelli would've found a way into it.

"I wonder who would be able to get into the box." "I would think someone named Cassadine." So how long until Valentine's part is exposed, making sense how he was able to hand that tale over to Anna?

Instead, let's prolong this stuff by saying, "I think the box is for Helena" along with "putting Jason and Drew against each other, that's textbook Helena." Meanwhile, who was supposed to be scarier than Helena and work with her? Valentine. So is Anna only saying that to throw Robert off her trail in going to see Valentine?

But of course, she went to go see Alexis instead. I mean a dummy can see that given how much Valentine knows about Heinrech's birth, and the fact that he's a Cassadine, how does that not spell go see him? #GH

"So she's not worth fighting for?" "Oh she is...." Then fight for her Finn and stop having hunky dorry moments with Alexis.

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