Friday, May 11, 2018

General Hospital - May 11, 2018 Episode Reflections

So when they were going to dig up a body, I thought well okay there will be a little digging to do. But six feet of digging? Oh lawdy. Maybe that's why Mike and Milo backed out of helping - but more on that later. That said, if you're doing that much work, you'd be a lot of cooler if you took off the layers of clothes you're wearing while digging that six feet.

"I don't want you to feel like you trapped me...."  "You didn't trap me, I chose my life." "I just want you to know - I'm not taking this for granted."  "Look man, you, Carly, Michael, you're my family. So we're good."     Storyline may be dumb, but this is gold.

So it's a surprise to hear they're looking for a body. Wouldn't the body decay away after all this time? Wait - let's remember science. There'd bones at least. Jason, are you sure you're not missing those with no light there?  Regardless, who wants to dig that far down and get nothing?

Jason saying, "I think the body and gun have already been moved" does send a bit of a chill. We all know what means - somebody could be on the trail, or somebody may have found it and gone to commit their own crime.

By the way, I thought Max was supposed to go do with Milo as mentioned when the whole storyline started. Anything to keep Jason away from Carly and solving the #duh situation of the day, right?

Instead, Carly is stuck at this baby shower surrounded by nobody who is really on her side, except for Bobbie. Even Carly asked this question in saying, "I'm sorry but is my mother the only one in here that sees Nelle for the snake that she is?" But let's wait - she can say that, but yet you can't suspect her of haunting you? This is getting old real fast as I can make pages and pages of entries on STUPID LINES.

Oh wait, here we go again with another as Olivia even now goes, "After the crap that the two of you have pulled, Carly has a right to be skeptical."

With all these comments, I was surprised when Bobby said, "You can't go into gun's blazing all the time." When dealing with a witch like Nelle, oh yes you do because she'll snatch any opportunity she wants. But then I rolled my eyes more when Nelle said, "Please let me make things right." Sorry but that's impossible considering everything that you've done.

Now what followed was pure beautiful. That was well-played. That was just beautiful. Excuse me while I sit here praising Carly, smiling, and loving it. She told Nelle the full truth and nothing but the truth. Well, except for not adding that she's responsible for the haunting that we've dealt with.

But of course, that doesn't even work with this room of people - most surprising Carly's own daughter Jocelyn who says, "I get that it's insensitive that she kept bringing up Morgan. She's insecure and she tries too hard." Oh, and then has the balls to go ahead and add, "In case you forgot, she's the reason that I am alive."  Can someone smack some sense and take off the rose colored glasses that Jocelyn is wearing? Because I guess it was okay for Nelle to poison and blackmail her step-father. I also guess it was okay for Nelle to continue taunting Carly time and time again.

"We're going to call a truce." "Really, Carly? And how do you propose we do that?" How about we start off with you revealing that you've been haunting her for months since the writers took away her instincts and chased Jason out of town so he couldn't solve it.

Praise the Soap Gods today because FINALLY we heard the words we've been for in, "It's you, all of it. The weird phone calls, my mom's house, you smashed the photo, you put the note on my car, and you sent me to Morgan's grave." And finally Carly sees "you for who you are" and despite underestimating you (how?), "it's over." I also chuckled when Carly added, "It'll be a cold day in hell before I need you." That conversation with Carly and Nelle has been months, weeks in the making. Now I feel like we're getting somewhere as both know where the other stand.

Or I thought..... as next thing you have Nelle tumbling down the stairs. So Nelle did that herself, but of course she'll blame Carly and of course Carly will be locked away and of course. Let's just hope Michael believes Carly or else that boy deserves a slap up side the head with another lecture from Jason like years ago.

For once, this is actually a job well done with this storyline as it's actually an interesting twist. Nice job, General Hospital - finally. Great ending as that was actually the perfect set-up on all accounts. And for the record, I wouldn't mind Nelle losing the baby. That'd break her and Michael connection.

So when Peter said, "You said it would be better if I left Aurora. I want to hear why," I started rubbing my hands together. It was also nice how he tried to talk his ass out of that by replying, "I didn't mean to imply that Aurora would be better off without you." But I want you gone so I can keep my secret and I'm worried that you're sniffing too close by being in the same offices, despite being a pompous ass.

You have to hand it to Peter in trying to play her weakness of Drew in saying, "In my honest opinion, Drew is more invested in Aurora. He may make a bad judgement. It's in Drew's best interest for you to walk away." But let's remember - he's forgetting this is Sam McCall, not Cain speaking before you. Besides, saying that Drew "may make a bad judgement," he's already made a bunch anyway. From his comments and hatred towards Jason for whatever reason, to suffocating Sam for months, and ignoring the search for memories till now.

I love how he adds, "better for the company to move forward with one CEO rather than stuck between a tug of war of two." Can't people understand that people can be civilized despite a divorce? Wait.... civilized divorce and Drew's temper don't go well in the same thought. Maybe Peter has a thought that we should consider despite his own intentions as Drew may explode as we go forward here. 

I love how Peter is thinking he can easily play Sam with all of this bullshit, too. But hey, you gotta remember - Peter only knows the Sam that graced him with Drew, and we know that she wasn't herself during that time. Boy needs to do more research, just like he did on Nathan for whatever creepy reason. 

That said, it's easy to see with this dialogue that Sam is ready to stick on investigating. The best part is even Curtis is still suspicious and wanting to do "some extra digging."

"I don't know what he's selling, but she's buying wholesale." "If she stays quiet, he'll think he's in the clear." "But you think he's not?" Great job trusting your instincts, Sam and Curtis.

That said, my opinion on Peter hasn't changed and that goes with the tone of his response to Anna's e-mail in saying, "I can hear the excuses already, mother...."

So of course Anna would get her hands on the e-mail, and contact Heinreck directly himself. And of course, she won't say a word about this probably to Jason - once again breaking that trust barrier a second time, despite expecting him to tell her everything constantly. I hope Jason cuts contact in response, or demands answers. 

I mean, she should really mention the Valentine conversation but that should be addressed when you have someone saying, "I agree with Robert. You should focus on the child that you have, not the child you don't." Given the dynamic of Anna and Valentine together, it's like she's getting closer to nagging his ass for taking away her baby purposely. But yet still scared to say it due to their awkward connection. I also think Anna just threw herself under the bus in saying not to trust Valentine in her e-mail to Peter. 

Meanwhile, Peter begins to dig himself deeper in inviting Maxie to "go together" to the Nurse's Ball.

By the way, I was taken back by Sam when she asked Maxie, "Would you please be my date for the Nurse's Ball?" Um hello, you have a very charming individual whom you've kissed and said you love in recent time that you should ask. Like hello Jason. He don't like big events, but he'd do it for you.

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General Hospital - July 6-10, 2018 Episode Reflections

So is it a surprise that Nelle isn't believing a drop of how Michael left there to go see Jordan and Chase? She knows to always be suspi...