Friday, April 6, 2018

General Hospital - April 4, 2018 Episode Reflections

Nice move by Jason to hold the book hostage and not letting Anna read it until he got the information that he wanted. But oh Anna in reading that quote and saying, "It's a mission statement. He's coming for his mother next." Now, are you still going to do everything to protect him Anna?

So for a guy that says he's done nothing wrong and should be forgiven, Peter seemed pretty worried in asking Griffin, "Are you going to keep my secret, or sign my death warrant?" Why are you so worried, Peter? I thought you said your actions were excusable given the circumstances and whatever things you said yesterday. Getting cold feet? Realizing whatever plan you had is screwing up?

"Come clean about who you are." "That's suicide." "It's the only way to maintain the relationships. [....] Your father killed her husband, which is your brother. If Maxie finds out you've known all along...." Great advice from Griffin. Hopefully it means the truth comes out.

I was hopeful when Ava got her hands on the envelope, too, by the way. Too bad Griffin removed the names but having her suspicious about a connection between two people? Hopefully classic Ava comes out.

For the record, I actually wish that Ava would've continued going on about Morgan in front of Nelle. Maybe it'd make her realize the hole that she's slowly digging herself piece by piece with this plan. But oh Ava in saying, "You need to make sure that Michael isn't going to take his mother's side." Meanwhile, Nelle is making the space between them further and further apart.

Ava was also right in saying, "Your actions may have unintended consequences." I can see that for Nelle especially considering messing with Morgan will go beyond just Carly.

On a Michael note, that kid has to have the kindest heart ever. The way he handled the Mike and Sonny situation was just pure gold. And for the record, yes, Mike did a good number on my heart today once again.

Now I hope speeding through Mike's symptoms doesn't cause the story to fade quickly because it's one of their best lately and I'd like to see it go on for awhile. But knowing General Hospital writers, we'll speed through this and get stuck with Franco's stupid memories for months and months and months all because Frank wants his pet to be perfect. I don't care what happened to Franco in his past - he isn't getting any sympathy for his years of driving people insane.

Speak of the devil, oh Franco in saying that he can't see Jim "step foot in this town again."  Franco, you've been a villain yourself. You should know that he won't just disappear.

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General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

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